Aspect-based Sentiment Classification

This is the tutorials of using PyABSA for aspect sentiment classification Drafted for v2.0 and higher versions. Note there are many breaking changes in v2.0, so you do not need to upgrade to v2.0 and higher versions if you are using code, API, checkpoints, datasets or anything from v1.0. Let’s begin the introduction.

!pip install pyabsa -U
from pyabsa import AspectPolarityClassification as APC
Requirement already satisfied: pyabsa in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (2.1.6)
Requirement already satisfied: networkx in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: autocuda>=0.16 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (0.16)
Requirement already satisfied: protobuf<4.0.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (3.20.0)
Requirement already satisfied: boostaug>=2.3.5 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (2.3.5)
Requirement already satisfied: pytorch-warmup in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (0.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: termcolor in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (2.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (4.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (3.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: seqeval in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (1.2.2)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (4.64.1)
Requirement already satisfied: gitpython in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (3.1.27)
Requirement already satisfied: metric-visualizer>=0.9.6 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (0.9.6)
Requirement already satisfied: transformers>=4.18.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (4.25.1)
Requirement already satisfied: update-checker in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (0.18.0)
Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.0.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (1.13.1)
Requirement already satisfied: sentencepiece in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (0.1.97)
Requirement already satisfied: findfile>=2.0.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (2.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pyabsa) (1.5.3)
Requirement already satisfied: natsort in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (8.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: openpyxl in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (3.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: tikzplotlib in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (0.10.1)
Requirement already satisfied: click in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (8.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (1.10.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (1.23.3)
Requirement already satisfied: tabulate in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (0.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib>=3.6.3 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (3.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: xlsxwriter in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (3.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.10.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (0.12.0)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (2.28.2)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers!=0.11.3,<0.14,>=0.11.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (0.12.1)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (3.9.0)
Requirement already satisfied: regex!=2019.12.17 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (2022.10.31)
Requirement already satisfied: colorama in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from tqdm->pyabsa) (0.4.6)
Requirement already satisfied: gitdb<5,>=4.0.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from gitpython->pyabsa) (4.0.10)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas->pyabsa) (2022.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from pandas->pyabsa) (2.8.2)
Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn>=0.21.3 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from seqeval->pyabsa) (1.2.1)
Requirement already satisfied: preshed<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (3.0.8)
Requirement already satisfied: thinc<8.2.0,>=8.1.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (8.1.7)
Requirement already satisfied: jinja2 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (3.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: cymem<2.1.0,>=2.0.2 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (2.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: smart-open<7.0.0,>=5.2.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (6.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: catalogue<2.1.0,>=2.0.6 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (2.0.8)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-legacy<3.1.0,>=3.0.11 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (3.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (65.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typer<0.8.0,>=0.3.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (0.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: srsly<3.0.0,>=2.4.3 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (2.4.5)
Requirement already satisfied: murmurhash<1.1.0,>=0.28.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (1.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: langcodes<4.0.0,>=3.2.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (3.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wasabi<1.2.0,>=0.9.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (1.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pathy>=0.10.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (0.10.1)
Requirement already satisfied: spacy-loggers<2.0.0,>=1.0.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (1.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pydantic!=1.8,!=1.8.1,<1.11.0,>=1.7.4 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from spacy->pyabsa) (1.10.4)
Requirement already satisfied: smmap<6,>=3.0.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from gitdb<5,>=4.0.1->gitpython->pyabsa) (5.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.6.3->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (1.4.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.6.3->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (9.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.3.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.6.3->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (3.0.9)
Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.6.3->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (4.38.0)
Requirement already satisfied: contourpy>=1.0.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.6.3->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (1.0.7)
Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from matplotlib>=3.6.3->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (0.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.8.1->pandas->pyabsa) (1.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (2022.12.7)
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (2.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from requests->transformers>=4.18.0->pyabsa) (1.26.13)
Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn>=0.21.3->seqeval->pyabsa) (3.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=1.1.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from scikit-learn>=0.21.3->seqeval->pyabsa) (1.2.0)
Requirement already satisfied: confection<1.0.0,>=0.0.1 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from thinc<8.2.0,>=8.1.0->spacy->pyabsa) (0.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: blis<0.8.0,>=0.7.8 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from thinc<8.2.0,>=8.1.0->spacy->pyabsa) (0.7.9)
Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe>=2.0 in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from jinja2->spacy->pyabsa) (2.1.2)
Requirement already satisfied: et-xmlfile in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from openpyxl->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (1.1.0)
Requirement already satisfied: webcolors in c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages (from tikzplotlib->metric-visualizer>=0.9.6->pyabsa) (1.12)
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -rotobuf (c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages)
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -rotobuf (c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages)
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -rotobuf (c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages)
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -rotobuf (c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages)
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -rotobuf (c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages)
WARNING: Ignoring invalid distribution -rotobuf (c:\users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages)
C:\Users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\tensorboard\ DeprecationWarning: distutils Version classes are deprecated. Use packaging.version instead.
  if not hasattr(tensorboard, "__version__") or LooseVersion(
[2023-03-12 17:47:05] (2.1.6) PyABSA(2.1.6):
[New Feature] Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction from v2.1.0 test version (

If you find any problems, please report them on GitHub. Thanks!
The v2.x versions are not compatible with Google Colab. Please downgrade to 1.16.27.

C:\Users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\multiprocessing\ ResourceWarning: unclosed running multiprocessing pool <multiprocessing.pool.Pool state=RUN pool_size=1>
  _warn(f"unclosed running multiprocessing pool {self!r}",
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback


There are three types of APC models for aspect sentiment classification: 1. LCF-based APC models, there models are available at APCModelList. These models are proposed by the authors. 2. GloVe or Word2Vec based embedding-based model, they are called GloVeAPCModelList 3. BERT-adapted models, which replace GloVe or Word2Vec embedding with Pretrained models, a.k.a, BERTAPCModelList Notice: when you select to use a model, please make sure to carefully manage the configurations, e.g., for glove-based models, you need to set hidden dim and embed_dim manually. We already provide some pre-defined configurations. Refer to the source code if you have any question e.g.,

# config = APC.APCConfigManager.get_apc_config_glove()  # get pre-defined configuration for GloVe model, the default embed_dim=300
# config = APC.APCConfigManager.get_apc_config_multilingual()  # this config contains 'pretrained_bert', it is based on pretrained models
config = APC.APCConfigManager.get_apc_config_english()


There are the datasets from publication or third-party contribution. There dataset can be downloaded and processed automatically. In pyabsa, you can pass a set of datasets to train a model. e.g., for using integrated datasets:

from pyabsa import DatasetItem

dataset = APC.APCDatasetList.Laptop14
# now the dataset is a DatasetItem object, which has a name and a list of subdatasets
# e.g., SemEval dataset contains Laptop14, Restaurant14, Restaurant16 datasets

You can use your own dataset provided that it is formatted according to ABSADatasets

# Put your dataset into integrated_datasets folder, it this folder does not exist, you need to call:
from pyabsa import download_all_available_datasets

[2023-03-12 17:47:05] (2.1.6) Clone ABSADatasets from

to pass datasets to PyABSA trainers, you can

my_dataset = DatasetItem("my_dataset", ["my_dataset1", "my_dataset2"])
# my_dataset1 and my_dataset2 are the dataset folders. In there folders, the train dataset is necessary


Let’s prepare to train

from pyabsa import ModelSaveOption, DeviceTypeOption

config.num_epoch = 1
config.model = APC.APCModelList.FAST_LSA_T_V2
trainer = APC.APCTrainer(
    # if you want to resume training from our pretrained checkpoints, you can pass the checkpoint name here
    path_to_save=None,  # set a path to save checkpoints, if it is None, save checkpoints at 'checkpoints' folder
    # there are some augmentation dataset for integrated datasets, you use them by setting load_aug=True to improve performance
[2023-03-12 17:47:13] (2.1.6) Set Model Device: cuda:0
[2023-03-12 17:47:13] (2.1.6) Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
2023-03-12 17:47:14,353 INFO: PyABSA version: 2.1.6
2023-03-12 17:47:14,354 INFO: Transformers version: 4.25.1
2023-03-12 17:47:14,354 INFO: Torch version: 1.13.1+cuda11.7
2023-03-12 17:47:14,355 INFO: Device: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
2023-03-12 17:47:14,359 INFO: Searching dataset 113.Laptop14 in local disk
2023-03-12 17:47:14,442 INFO: You can set load_aug=True in a trainer to augment your dataset (English only yet) and improve performance.
2023-03-12 17:47:14,443 INFO: Please use a new folder to perform new text augment if the former augment in integrated_datasets\apc_datasets\110.SemEval\113.laptop14 errored unexpectedly
C:\Users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\transformers\ UserWarning: The sentencepiece tokenizer that you are converting to a fast tokenizer uses the byte fallback option which is not implemented in the fast tokenizers. In practice this means that the fast version of the tokenizer can produce unknown tokens whereas the sentencepiece version would have converted these unknown tokens into a sequence of byte tokens matching the original piece of text.
Some weights of the model checkpoint at yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1 were not used when initializing DebertaV2Model: ['classifier.bias', 'classifier.weight', 'pooler.dense.bias', 'pooler.dense.weight']
- This IS expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
2023-03-12 17:47:17,515 INFO: Load dataset from integrated_datasets\apc_datasets\110.SemEval\113.laptop14\Laptops_Train.xml.seg
preparing dataloader: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 2328/2328 [00:01<00:00, 2053.55it/s]
2023-03-12 17:47:18,661 INFO: Dataset Label Details: {'Neutral': 464, 'Negative': 870, 'Positive': 994, 'Sum': 2328}

2023-03-12 17:47:19,452 INFO: train data examples:
 [{'ex_id': tensor(0), 'text_raw': 'I charge it at night and skip taking the cord with me because of the good battery life .', 'text_spc': '[CLS] I charge it at night and skip taking the cord with me because of the good battery life . [SEP] cord [SEP]', 'aspect': 'cord', 'aspect_position': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'lca_ids': tensor([0.6667, 0.7143, 0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9524, 0.9048, 0.8571, 0.8095,
        0.7619, 0.7143, 0.6667, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_vec': tensor(0), 'lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([0.6667, 0.7143, 0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9524, 0.9048, 0.8571, 0.8095,
        0.7619, 0.7143, 0.6667, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'lcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdw_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdm_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcf_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'depend_vec': tensor(0), 'depended_vec': tensor(0), 'spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'text_indices': tensor([   1,  273, 1541,  278,  288,  661,  263, 7637,  787,  262, 7443,  275,
         351,  401,  265,  262,  397, 2643,  432,  323,    2, 7443,    2,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'aspect_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'text_raw_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'polarity': tensor(1), 'cluster_ids': tensor([-100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,    1, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100]), 'side_ex_ids': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'left_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'left_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([0.6667, 0.7143, 0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9524, 0.9048, 0.8571, 0.8095,
        0.7619, 0.7143, 0.6667, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'left_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'left_text_indices': tensor([   1,  273, 1541,  278,  288,  661,  263, 7637,  787,  262, 7443,  275,
         351,  401,  265,  262,  397, 2643,  432,  323,    2, 7443,    2,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'left_dist': tensor(0), 'right_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'right_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([0.3333, 0.3810, 0.4286, 0.4762, 0.5238, 0.5714, 0.6190, 0.6667, 0.7143,
        0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'right_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'right_text_indices': tensor([   1,  273, 1541,  278,  288,  661,  263, 7637,  787,  262, 7443,  275,
         351,  401,  265,  262,  397, 2643,  432,  323,    2, 2643,  432,    2,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'right_dist': tensor(7)}, {'ex_id': tensor(1), 'text_raw': 'I charge it at night and skip taking the cord with me because of the good battery life .', 'text_spc': '[CLS] I charge it at night and skip taking the cord with me because of the good battery life . [SEP] battery life [SEP]', 'aspect': 'battery life', 'aspect_position': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'lca_ids': tensor([0.3333, 0.3810, 0.4286, 0.4762, 0.5238, 0.5714, 0.6190, 0.6667, 0.7143,
        0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_vec': tensor(0), 'lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([0.3333, 0.3810, 0.4286, 0.4762, 0.5238, 0.5714, 0.6190, 0.6667, 0.7143,
        0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'lcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdw_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdm_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcf_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'depend_vec': tensor(0), 'depended_vec': tensor(0), 'spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'text_indices': tensor([   1,  273, 1541,  278,  288,  661,  263, 7637,  787,  262, 7443,  275,
         351,  401,  265,  262,  397, 2643,  432,  323,    2, 2643,  432,    2,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'aspect_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'text_raw_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'polarity': tensor(2), 'cluster_ids': tensor([-100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,    2,    2, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100]), 'side_ex_ids': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'left_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'left_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([0.6667, 0.7143, 0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9524, 0.9048, 0.8571, 0.8095,
        0.7619, 0.7143, 0.6667, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'left_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'left_text_indices': tensor([   1,  273, 1541,  278,  288,  661,  263, 7637,  787,  262, 7443,  275,
         351,  401,  265,  262,  397, 2643,  432,  323,    2, 7443,    2,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'left_dist': tensor(7), 'right_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'right_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([0.3333, 0.3810, 0.4286, 0.4762, 0.5238, 0.5714, 0.6190, 0.6667, 0.7143,
        0.7619, 0.8095, 0.8571, 0.9048, 0.9524, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000,
        1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'right_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'right_text_indices': tensor([   1,  273, 1541,  278,  288,  661,  263, 7637,  787,  262, 7443,  275,
         351,  401,  265,  262,  397, 2643,  432,  323,    2, 2643,  432,    2,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'right_dist': tensor(0)}]
2023-03-12 17:47:19,926 INFO: Load dataset from integrated_datasets\apc_datasets\110.SemEval\113.laptop14\Laptops_Test_Gold.xml.seg
preparing dataloader: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 638/638 [00:00<00:00, 2178.22it/s]
2023-03-12 17:47:20,226 INFO: Dataset Label Details: {'Neutral': 169, 'Negative': 128, 'Positive': 341, 'Sum': 638}

2023-03-12 17:47:20,415 INFO: test data examples:
 [{'ex_id': tensor(0), 'text_raw': ' Boot time is super fast , around anywhere from 35 seconds to 1 minute .', 'text_spc': '[CLS]  Boot time is super fast , around anywhere from 35 seconds to 1 minute . [SEP] Boot time [SEP]', 'aspect': 'Boot time', 'aspect_position': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'lca_ids': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9412, 0.8824, 0.8235,
        0.7647, 0.7059, 0.6471, 0.5882, 0.5294, 0.4706, 0.4118, 0.3529, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_vec': tensor(0), 'lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9412, 0.8824, 0.8235,
        0.7647, 0.7059, 0.6471, 0.5882, 0.5294, 0.4706, 0.4118, 0.3529, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'lcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdw_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdm_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcf_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'depend_vec': tensor(0), 'depended_vec': tensor(0), 'spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'text_indices': tensor([    1, 15798,   326,   269,  1850,  1274,   366,   441,  2619,   292,
         2453,  2490,   264,   376,  2092,   323,     2, 15798,   326,     2,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0]), 'aspect_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'text_raw_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'polarity': tensor(2), 'cluster_ids': tensor([-100,    2,    2, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100]), 'side_ex_ids': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'left_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'left_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9412, 0.8824, 0.8235,
        0.7647, 0.7059, 0.6471, 0.5882, 0.5294, 0.4706, 0.4118, 0.3529, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'left_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'left_text_indices': tensor([    1, 15798,   326,   269,  1850,  1274,   366,   441,  2619,   292,
         2453,  2490,   264,   376,  2092,   323,     2, 15798,   326,     2,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0]), 'left_dist': tensor(0), 'right_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'right_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9412, 0.8824, 0.8235,
        0.7647, 0.7059, 0.6471, 0.5882, 0.5294, 0.4706, 0.4118, 0.3529, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'right_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'right_text_indices': tensor([    1, 15798,   326,   269,  1850,  1274,   366,   441,  2619,   292,
         2453,  2490,   264,   376,  2092,   323,     2, 15798,   326,     2,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
            0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0]), 'right_dist': tensor(0)}, {'ex_id': tensor(1), 'text_raw': ' tech support would not fix the problem unless I bought your plan for $ 150 plus .', 'text_spc': '[CLS]  tech support would not fix the problem unless I bought your plan for $ 150 plus . [SEP] tech support [SEP]', 'aspect': 'tech support', 'aspect_position': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'lca_ids': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9474, 0.8947, 0.8421,
        0.7895, 0.7368, 0.6842, 0.6316, 0.5789, 0.5263, 0.4737, 0.4211, 0.3684,
        0.3158, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_vec': tensor(0), 'lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9474, 0.8947, 0.8421,
        0.7895, 0.7368, 0.6842, 0.6316, 0.5789, 0.5263, 0.4737, 0.4211, 0.3684,
        0.3158, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'lcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdw_vec': tensor(0), 'lcfs_cdm_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcf_vec': tensor(0), 'dlcfs_vec': tensor(0), 'depend_vec': tensor(0), 'depended_vec': tensor(0), 'spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'text_indices': tensor([   1, 3539,  523,  338,  298, 2760,  262,  735, 2336,  273, 2031,  290,
         741,  270,  419, 3732, 1783,  323,    2, 3539,  523,    2,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'aspect_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'text_raw_bert_indices': tensor(0), 'polarity': tensor(0), 'cluster_ids': tensor([-100,    0,    0, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100,
        -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100]), 'side_ex_ids': tensor(0, dtype=torch.int32), 'left_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'left_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9474, 0.8947, 0.8421,
        0.7895, 0.7368, 0.6842, 0.6316, 0.5789, 0.5263, 0.4737, 0.4211, 0.3684,
        0.3158, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'left_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'left_text_indices': tensor([   1, 3539,  523,  338,  298, 2760,  262,  735, 2336,  273, 2031,  290,
         741,  270,  419, 3732, 1783,  323,    2, 3539,  523,    2,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'left_dist': tensor(0), 'right_lcf_cdm_vec': tensor([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 'right_lcf_cdw_vec': tensor([1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000, 0.9474, 0.8947, 0.8421,
        0.7895, 0.7368, 0.6842, 0.6316, 0.5789, 0.5263, 0.4737, 0.4211, 0.3684,
        0.3158, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000,
        0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000]), 'right_spc_mask_vec': tensor([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.,
        1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]), 'right_text_indices': tensor([   1, 3539,  523,  338,  298, 2760,  262,  735, 2336,  273, 2031,  290,
         741,  270,  419, 3732, 1783,  323,    2, 3539,  523,    2,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,
           0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0,    0]), 'right_dist': tensor(0)}]
2023-03-12 17:47:20,416 INFO: valid data examples:
[2023-03-12 17:47:20] (2.1.6) Caching dataset... please remove cached dataset if any problem happens.
2023-03-12 17:47:24,696 INFO: cuda memory allocated:790929920
2023-03-12 17:47:24,700 INFO: Model Architecture:
  (models): ModuleList(
    (0): FAST_LSA_T_V2(
      (bert4global): DebertaV2Model(
        (embeddings): DebertaV2Embeddings(
          (word_embeddings): Embedding(128100, 768, padding_idx=0)
          (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
          (dropout): StableDropout()
        (encoder): DebertaV2Encoder(
          (layer): ModuleList(
            (0): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (1): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (2): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (3): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (4): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (5): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (6): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (7): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (8): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (9): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (10): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
            (11): DebertaV2Layer(
              (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
                (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
                  (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
                (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
                  (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                  (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                  (dropout): StableDropout()
              (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
                (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
              (output): DebertaV2Output(
                (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
                (dropout): StableDropout()
          (rel_embeddings): Embedding(512, 768)
          (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
      (dropout): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
      (post_encoder): Encoder(
        (encoder): ModuleList(
          (0): SelfAttention(
            (SA): BertSelfAttention(
              (query): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
        (tanh): Tanh()
      (post_encoder_): Encoder(
        (encoder): ModuleList(
          (0): SelfAttention(
            (SA): BertSelfAttention(
              (query): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
        (tanh): Tanh()
      (bert_pooler): BertPooler(
        (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
        (activation): Tanh()
      (CDW_LSA): LSA(
        (encoder): Encoder(
          (encoder): ModuleList(
            (0): SelfAttention(
              (SA): BertSelfAttention(
                (query): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (key): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (value): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
          (tanh): Tanh()
        (encoder_left): Encoder(
          (encoder): ModuleList(
            (0): SelfAttention(
              (SA): BertSelfAttention(
                (query): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (key): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (value): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
          (tanh): Tanh()
        (encoder_right): Encoder(
          (encoder): ModuleList(
            (0): SelfAttention(
              (SA): BertSelfAttention(
                (query): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (key): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (value): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
                (dropout): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
          (tanh): Tanh()
        (linear_window_3h): Linear(in_features=2304, out_features=768, bias=True)
        (linear_window_2h): Linear(in_features=1536, out_features=768, bias=True)
      (post_linear): Linear(in_features=1536, out_features=768, bias=True)
      (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3, bias=True)
  (bert): DebertaV2Model(
    (embeddings): DebertaV2Embeddings(
      (word_embeddings): Embedding(128100, 768, padding_idx=0)
      (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
      (dropout): StableDropout()
    (encoder): DebertaV2Encoder(
      (layer): ModuleList(
        (0): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (1): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (2): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (3): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (4): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (5): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (6): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (7): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (8): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (9): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (10): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
        (11): DebertaV2Layer(
          (attention): DebertaV2Attention(
            (self): DisentangledSelfAttention(
              (query_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (key_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (value_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (pos_dropout): StableDropout()
              (dropout): StableDropout()
            (output): DebertaV2SelfOutput(
              (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=True)
              (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
              (dropout): StableDropout()
          (intermediate): DebertaV2Intermediate(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=True)
            (intermediate_act_fn): GELUActivation()
          (output): DebertaV2Output(
            (dense): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=True)
            (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
            (dropout): StableDropout()
      (rel_embeddings): Embedding(512, 768)
      (LayerNorm): LayerNorm((768,), eps=1e-07, elementwise_affine=True)
  (dense): Linear(in_features=3, out_features=3, bias=True)
2023-03-12 17:47:24,700 INFO: ABSADatasetsVersion:None  -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,701 INFO: MV:<metric_visualizer.metric_visualizer.MetricVisualizer object at 0x0000012540C85C00>      -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,701 INFO: PyABSAVersion:2.1.6       -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,702 INFO: SRD:3     -->  Calling Count:5932
2023-03-12 17:47:24,703 INFO: TorchVersion:1.13.1+cuda11.7      -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,703 INFO: TransformersVersion:4.25.1        -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,703 INFO: auto_device:True  -->  Calling Count:3
2023-03-12 17:47:24,705 INFO: batch_size:16     -->  Calling Count:2
2023-03-12 17:47:24,705 INFO: cache_dataset:True        -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,706 INFO: checkpoint_save_mode:1    -->  Calling Count:4
2023-03-12 17:47:24,706 INFO: cross_validate_fold:-1    -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,707 INFO: dataset_file:{'train': ['integrated_datasets\\apc_datasets\\110.SemEval\\113.laptop14\\Laptops_Train.xml.seg'], 'test': ['integrated_datasets\\apc_datasets\\110.SemEval\\113.laptop14\\Laptops_Test_Gold.xml.seg'], 'valid': []} -->  Calling Count:15
2023-03-12 17:47:24,707 INFO: dataset_name:Laptop14     -->  Calling Count:3
2023-03-12 17:47:24,708 INFO: dca_layer:3       -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,708 INFO: dca_p:1   -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,709 INFO: deep_ensemble:False       -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,709 INFO: device:cuda:0     -->  Calling Count:4
2023-03-12 17:47:24,710 INFO: device_name:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060       -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,710 INFO: dlcf_a:2  -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,711 INFO: dropout:0.5       -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,711 INFO: dynamic_truncate:True     -->  Calling Count:5932
2023-03-12 17:47:24,712 INFO: embed_dim:768     -->  Calling Count:7
2023-03-12 17:47:24,712 INFO: eta:1     -->  Calling Count:2
2023-03-12 17:47:24,713 INFO: eta_lr:0.1        -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,713 INFO: evaluate_begin:0  -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,714 INFO: from_checkpoint:english   -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,714 INFO: hidden_dim:768    -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,715 INFO: index_to_label:{0: 'Negative', 1: 'Neutral', 2: 'Positive'}       -->  Calling Count:2
2023-03-12 17:47:24,715 INFO: inference_model:None      -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,716 INFO: initializer:xavier_uniform_       -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,717 INFO: inputs_cols:['lcf_cdm_vec', 'lcf_cdw_vec', 'left_lcf_cdm_vec', 'left_lcf_cdw_vec', 'right_lcf_cdm_vec', 'right_lcf_cdw_vec', 'spc_mask_vec', 'text_indices']      -->  Calling Count:44495
2023-03-12 17:47:24,717 INFO: l2reg:1e-06       -->  Calling Count:2
2023-03-12 17:47:24,718 INFO: label_to_index:{'Negative': 0, 'Neutral': 1, 'Positive': 2}       -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,718 INFO: lcf:cdw   -->  Calling Count:3
2023-03-12 17:47:24,719 INFO: learning_rate:2e-05       -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,719 INFO: load_aug:False    -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,720 INFO: log_step:5        -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,720 INFO: logger:<Logger fast_lsa_t_v2 (INFO)>        -->  Calling Count:14
2023-03-12 17:47:24,721 INFO: lsa:False -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,721 INFO: max_seq_len:80    -->  Calling Count:35592
2023-03-12 17:47:24,722 INFO: model:<class 'pyabsa.tasks.AspectPolarityClassification.models.__lcf__.fast_lsa_t_v2.FAST_LSA_T_V2'>        -->  Calling Count:6
2023-03-12 17:47:24,722 INFO: model_name:fast_lsa_t_v2  -->  Calling Count:5934
2023-03-12 17:47:24,723 INFO: model_path_to_save:checkpoints    -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,723 INFO: num_epoch:1       -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,724 INFO: optimizer:adamw   -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,724 INFO: output_dim:3      -->  Calling Count:3
2023-03-12 17:47:24,725 INFO: overwrite_cache:False     -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,725 INFO: path_to_save:None -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,725 INFO: patience:99999    -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,726 INFO: pretrained_bert:yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1        -->  Calling Count:5
2023-03-12 17:47:24,726 INFO: save_mode:1       -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,727 INFO: seed:52   -->  Calling Count:7
2023-03-12 17:47:24,727 INFO: sigma:0.3 -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,728 INFO: similarity_threshold:1    -->  Calling Count:2
2023-03-12 17:47:24,729 INFO: spacy_model:en_core_web_sm        -->  Calling Count:3
2023-03-12 17:47:24,729 INFO: srd_alignment:True        -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,730 INFO: task_code:APC     -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,730 INFO: task_name:Aspect-based Sentiment Classification   -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,731 INFO: tokenizer:PreTrainedTokenizerFast(name_or_path='yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1', vocab_size=128000, model_max_len=1000000000000000019884624838656, is_fast=True, padding_side='right', truncation_side='right', special_tokens={'bos_token': '[CLS]', 'eos_token': '[SEP]', 'unk_token': '[UNK]', 'sep_token': '[SEP]', 'pad_token': '[PAD]', 'cls_token': '[CLS]', 'mask_token': '[MASK]'})  -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,731 INFO: use_amp:False     -->  Calling Count:1
2023-03-12 17:47:24,732 INFO: use_bert_spc:True -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,732 INFO: use_syntax_based_SRD:False        -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,733 INFO: warmup_step:-1    -->  Calling Count:0
2023-03-12 17:47:24,733 INFO: window:lr -->  Calling Count:0
[2023-03-12 17:47:25] (2.1.6) ********** Available APC model checkpoints for Version:2.1.6 (this version) **********
[2023-03-12 17:47:25] (2.1.6) Downloading checkpoint:english 
[2023-03-12 17:47:25] (2.1.6) Notice: The pretrained model are used for testing, it is recommended to train the model on your own custom datasets
Downloading checkpoint: 602MB [00:41, 14.58MB/s]
Find zipped checkpoint: ./checkpoints\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\, unzipping

[2023-03-12 17:48:11] (2.1.6) If the auto-downloading failed, please download it via browser: 
2023-03-12 17:48:11,764 INFO: Checkpoint downloaded at: checkpoints\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\fast_lsa_t_v2_English_acc_82.21_f1_81.81
C:\Users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\pyabsa\framework\instructor_class\ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedReader name='checkpoints\\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\\fast_lsa_t_v2_English_acc_82.21_f1_81.81\\fast_lsa_t_v2.config'>
  config = pickle.load(open(config_path[0], "rb"))
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback
2023-03-12 17:48:13,960 INFO: Resume trainer from Checkpoint: checkpoints\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\fast_lsa_t_v2_English_acc_82.21_f1_81.81!
2023-03-12 17:48:13,963 INFO: ***** Running training for Aspect-based Sentiment Classification *****
2023-03-12 17:48:13,964 INFO: Training set examples = 2328
2023-03-12 17:48:13,964 INFO: Test set examples = 638
2023-03-12 17:48:13,964 INFO: Total params = 197414417, Trainable params = 197414417, Non-trainable params = 0
2023-03-12 17:48:13,965 INFO: Batch size = 16
2023-03-12 17:48:13,965 INFO: Num steps = 9
Epoch:0 | Loss:0:   0%|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 0/146 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
[2023-03-12 17:48:16] (2.1.6) reset eta1 to: 0.6460659503936768
[2023-03-12 17:48:16] (2.1.6) reset eta2 to: 0.825311541557312
Epoch:  0 | Smooth Loss: 0.1205: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 146/146 [02:00<00:00,  1.21it/s, Dev Acc:82.13(max:85.11) Dev F1:77.18(max:81.94)]
2023-03-12 17:50:14,676 INFO:
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Raw Metric Records --------------------------------------------------------------------
│ Metric                     │ Trial                                                     │ Values   │  Average  │  Median  │  Std  │  IQR  │  Min  │  Max  │
│ Max-Test-Acc w/o Valid Set │ fast_lsa_t_v2-Laptop14-yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1 │ [85.11]  │   85.11   │  85.11   │   0   │   0   │ 85.11 │ 85.11 │
│ Max-Test-F1 w/o Valid Set  │ fast_lsa_t_v2-Laptop14-yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1 │ [81.94]  │   81.94   │  81.94   │   0   │   0   │ 81.94 │ 81.94 │
----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

C:\Users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\metric_visualizer\ RuntimeWarning: Precision loss occurred in moment calculation due to catastrophic cancellation. This occurs when the data are nearly identical. Results may be unreliable.
  self.skewness = stats.skew(, keepdims=True)
C:\Users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\pyabsa\framework\trainer_class\ ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='C:\\Users\\chuan\\OneDrive - University of Exeter\\AIProjects\\PyABSA\\docs\\6_tutorials\\logs\\fast_lsa_t_v2_20230312 174653\\trainer.log' mode='a' encoding='utf8'>
ResourceWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

to load trained model for inference:

from pyabsa.tasks.AspectPolarityClassification import SentimentClassifier

sentiment_classifier = trainer.load_trained_model()
assert isinstance(sentiment_classifier, SentimentClassifier)
[2023-03-12 17:50:17] (2.1.6) Load sentiment classifier from checkpoints/fast_lsa_t_v2_Laptop14_acc_85.11_f1_81.94/
[2023-03-12 17:50:17] (2.1.6) config: checkpoints/fast_lsa_t_v2_Laptop14_acc_85.11_f1_81.94/fast_lsa_t_v2.config
[2023-03-12 17:50:17] (2.1.6) state_dict: checkpoints/fast_lsa_t_v2_Laptop14_acc_85.11_f1_81.94/fast_lsa_t_v2.state_dict
[2023-03-12 17:50:17] (2.1.6) model: None
[2023-03-12 17:50:17] (2.1.6) tokenizer: checkpoints/fast_lsa_t_v2_Laptop14_acc_85.11_f1_81.94/fast_lsa_t_v2.tokenizer
[2023-03-12 17:50:17] (2.1.6) Set Model Device: cuda:0
[2023-03-12 17:50:17] (2.1.6) Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
C:\Users\chuan\miniconda3\lib\site-packages\transformers\ UserWarning: The sentencepiece tokenizer that you are converting to a fast tokenizer uses the byte fallback option which is not implemented in the fast tokenizers. In practice this means that the fast version of the tokenizer can produce unknown tokens whereas the sentencepiece version would have converted these unknown tokens into a sequence of byte tokens matching the original piece of text.
Some weights of the model checkpoint at yangheng/deberta-v3-base-absa-v1.1 were not used when initializing DebertaV2Model: ['classifier.bias', 'classifier.weight', 'pooler.dense.bias', 'pooler.dense.weight']
- This IS expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
[2023-03-12 17:50:20] (2.1.6) Caching dataset... please remove cached dataset if any problem happens.


Use our checkpoints to initialize a SentimentClassifier

from pyabsa import available_checkpoints

ckpts = available_checkpoints()
# find a suitable checkpoint and use the name:
sentiment_classifier = APC.SentimentClassifier(
)  # here I use the english checkpoint which is trained on all English datasets in PyABSA
[2023-03-12 17:50:21] (2.1.6) Please specify the task code, e.g. from pyabsa import TaskCodeOption
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) ********** Available APC model checkpoints for Version:2.1.6 (this version) **********
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) Downloading checkpoint:english 
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) Notice: The pretrained model are used for testing, it is recommended to train the model on your own custom datasets
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) Checkpoint already downloaded, skip
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) Load sentiment classifier from checkpoints\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\fast_lsa_t_v2_English_acc_82.21_f1_81.81
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) config: checkpoints\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\fast_lsa_t_v2_English_acc_82.21_f1_81.81\fast_lsa_t_v2.config
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) state_dict: checkpoints\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\fast_lsa_t_v2_English_acc_82.21_f1_81.81\fast_lsa_t_v2.state_dict
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) model: None
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) tokenizer: checkpoints\APC_ENGLISH_CHECKPOINT\fast_lsa_t_v2_English_acc_82.21_f1_81.81\fast_lsa_t_v2.tokenizer
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) Set Model Device: cuda:0
[2023-03-12 17:50:22] (2.1.6) Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
Some weights of the model checkpoint at microsoft/deberta-v3-base were not used when initializing DebertaV2Model: ['lm_predictions.lm_head.LayerNorm.bias', 'mask_predictions.LayerNorm.bias', 'lm_predictions.lm_head.dense.bias', 'mask_predictions.LayerNorm.weight', 'lm_predictions.lm_head.LayerNorm.weight', 'mask_predictions.classifier.bias', 'lm_predictions.lm_head.dense.weight', 'lm_predictions.lm_head.bias', 'mask_predictions.classifier.weight', 'mask_predictions.dense.weight', 'mask_predictions.dense.bias']
- This IS expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing DebertaV2Model from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).

Simple Prediction

examples = [
    "everything is always cooked to perfection , the [B-ASP]service[E-ASP] is excellent , the [B-ASP]decor[E-ASP] cool and understated . $LABEL$ Positive, Positive",
    "Great [B-ASP]taste[E-ASP] ever tried."
    "I think this laptop is great!",  # if you dont label an aspect, then pyabsa try to give you a 'global sentiment'. But please avoid doing that.
for ex in examples:
        ignore_error=True,  # ignore an invalid example, if it is False, invalid examples will raise Exceptions
[2023-03-12 17:50:26] (2.1.6) Example 0: everything is always cooked to perfection , the <service:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is excellent , the <decor:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> cool and understated .
[2023-03-12 17:50:26] (2.1.6) Warning: reference sentiment does not exist or its number 0 is not equal to aspect number 1, text: Great [B-ASP]taste[E-ASP] ever tried.I think this laptop is great!
[2023-03-12 17:50:26] (2.1.6) Example 0: Great <taste:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:-100)> ever tried.I think this laptop is great!

Batch Inference

    target_file=APC.APCDatasetList.Laptop14,  # the batch_predict() is only available for a file only, please put the examples in a file
[2023-03-12 17:50:26] (2.1.6) Try to load 113.Laptop14 dataset from local disk
preparing apc inference dataloader: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 638/638 [00:00<00:00, 1872.70it/s]
run inference: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 20/20 [00:08<00:00,  2.27it/s]
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 0:  <Boot time:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is super fast , around anywhere from 35 seconds to 1 minute .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 1:  <tech support:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> would not fix the problem unless I bought your plan for $ 150 plus .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 2:  <Set up:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> was easy .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 3: Did not enjoy the new <Windows 8:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> and <touchscreen functions:Negative(confidence:0.992, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 4: Other than not being a fan of <click pads:Negative(confidence:0.988, ref:Negative)> -LRB- industry standard these days -RRB- and the lousy <internal speakers:Negative(confidence:0.992, ref:Negative)> , it 's hard for me to find things about this notebook I do n't like , especially considering the $ 350 <price tag:Negative(confidence:0.962, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 5: No <installation disk (DVD):Negative(confidence:0.879, ref:Neutral)> is included .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 6: It 's fast , light , and simple to <use:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 7:  <Works:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> well , and I am extremely happy to be back to an <apple OS:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 8: Sure it 's not light and slim but the <features:Positive(confidence:0.994, ref:Positive)> make up for it 100 % .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 9: I am pleased with the fast <log on:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , speedy <WiFi connection:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and the long <battery life:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> -LRB- > 6 hrs -RRB- .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 10: The Apple engineers have not yet discovered the <delete key:Negative(confidence:0.885, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 11: Made <interneting:Negative(confidence:0.985, ref:Negative)> -LRB- part of my business -RRB- very difficult to maintain .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 12: Luckily , for all of us contemplating the decision , the Mac Mini is <priced:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> just right .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 13: Super light , super sexy and everything just <works:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 14: Only problem that I had was that the <track pad:Negative(confidence:0.994, ref:Negative)> was not very good for me , I only had a problem once or twice with it , But probably my computer was a bit defective .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 15: It is super fast and has outstanding <graphics:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 16: But the <mountain lion:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> is just too slow .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 17: Strong <build:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> though which really adds to its <durability:Positive(confidence:0.994, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 18: The <battery life:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is excellent - 6-7 hours without charging .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 19: I 've had my computer for 2 weeks already and it <works:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> perfectly .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 20: And I may be the only one but I am really liking <Windows 8:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 21: The <baterry:Positive(confidence:0.78, ref:Positive)> is very longer .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 22: Its <size:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is ideal and the <weight:Positive(confidence:0.951, ref:Positive)> is acceptable .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 23: I can say that I am fully satisfied with the <performance:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> that the computer has supplied .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 24: This laptop has only 2 <USB ports:Neutral(confidence:0.831, ref:Negative)> , and they are both on the same side .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 25: It has so much more <speed:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and the <screen:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is very sharp .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 26: Everything I wanted and everything I needed and the <price:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> was great !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 27: It 's not inexpensive but the <Hardware performance:Positive(confidence:0.992, ref:Positive)> is impressive for a computer this small .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 28: This thing is awesome , everything always <works:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , everything is always easy to <set up:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , everything is compatible , its literally everything I could ask for .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 29:  <Keyboard:Positive(confidence:0.985, ref:Positive)> responds well to presses .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 30: Lastly , <Windows 8:Negative(confidence:0.988, ref:Negative)> is annoying .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 31: Everything is so easy and intuitive to <setup:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> or <configure:Positive(confidence:0.991, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 32: Biggest complaint is <Windows 8:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 33: Only 2 <usb ports:Negative(confidence:0.942, ref:Negative)> ... seems kind of ... limited .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 34: It has all the expected <features:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> and more + plus a wide <screen:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and more than roomy <keyboard:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 35: Amazing <Performance:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> for anything I throw at it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 36: The receiver was full of superlatives for the <quality:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> and <performance:Positive(confidence:0.992, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 37: I was extremely happy with the <OS:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> itself .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 38: The new MBP offers great <portability:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and gives us confidence that we are not going to need to purchase a new laptop in 18 months .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 39: The criticism has waned , and now I 'd be the first to recommend an Air for truly <portable computing:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 40: I would have given it 5 starts was it not for the fact that it had <Windows 8:Positive(confidence:0.911, ref:Negative)>
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 41:  <MS Office 2011 for Mac:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is wonderful , well worth it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 42: But the <performance:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> of Mac Mini is a huge disappointment .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 43: They do n't just <look:Positive(confidence:0.994, ref:Positive)> good ; they deliver excellent <performance:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 44: I have had it over a year now with out a Glitch of any kind . . I love the <lit up keys:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <screen display:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> ... this thing is Fast and clear as can be .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 45: The <Mountain Lion OS:Positive(confidence:0.979, ref:Positive)> is not hard to figure out if you are familiar with <Microsoft Windows:Positive(confidence:0.753, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 46: However , I can refute that <OSX:Positive(confidence:0.593, ref:Negative)> is `` FAST '' .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 47: Enjoy using <Microsoft Office:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 48: Incredible <graphics:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and brilliant <colors:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 49:  <Built-in apps:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> are purely amazing .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 50: Cons : <Screen resolution:Negative(confidence:0.925, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 51: From the <speed:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> to the <multi touch gestures:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> this <operating system:Positive(confidence:0.738, ref:Positive)> beats <Windows:Negative(confidence:0.879, ref:Negative)> easily .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 52: I really like the <size:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and I 'm a fan of the ACERS .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 53: I opted for the <SquareTrade 3-Year Computer Accidental Protection Warranty:Positive(confidence:0.781, ref:Positive)> -LRB- $ 1500-2000 -RRB- which also support `` accidents '' like drops and spills that are NOT covered by <AppleCare:Negative(confidence:0.968, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 54: It 's light and easy to <transport:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 55: Once you get past learning how to use the poorly designed <Windows 8 Set-Up:Negative(confidence:0.993, ref:Negative)> you may feel frustrated .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 56: It 's been time for a new laptop , and the only debate was which <size:Neutral(confidence:0.911, ref:Neutral)> of the Mac laptops , and whether to spring for the <retina display:Neutral(confidence:0.97, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 57: The reason why I choose apple MacBook because of their <design:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and the <aluminum casing:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 58: The <aluminum body:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> sure makes it stand out .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 59: It is very easy to <integrate bluetooth devices:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> , and <USB devices:Positive(confidence:0.983, ref:Positive)> are recognized almost instantly .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 60: And the fact that Apple is driving the 13 '' RMBP with the <Intel4000 graphic chip:Negative(confidence:0.986, ref:Negative)> seems underpowered -LRB- to me .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 61: Apple removed the <DVD drive Firewire port:Neutral(confidence:0.562, ref:Neutral)> -LRB- will work with <adapter:Neutral(confidence:0.948, ref:Neutral)> -RRB- and put the <SDXC slot:Negative(confidence:0.811, ref:Negative)> in a silly position on the back .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 62: The <durability:Positive(confidence:0.993, ref:Positive)> of the laptop will make it worth the money .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 63: Well <designed:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and fast .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 64: But I was completely wrong , this computer is UNBELIEVABLE amazing and easy to <use:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 65: Exactly as posted plus a great <value:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 66: The <specs:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> are pretty good too .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 67: Apple is unmatched in <product quality:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , <aesthetics:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , <craftmanship:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , and <customer service:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 68: It is a great <size:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and amazing <windows 8:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> included !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 69: I do not like too much <Windows 8:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 70:  <Startup times:Negative(confidence:0.87, ref:Negative)> are incredibly long : over two minutes .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 71: Also stunning <colors:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and speedy
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 72: great <price:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> free <shipping:Positive(confidence:0.991, ref:Positive)> what else can i ask for !!
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 73: This <mouse:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is terrific .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 74: It is really thick around the <battery:Neutral(confidence:0.739, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 75: And <windows 7:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> works like a charm .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 76: :-RRB- Great product , great <price:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , great <delivery:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , and great <service:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 77: :] It arrived so fast and <customer service:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> was great .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 78: tried <windows 8:Negative(confidence:0.987, ref:Negative)> and hated it !!!
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 79:  <Set up:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> was a breeze .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 80: But I do NOT like <Win8:Negative(confidence:0.983, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 81: I am still in the process of learning about its <features:Neutral(confidence:0.979, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 82: I had the same reasons as most PC users : the <price:Negative(confidence:0.988, ref:Negative)> , the overbearing restrictions of <OSX:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> and lack of <support for games:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 83: I wanted it for it 's <mobility:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> and man , this little bad boy is very nice .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 84: I found the mini to be : Exceptionally easy to <set up:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)>
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 85: Having <USB3:Neutral(confidence:0.776, ref:Positive)> is why I bought this Mini .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 86: The <sound:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is nice and loud ; I do n't have any problems with hearing anything .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 87: It is very slim , the <track pad:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is very much impressed with me .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 88: The <settings:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> are not user-friendly either .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 89: Thank goodness for <OpenOffice:Positive(confidence:0.992, ref:Positive)> !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 90: Awesome <form factor:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , great <battery life:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , wonderful <UX:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 91: i love the <keyboard:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and the <screen:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 92: However , there are MAJOR issues with the <touchpad:Negative(confidence:0.993, ref:Negative)> which render the device nearly useless .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 93: I 've already upgraded o <Mavericks:Positive(confidence:0.908, ref:Positive)> and I am impressed with everything about this computer .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 94: Not as fast as I would have expect for an <i5:Negative(confidence:0.553, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 95: thanks for great <service:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <shipping:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 96: The <performance:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> seems quite good , and <built-in applications:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> like <iPhoto:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> work great with my phone and camera .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 97: I did swap out the <hard drive:Neutral(confidence:0.927, ref:Neutral)> for a <Samsung 830 SSD:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> which I highly recommend .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 98:  <Starts up:Positive(confidence:0.992, ref:Positive)> in a hurry and everything is ready to go .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 99: Yes , that 's a good thing , but it 's made from <aluminum:Negative(confidence:0.511, ref:Negative)> that scratches easily .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 100: Quick and has <built in virus control:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 101: Took a long time trying to decide between one with <retina display:Neutral(confidence:0.702, ref:Neutral)> and one without .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 102: I was also informed that the <components:Negative(confidence:0.975, ref:Negative)> of the Mac Book were dirty .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 103: the <hardware:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> problems have been so bad , i ca n't wait till it completely dies in 3 years , TOPS !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 104: It 's so nice that the <battery:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> last so long and that this machine has the <snow lion:Positive(confidence:0.992, ref:Positive)> !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 105: HOWEVER I chose two day <shipping:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Negative)> and it took over a week to arrive .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 106: it 's exactly what i wanted , and it has all the new <features:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and whatnot .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 107: Can you buy any laptop that matches the <quality:Positive(confidence:0.842, ref:Positive)> of a MacBook ?
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 108: It feels cheap , the <keyboard:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Negative)> is not very sensitive .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 109: Though please note that sometimes it crashes , and the <sound quality:Negative(confidence:0.966, ref:Negative)> isnt superb .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 110: It is very easy to <navigate:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> even for a novice .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 111: Does everything I need it to , has a wonderful <battery life:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and I could n't be happier .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 112: Great <Performance:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and <Quality:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 113: I used <windows XP:Positive(confidence:0.543, ref:Neutral)> , <windows Vista:Positive(confidence:0.657, ref:Neutral)> , and <Windows 7:Positive(confidence:0.706, ref:Neutral)> extensively .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 114: I did add a <SSD drive:Neutral(confidence:0.967, ref:Neutral)> and <memory:Neutral(confidence:0.985, ref:Neutral)>
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 115: On <start up:Negative(confidence:0.941, ref:Negative)> it asks endless questions just so <itune:Negative(confidence:0.895, ref:Negative)> can sell you more of their products .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 116: I Have been a Pc user for a very long time now but I will get used to this new <OS:Neutral(confidence:0.67, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 117: One more thing , this mac does NOT come with <restore disks:Negative(confidence:0.95, ref:Negative)> and I am not sure if you can make them direct from the mac like you can with newer PC 's , also the <charging cables:Negative(confidence:0.771, ref:Negative)> are made of the same cheap <material:Negative(confidence:0.702, ref:Negative)> as the iPhone/iPod touch cables .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 118: I bought it to my son who uses it for <graphic design:Neutral(confidence:0.989, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 119: I never tried any <external mics:Negative(confidence:0.616, ref:Neutral)> with that iMac .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 120: The new <os:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is great on my macbook pro !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 121: I have experienced no problems , <works:Positive(confidence:0.979, ref:Positive)> as anticipated .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 122:  <System:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is running great .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 123: Easy to <customize setting:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and even <create your own bookmarks:Positive(confidence:0.99, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 124: The MAC Mini , <wireless keyboard / mouse:Neutral(confidence:0.697, ref:Neutral)> and a <HDMI cable:Neutral(confidence:0.815, ref:Neutral)> is all I need to get some real work done .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 125: it has all the <features:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> that we expected and the <price:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> was good , <working:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> well so far .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 126: I work as a designer and coder and I needed a new buddy to work with , not <gaming:Neutral(confidence:0.731, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 127: The new <operating system:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> makes this computer into a super iPad .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 128: Easy to <set up:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and go !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 129: I ca n't believe how quiet the <hard drive:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is and how quick this thing <boots up:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 130: The only issue came when I tried <scanning:Negative(confidence:0.985, ref:Negative)> to the mac .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 131: I think this is about as good as it gets at anything close to this <price point:Positive(confidence:0.991, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 132: It 's just what we were looking for and it <works:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> great .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 133: It 's so quick and responsive that it makes <working:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> / <surfing:Positive(confidence:0.993, ref:Positive)> on a computer so much more pleasurable !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 134: It <works:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> fine , and all the <software:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> seems to run pretty well .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 135: I 'm using this computer for <word processing:Neutral(confidence:0.968, ref:Neutral)> , <web browsing:Neutral(confidence:0.883, ref:Neutral)> , some <gaming:Neutral(confidence:0.858, ref:Neutral)> , and I 'm learning <programming:Positive(confidence:0.79, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 136: My wife was so excited to open the box , but quickly came to see that it did not <function:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> as it should .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 137: I wanted a computer that was quite , fast , and that had overall great <performance:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 138:  <Apple "Help":Neutral(confidence:0.491, ref:Negative)> is a mixed bag .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 139: It suddenly can not <work:Negative(confidence:0.98, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 140:  <Harddrive:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> was in poor condition , had to replace it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 141: The <on/off switch:Negative(confidence:0.979, ref:Negative)> is a bit obscure in the rear corner .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 142: My only complaint is the total lack of <instructions:Negative(confidence:0.993, ref:Negative)> that come with the mac mini .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 143: The only task that this computer would not be good enough for would be <gaming:Negative(confidence:0.878, ref:Negative)> , otherwise the integrated Intel 4000 graphics work well for other tasks .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 144: I use it mostly for <content creation:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> -LRB- <Audio:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> , <video:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> , <photo editing:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> -RRB- and its reliable .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 145:  <Screen:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is bright and gorgeous .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 146: The only solution is to turn the <brightness:Negative(confidence:0.807, ref:Neutral)> down , etc. .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 147: If you want more information on macs I suggest going to and heading towards the macbook page for more information on the <applications:Neutral(confidence:0.948, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 148: It is robust , with a friendly <use:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> as all Apple products .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 149: It is fast and easy to <use:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 150: And the fact that it comes with an <i5 processor:Positive(confidence:0.993, ref:Positive)> definitely speeds things up
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 151: I have been PC for years but this computer is intuitive and its <built in features:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> are a great help
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 152: Nice <screen:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , <keyboard:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> works great !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 153: I was amazed at how fast the <delivery:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> was .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 154: I 've installed to it additional <SSD:Neutral(confidence:0.95, ref:Neutral)> and <16Gb RAM:Neutral(confidence:0.964, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 155: The <memory:Negative(confidence:0.986, ref:Negative)> was gone and it was not able to be used .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 156: It <works:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> great and I am so happy I bought it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 157: I like the <design:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and ease of use with the <keyboard:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> , plenty of <ports:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 158: it definitely beats my old mac and the <service:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> was great .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 159:  <Web browsing:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is very quick with <Safari browser:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 160: I like the <lighted screen:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> at night .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 161: It is really easy to <use:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and it is quick to <start up:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 162: I 've lived with the crashes and slow <operation:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> and restarts .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 163:  <USB3 Peripherals:Positive(confidence:0.936, ref:Positive)> are noticably less expensive than the <ThunderBolt:Neutral(confidence:0.468, ref:Negative)> ones .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 164: And mine had broke but I sent it in under <warranty:Positive(confidence:0.516, ref:Positive)> - no problems .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 165: It 's fast , light , and is perfect for <media editing:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , which is mostly why I bought it in the first place .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 166: The <battery:Positive(confidence:0.895, ref:Positive)> lasts as advertised -LRB- give or take 15-20 minutes -RRB- , and the entire <user experience:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is very elegant .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 167: Thanks for the fast <shipment:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and great <price:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 168: ! Excelent <performance:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , <usability:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , <presentation:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <time response:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 169: The smaller <size:Positive(confidence:0.744, ref:Positive)> was a bonus because of space restrictions .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 170: I blame the <Mac OS:Negative(confidence:0.98, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 171: In fact I still use many <Legacy programs:Neutral(confidence:0.859, ref:Neutral)> -LRB- <Appleworks:Neutral(confidence:0.935, ref:Neutral)> , <FileMaker Pro:Neutral(confidence:0.86, ref:Neutral)> , <Quicken:Neutral(confidence:0.965, ref:Neutral)> , <Photoshop:Neutral(confidence:0.921, ref:Neutral)> etc -RRB- !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 172: I like the <operating system:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 173: I love the <form factor:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 174: It 's fast at <loading the internet:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 175: So much faster and sleeker <looking:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 176: Unfortunately , it runs <XP:Neutral(confidence:0.496, ref:Neutral)> and Microsoft is dropping <support:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Negative)> next April .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 177: First off , I really do like my MBP ... once used to the <OS:Positive(confidence:0.978, ref:Positive)> it is pretty easy to get around , and the <overall build:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is great ... eg the <keyboard:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is one of the best to type on .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 178: It is made of such solid <construction:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and since I have never had a Mac using my iPhone helped me get used to the <system:Positive(confidence:0.965, ref:Neutral)> a bit .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 179: Very nice <unibody construction:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 180: This Macbook Pro is fast , powerful , and <runs:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> super quiet and cool .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 181: It 's ok but does n't have a <disk drive:Negative(confidence:0.86, ref:Neutral)> which I did n't know until after I bought it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 182: There is no <HDMI receptacle:Negative(confidence:0.861, ref:Neutral)> , nor is there an <SD card slot:Neutral(confidence:0.527, ref:Neutral)> located anywhere on the device .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 183: It came in brand new and <works:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> perfectly .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 184: It should n't happen like that , I do n't have any <design app:Negative(confidence:0.73, ref:Neutral)> open or anything .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 185: MY <TRACKPAD:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> IS NOT WORKING .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 186: It <looks:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <feels:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> solid , with a flawless <finish:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 187:  <Price:Negative(confidence:0.981, ref:Negative)> was higher when purchased on MAC when compared to <price:Negative(confidence:0.885, ref:Positive)> showing on PC when I bought this product .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 188: Then the <system:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> would many times not <power down:Negative(confidence:0.985, ref:Negative)> without a forced power-off .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 189: The <configuration:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is perfect for my needs .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 190: and the <speakers:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> is the worst ever .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 191: Its the best , its got the <looks:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , super easy to <use:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and love all you can do with the <trackpad:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> ! . .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 192:  <Web surfuring:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is smooth and seamless .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 193: I 'm overall pleased with the <interface:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and the <portability:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> of this product .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 194: This item is a beautiful piece , it <works:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> well , it is easy to <carry:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <handle:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 195: It was also suffering from hardware -LRB- keyboard -RRB- issues , relatively slow <performance:Negative(confidence:0.993, ref:Negative)> and shortening <battery lifetime:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 196: It was also suffering from <hardware (keyboard):Negative(confidence:0.993, ref:Negative)> issues , relatively slow performance and shortening battery lifetime .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 197:  <Runs:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> good and does the job , ca n't complain about that !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 198: It 's silent and has a very small <footprint:Positive(confidence:0.977, ref:Positive)> on my desk .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 199: The <exterior:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is absolutely gorgeous .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 200: It has a very high <performance:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> , just for what I needed for .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 201: Apple is aware of this issue and this is either old stock or a defective <design:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Neutral)> involving the <intel 4000 graphics chipset:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 202:  <OSX Mountain Lion:Neutral(confidence:0.562, ref:Neutral)> soon to upgrade to <Mavericks:Neutral(confidence:0.752, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 203: I just bought the new MacBook Pro , the 13 '' model , and I ca n't believe Apple keeps making the same mistake with regard to <USB ports:Negative(confidence:0.992, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 204: It <wakes:Positive(confidence:0.889, ref:Positive)> in less than a second when I open the <lid:Neutral(confidence:0.898, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 205: It is the perfect <size:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <speed:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> for me .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 206: THE <CUSTOMER SERVICE:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> IS TERRIFIC !!
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 207: My last laptop was a 17 '' ASUS gaming machine , which <performed:Positive(confidence:0.952, ref:Positive)> admirably , but having since built my own desktop and really settling into the college life , I found myself wanting something smaller and less cumbersome , not to mention that the ASUS had been slowly developing problems ever since I bought it about 4 years ago .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 208: However , it did not have any scratches , ZERO <battery cycle count:Positive(confidence:0.861, ref:Positive)> -LRB- pretty surprised -RRB- , and all the <hardware:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> seemed to be working perfectly .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 209: After fumbling around with the <OS:Neutral(confidence:0.896, ref:Negative)> I started searching the internet for a fix and found a number of forums on fixing the issue .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 210: And as for all the fancy <finger swipes:Negative(confidence:0.615, ref:Negative)> -- I just gave up and attached a <mouse:Neutral(confidence:0.982, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 211: I needed a laptop with big <storage:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Neutral)> , a nice <screen:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Neutral)> and fast so I can <photoshop:Positive(confidence:0.617, ref:Neutral)> without any problem .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 212: I like coming back to <Mac OS:Positive(confidence:0.975, ref:Positive)> but this laptop is lacking in <speaker quality:Negative(confidence:0.987, ref:Negative)> compared to my $ 400 old HP laptop .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 213:  <Shipped:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> very quickly and safely .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 214: The <thunderbolt port:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is awesome !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 215: The <performance:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is definitely superior to any computer I 've ever put my hands on .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 216: It 's great for <streaming video:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and other <entertainment uses:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 217: I like the <design:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> and its <features:Positive(confidence:0.985, ref:Positive)> but there are somethings I think needs to be improved .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 218: There were small problems with <Mac office:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 219: I understand I should call <Apple Tech Support:Neutral(confidence:0.939, ref:Neutral)> about any variables -LRB- which is my purpose of writing this con -RRB- as variables could be a bigger future problem .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 220: I ordered my 2012 mac mini after being disappointed with <spec:Negative(confidence:0.986, ref:Negative)> of the new 27 '' Imacs .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 221: It still <works:Positive(confidence:0.994, ref:Positive)> and it 's extremely user friendly , so I would recommend it for new computer user and also for those who are just looking for a more efficient way to do things
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 222: Its fast , easy to <use:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and it <looks:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> great .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 223: -LRB- but <Office:Neutral(confidence:0.896, ref:Neutral)> can be purchased -RRB- IF I ever need a laptop again I am for sure purchasing another Toshiba !!
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 224: I have n't tried the one with <retina display:Neutral(confidence:0.927, ref:Neutral)> ... Maybe in the future .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 225:  <Performance:Positive(confidence:0.994, ref:Positive)> is much much better on the Pro , especially if you install an <SSD:Positive(confidence:0.64, ref:Positive)> on it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 226: Note , however , that any existing <MagSafe accessories:Negative(confidence:0.786, ref:Neutral)> you have will not work with the <MagSafe 2 connection:Neutral(confidence:0.816, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 227: The only thing I dislike is the <touchpad:Negative(confidence:0.993, ref:Negative)> , alot of the times its unresponsive and does things I dont want it too , I would recommend using a <mouse:Neutral(confidence:0.95, ref:Neutral)> with it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 228: The Mac mini is about 8x smaller than my old computer which is a huge bonus and <runs:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> very quiet , actually the <fans:Positive(confidence:0.911, ref:Positive)> are n't audible unlike my old pc
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 229: MAYBE The <Mac OS:Negative(confidence:0.661, ref:Negative)> improvement were not The product they Want to offer .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 230: I thought the transition would be difficult at best and would take some time to fully familiarize myself with the new <Mac ecosystem:Neutral(confidence:0.762, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 231: It 's absolutely wonderful and worth the <price:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 232: I am please with the products ease of <use:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> ; out of the box ready ; <appearance:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <functionality:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 233: Perfect for all my <graphic design:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> classes I 'm taking this year in college : - -RRB-
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 234: I will not be using that <slot:Negative(confidence:0.976, ref:Negative)> again .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 235: The <OS:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is fast and fluid , everything is organized and it 's just beautiful .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 236: They are simpler to <use:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 237: ! so nice . . stable . . fast . . now i got my <SSD:Positive(confidence:0.956, ref:Positive)> !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 238: Also , in using the <built-in camera:Negative(confidence:0.902, ref:Neutral)> , my <voice recording:Negative(confidence:0.92, ref:Negative)> for my vlog sounds like the interplanetary transmissions in the `` Star Wars '' saga .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 239: I love the quick <start up:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 240: You just can not beat the <functionality:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> of an Apple device .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 241: Yet my mac continues to <function:Positive(confidence:0.993, ref:Positive)> properly .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 242:  <Graphics:Positive(confidence:0.983, ref:Positive)> are much improved .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 243: Here are the things that made me confident with my purchase : <Build Quality:Positive(confidence:0.97, ref:Positive)> - Seriously , you ca n't beat a <unibody construction:Positive(confidence:0.984, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 244: It provides much more <flexibility for connectivity:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 245: I want the <portability:Positive(confidence:0.851, ref:Positive)> of a tablet , without the limitations of a tablet and that 's where this laptop comes into play .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 246:  <Mac tutorials:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> do help .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 247: The <technical support:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> was not helpful as well .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 248: I got the new <adapter:Negative(confidence:0.767, ref:Neutral)> and there was no change .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 249: so i called <technical support:Neutral(confidence:0.983, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 250: Came with <iPhoto:Neutral(confidence:0.575, ref:Neutral)> and <garage band:Positive(confidence:0.76, ref:Neutral)> already loaded .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 251:  <Logic board:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Positive)> utterly fried , cried , and laid down and died .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 252: The <sound:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Negative)> was crappy even when you turn up the <volume:Negative(confidence:0.746, ref:Negative)> still the same results .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 253:  <OSX Lion:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is a great performer . . extremely fast and reliable .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 254: Having heard from friends and family about how reliable a Mac product is , I never expected to have an <application:Negative(confidence:0.569, ref:Negative)> crash within the first month , but I did .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 255: The Macbook pro 's <physical form:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is wonderful .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 256: The Mini 's <body:Negative(confidence:0.888, ref:Positive)> has n't changed since late 2010 - and for a good reason .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 257: The <unibody construction:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> really does feel lot more solid than Apple 's previous laptops .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 258:  <3D rendering:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> slows it down considerably .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 259: Got this Mac Mini with <OS X Mountain Lion:Neutral(confidence:0.956, ref:Neutral)> for my wife .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 260: fast , great <screen:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> , beautiful <apps:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> for a laptop ; <priced:Positive(confidence:0.879, ref:Neutral)> at 1100 on the apple website ; amazon had it for 1098 + tax - plus i had a 10 % off coupon from amazon-<cost:Neutral(confidence:0.87, ref:Neutral)> me 998 plus tax - 1070 - OTD !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 261: 12.44 seconds to <boot:Neutral(confidence:0.957, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 262: All the <ports:Neutral(confidence:0.794, ref:Neutral)> are much needed since this is my main computer .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 263: The Like New condition of the iMac MC309LL/A on Amazon is at $ 900 + level only , and it is a <Quad-Core 2.5 GHz CPU:Neutral(confidence:0.511, ref:Neutral)> -LRB- similar to the $ 799 Mini -RRB- , with <Radeon HD 6750M 512MB graphic card:Positive(confidence:0.715, ref:Neutral)> -LRB- this mini is <integrated Intel 4000 card:Positive(confidence:0.877, ref:Neutral)> -RRB- , and it even comes with <wireless Apple Keyboard and Mouse:Positive(confidence:0.969, ref:Neutral)> , all put together in neat and nice <package:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 264: Put a <cover:Negative(confidence:0.927, ref:Neutral)> on it and is a little better but that is my only complaint .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 265: Within a few hours I was using the <gestures:Positive(confidence:0.906, ref:Positive)> unconsciously .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 266: This mac does come with an <extender <cable:Neutral(confidence:0.629, ref:Positive)>:Neutral(confidence:0.941, ref:Neutral)> and I 'm using mine right now hoping the <cable:Neutral(confidence:0.629, ref:Positive)> will stay nice for the many years I plan on using this mac .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 267: The <2.9ghz dual-core i7 chip:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> really out does itself .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 268: It is pretty snappy and <starts up:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> in about 30 seconds which is good enough for me .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 269: Not sure on <Windows 8:Negative(confidence:0.823, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 270: My one complaint is that there was no <internal CD drive:Negative(confidence:0.992, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 271: This newer netbook has no <hard drive:Neutral(confidence:0.595, ref:Neutral)> or <network lights:Neutral(confidence:0.493, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 272: I was having a though time deciding between the 13 '' MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro 13 '' -LRB- Both baseline models , <priced:Neutral(confidence:0.914, ref:Neutral)> at 1,200 $ retail -RRB-
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 273: Not too expense and has enough <storage:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> for most users and many <ports:Positive(confidence:0.977, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 274: The <audio volume:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> is quite low and virtually unusable in a room with any background activity .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 275: It is lightweight and the perfect <size:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> to carry to class .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 276: I was given a demonstration of <Windows 8:Neutral(confidence:0.955, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 277: The MBP is beautiful has many wonderful <capabilities:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 278: I thought that it will be fine , if i do some <settings:Neutral(confidence:0.984, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 279:  <Runs:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> very smoothly .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 280:  <Boot-up:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> slowed significantly after all <Windows updates:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Negative)> were installed .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 281: More likely it will require replacing the <logic board:Neutral(confidence:0.851, ref:Negative)> once they admit they have a problem and come up with a solution .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 282: It was important that it was powerful enough to do all of the tasks he needed on the <internet:Neutral(confidence:0.956, ref:Positive)> , <word processing:Neutral(confidence:0.911, ref:Positive)> , <graphic design:Neutral(confidence:0.715, ref:Positive)> and <gaming:Neutral(confidence:0.953, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 283: I like the Mini Mac it was easy to <setup:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and <install:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> , but I am learning as I go and could use a <tutorial:Neutral(confidence:0.817, ref:Neutral)> to learn how to use some of the <features:Neutral(confidence:0.849, ref:Neutral)> I was use to on the PC especially the <right mouse click menu:Neutral(confidence:0.707, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 284:  <Runs:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> real quick .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 285: Buy the separate <RAM memory:Neutral(confidence:0.98, ref:Positive)> and you will have a rocket !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 286: Since the machine 's slim <profile:Neutral(confidence:0.355, ref:Negative)> is critical to me , that was a problem .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 287: <WiFi capability:Neutral(confidence:0.901, ref:Positive)> , <disk drive:Neutral(confidence:0.946, ref:Positive)> and multiple <USB ports:Neutral(confidence:0.939, ref:Positive)> to connect scale and printers was all that was required .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 288: The <SD card reader:Negative(confidence:0.985, ref:Negative)> is slightly recessed and upside down -LRB- the <nail <slot:Negative(confidence:0.957, ref:Negative)> on the card:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> can not be accessed -RRB- , if this was a self ejecting <slot:Negative(confidence:0.957, ref:Negative)> this would not be an issue , but its not .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 289: Soft <touch:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , <anodized aluminum:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> with laser cut precision and no flaws .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 290: Simple details , crafted <aluminium:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and real <glass:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> make this laptop blow away the other plastic ridden , bulky sticker filled laptops .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 291: First of all yes this is a mac and it has that nice brushed <aluminum:Positive(confidence:0.997, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 292: After all was said and done , I essentially used that $ 450 savings to buy <16GB of RAM:Neutral(confidence:0.988, ref:Neutral)> , TWO <Seagate Momentus XT hybrid drives:Neutral(confidence:0.982, ref:Neutral)> and an <OWC upgrade kit:Neutral(confidence:0.973, ref:Neutral)> to install the second <hard drive:Neutral(confidence:0.992, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 293: The Dell Inspiron is fast and has a <number pad on the keyboard:Positive(confidence:0.99, ref:Positive)> , which I miss on my Apple laptops .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 294: I was concerned that the downgrade to the <regular hard drive:Neutral(confidence:0.937, ref:Positive)> would make it unacceptably slow but I need not have worried - this machine is the fastest I have ever owned ...
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 295: This one still has the <CD slot:Neutral(confidence:0.818, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 296: No <HDMI port:Negative(confidence:0.977, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 297: I had to <install Mountain Lion:Negative(confidence:0.725, ref:Negative)> and it took a good two hours .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 298:  <Customization:Negative(confidence:0.977, ref:Negative)> on mac is impossible .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 299: I am replacing the <HD:Neutral(confidence:0.743, ref:Neutral)> with a <Micron SSD:Neutral(confidence:0.775, ref:Neutral)> soon .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 300: Plus <two finger clicking:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> as a replacement for the <right click button:Positive(confidence:0.554, ref:Neutral)> is surprisingly intuitive .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 301: The <SuperDrive:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is quiet .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 302: The <power plug:Negative(confidence:0.818, ref:Negative)> has to be connected to the <power adaptor:Neutral(confidence:0.932, ref:Neutral)> to charge the <battery:Neutral(confidence:0.981, ref:Neutral)> but wo n't stay connected .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 303: The <battery:Negative(confidence:0.986, ref:Negative)> was completely dead , in fact it had grown about a quarter inch thick lump on the underside .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 304: if yo like <practicality:Positive(confidence:0.984, ref:Positive)> this is the laptop for you .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 305: The <OS:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is great .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 306: I tried several <monitors:Neutral(confidence:0.93, ref:Neutral)> and several <HDMI cables:Neutral(confidence:0.914, ref:Neutral)> and this was the case each time .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 307: CONS : <Price:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> is a bit ridiculous , kinda heavy .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 308: The troubleshooting said it was the <AC adaptor:Neutral(confidence:0.947, ref:Neutral)> so we ordered a new one .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 309:  <Fan:Neutral(confidence:0.5, ref:Neutral)> only comes on when you are <playing a game:Neutral(confidence:0.979, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 310: Which it did not have , only 3 <USB 2 ports:Negative(confidence:0.813, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 311: No <startup disk:Negative(confidence:0.872, ref:Neutral)> was not included but that may be my fault .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 312: There is no <"tools" menu:Neutral(confidence:0.535, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 313: It is very fast and has everything that I need except for a <word program:Negative(confidence:0.878, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 314: Needs a <CD/DVD drive:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Neutral)> and a bigger <power switch:Negative(confidence:0.987, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 315: My laptop with <Windows 7:Negative(confidence:0.922, ref:Negative)> crashed and I did not want <Windows 8:Negative(confidence:0.709, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 316: Easy to <install:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> also small to leave anywhere at your bedroom also very easy to <configure for ADSl cable or wifi:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 317: Nice <packing:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 318: I switched to this because I wanted something different , even though I miss <windows:Neutral(confidence:0.539, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 319: Apple no longer includes <iDVD:Negative(confidence:0.986, ref:Negative)> with the computer and furthermore , Apple does n't even offer it anymore !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 320: I also wanted <Windows 7:Positive(confidence:0.928, ref:Positive)> , which this one has .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 321: At first , I feel a little bit uncomfortable in using the <Mac system:Negative(confidence:0.926, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 322: I am used to computers with <windows:Neutral(confidence:0.799, ref:Neutral)> so I am having a little difficulty finding my way around .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 323: It just <works:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> out of the box and you have a lot of cool <software:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> included with the <OS:Positive(confidence:0.801, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 324: its as advertised on here ... it <works:Positive(confidence:0.989, ref:Positive)> great and is not a waste of money !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 325:  <Runs:Positive(confidence:0.98, ref:Positive)> like a champ ...
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 326: Premium <price:Negative(confidence:0.615, ref:Positive)> for the <OS:Negative(confidence:0.611, ref:Neutral)> more than anything else .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 327: I was a little concerned about the <touch pad:Positive(confidence:0.762, ref:Positive)> based on reviews , but I 've found it fine to work with .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 328: The sound as mentioned earlier is n't the best , but it can be solved with <headphones:Positive(confidence:0.895, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 329: However , the experience was great since the <OS:Positive(confidence:0.989, ref:Positive)> does not become unstable and the <application:Positive(confidence:0.93, ref:Positive)> will simply shutdown and reopen .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 330: If you ask me , for this <price:Positive(confidence:0.897, ref:Negative)> it should be included .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 331: The <battery:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> is not as shown in the product photos .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 332:  <Shipping:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> was quick and product described was the product sent and so much more ...
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 333: the <retina display display:Positive(confidence:0.991, ref:Positive)> make pictures i took years ago jaw dropping .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 334: The Mac Mini is probably the simplest example of <compact computing:Positive(confidence:0.981, ref:Positive)> out there .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 335: Instead , I 'll focus more on the actual <performance and feature set of the hardware:Positive(confidence:0.579, ref:Neutral)> itself so you can make an educated decision on which Mac to buy .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 336: Other <ports:Neutral(confidence:0.925, ref:Neutral)> include FireWire 800 , Gigabit Ethernet , MagSafe port , Microphone jack .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 337: Other ports include <FireWire 80Negative:Neutral(confidence:0.958, ref:Neutral)> , Gigabit Ethernet , MagSafe port , Microphone jack .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 338: Other ports include FireWire 800 , <Gigabit Ethernet:Neutral(confidence:0.932, ref:Neutral)> , <MagSafe port:Neutral(confidence:0.96, ref:Neutral)> , <Microphone jack:Neutral(confidence:0.966, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 339: Additionally , there is barely a <ventilation system:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> in the computer , and even the simple activity of <watching videos:Negative(confidence:0.889, ref:Neutral)> let alone <playing steam games:Negative(confidence:0.963, ref:Neutral)> causes the laptop to get very very hot , and in fact impossible to keep on lap .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 340: Chatting with <Acer support:Neutral(confidence:0.496, ref:Neutral)> , I was advised the problem was corrupted <operating system files:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 341: It 's been a couple weeks since the purchase and I 'm struggle with finding the correct <keys:Negative(confidence:0.952, ref:Neutral)> -LRB- but that was expected -RRB- .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 342: Many people complain about the new <OS:Negative(confidence:0.953, ref:Negative)> , and it 's urgent for Apple to fix it asap !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 343: Now that I have upgraded to <Lion:Positive(confidence:0.994, ref:Positive)> I am much happier about <MAC OS:Positive(confidence:0.994, ref:Positive)> and have just bought an iMac for office .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 344: User upgradeable <RAM:Neutral(confidence:0.616, ref:Positive)> and <HDD:Neutral(confidence:0.896, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 345: But I wanted the Pro for the <CD/DVD player:Neutral(confidence:0.854, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 346: I was a little worry at first because I do n't have a lot of experience with <os.x:Positive(confidence:0.746, ref:Neutral)> and <<windows:Positive(confidence:0.558, ref:Neutral)>:Positive(confidence:0.723, ref:Positive)> has always been second nature to me after many years of using <<windows:Positive(confidence:0.558, ref:Neutral)>:Positive(confidence:0.723, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 347: With the <softwares:Positive(confidence:0.867, ref:Neutral)> supporting the use of other <OS:Positive(confidence:0.522, ref:Neutral)> makes it much better .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 348: I then upgraded to <Mac OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion":Neutral(confidence:0.932, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 349: I was considering buying the Air , but in reality , this one has a more powerful <performance:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and seems much more convenient , even though it 's about .20 inch thicker and 2 lbs heavier .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 350: At home and the office it gets plugged into an external 24 '' LCD screen , so <built in screen size:Neutral(confidence:0.866, ref:Neutral)> is not terribly important .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 351: At home and the office it gets plugged into an <external 24" LCD screen:Neutral(confidence:0.96, ref:Neutral)> , so built in screen size is not terribly important .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 352: Just beware no <DVD slot:Negative(confidence:0.974, ref:Neutral)> so when I went to <install software:Negative(confidence:0.73, ref:Negative)> I had on CD I could n't .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 353: I bought it to be able to dedicate a small , portable laptop to my writing and was surprised to learn that I needed to buy a <word processing program:Negative(confidence:0.605, ref:Neutral)> to do so .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 354: This version of MacBook Pro runs on a <third-generation CPU ("Ivy Bridge"):Neutral(confidence:0.68, ref:Neutral)> , not the latest fourth-generation Haswell CPU the 2013 version has .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 355: This version of MacBook Pro runs on a third-generation CPU -LRB- `` Ivy Bridge '' -RRB- , not the latest <fourth-generation Haswell CPU:Positive(confidence:0.51, ref:Neutral)> the 2013 version has .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 356: No <Cd Rom:Negative(confidence:0.916, ref:Neutral)> in the new version there 's no way I 'm spending that kind of money on something has less <features:Negative(confidence:0.972, ref:Negative)> than the older version .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 357: the <<volume:Negative(confidence:0.987, ref:Negative)>:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> is really low to low for a laptopwas not expectin t <<volume:Negative(confidence:0.987, ref:Negative)>:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> to be so lowan i hate that about this computer
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 358: and its not hard to accidentally bang it against something so i recommend getting a <case:Positive(confidence:0.649, ref:Neutral)> to protect it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 359: I got this at an amazing <price:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> from Amazon and it arrived just in time .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 360: Every time I <log into the system:Negative(confidence:0.987, ref:Negative)> after a few hours , there is this endlessly frustrating process that I have to go through .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 361: Put a SSD and use a <21" LED screen:Positive(confidence:0.693, ref:Neutral)> , this set up is silky smooth !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 362: Put a <SSD:Neutral(confidence:0.982, ref:Neutral)> and use a 21 '' LED screen , this <set up:Positive(confidence:0.996, ref:Positive)> is silky smooth !
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 363: The <case:Negative(confidence:0.501, ref:Negative)> is now slightly larger than the previous generation , but the lack of an <external power supply:Negative(confidence:0.885, ref:Neutral)> justifies the small increase in size .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 364: I had to buy a <wireless mouse:Neutral(confidence:0.988, ref:Neutral)> to go with it , as I am old school and hate the <pad:Negative(confidence:0.988, ref:Negative)> , but knew that before I bought it , now it <works:Positive(confidence:0.979, ref:Positive)> great , need to get adjusted to the <key board:Negative(confidence:0.975, ref:Neutral)> , as I am used to a bigger one and pounding .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 365: When considering a Mac , look at the total <cost of ownership:Positive(confidence:0.554, ref:Neutral)> and not just the initial <price tag:Negative(confidence:0.559, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 366: Has all the other <features:Positive(confidence:0.974, ref:Positive)> I wanted including a <VGA port:Positive(confidence:0.71, ref:Neutral)> , <HDMI:Neutral(confidence:0.625, ref:Neutral)> , <ethernet:Neutral(confidence:0.627, ref:Neutral)> and 3 <USB ports:Neutral(confidence:0.839, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 367: The only thing I dislike about this laptop are the <rubber pads:Negative(confidence:0.992, ref:Negative)> found on the bottom of the computer for grip .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 368: It 's a decent computer for the <price:Positive(confidence:0.982, ref:Neutral)> and hopefully it will last a long time .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 369: The nicest part is the low <heat output:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and ultra quiet <operation:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 370: I will <upgrade the ram:Neutral(confidence:0.904, ref:Positive)> myself -LRB- because with this model you can you can do it -RRB- later on .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 371: The <price:Neutral(confidence:0.704, ref:Positive)> is 200 dollars down .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 372: this Mac Mini does not have a <built-in mic:Negative(confidence:0.985, ref:Neutral)> , and it would seem that its <Mac OS 10.9:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> does not handle <external microphones:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Neutral)> properly .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 373: A lot of <features:Positive(confidence:0.917, ref:Neutral)> and <shortcuts:Positive(confidence:0.929, ref:Neutral)> on the MBP that I was never exposed to on a normal PC .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 374: Was n't sure if I was going to like it much less love it so I went to a local best buy and played around with the <IOS system:Positive(confidence:0.918, ref:Positive)> on a Mac Pro and it was totally unique and different .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 375: air has higher <resolution:Positive(confidence:0.986, ref:Positive)> but the <fonts:Negative(confidence:0.985, ref:Negative)> are small .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 376:  <working:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> with Mac is so much easier , so many cool <features:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 377: I like the <brightness:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <adjustments:Positive(confidence:0.988, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 378: I only wish this mac had a <CD/DVD player:Negative(confidence:0.989, ref:Neutral)> built in .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 379: The only thing I miss is that my old Alienware laptop had <backlit keys:Negative(confidence:0.761, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 380: The only thing I miss are the <"Home/End" type keys:Negative(confidence:0.856, ref:Neutral)> and other things that I grew accustomed to after so long .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 381: So happy with this purchase , I just wish it came with <Microsoft Word:Negative(confidence:0.981, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 382: It has enough <memory:Positive(confidence:0.97, ref:Positive)> and <speed:Positive(confidence:0.967, ref:Positive)> to run my business with all the <flexibility:Positive(confidence:0.781, ref:Positive)> that comes with a laptop .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 383: The <speed:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , the <simplicity:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , the <design:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> . . it is lightyears ahead of any PC I have ever owned .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 384: The <battery life:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is excellent , the <display:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is excellent , and <downloading apps:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is a breeze .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 385: The <screen:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> , the <software:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and the smoothness of the <operating system:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 386: i have dropped mine a couple times with only a <slim plastic case:Neutral(confidence:0.728, ref:Neutral)> covering it .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 387: I also made a <recovery USB stick:Neutral(confidence:0.979, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 388: But with this laptop , the <bass:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> is very weak and the <sound:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Negative)> comes out <sound:Negative(confidence:0.984, ref:Negative)>ing tinny .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 389: The <built quality:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> is really good , I was so Happy and excited about this Product .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 390: I am loving the fast <performance:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> also .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 391: Further , this Mac Mini has a sloppy <Bluetooth interface:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> -LRB- courtesy of the <Mac OS:Negative(confidence:0.955, ref:Negative)> -RRB- and the <range:Negative(confidence:0.991, ref:Negative)> is poor .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 392: If you start on the far right side and scroll to your left the <start menu:Neutral(confidence:0.813, ref:Neutral)> will automatically come up .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 393: My only gripe would be the need to add more <RAM:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 394: Fine if you have a <touch screen:Neutral(confidence:0.647, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 395: As far as user type - I dabble in everything from <games:Neutral(confidence:0.976, ref:Neutral)> -LRB- WoW -RRB- to <Photoshop:Neutral(confidence:0.97, ref:Neutral)> , but nothing professionally .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 396: I re-seated the <"WLAN" card:Neutral(confidence:0.985, ref:Neutral)> inside and re-installed the LAN device drivers .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 397: I re-seated the `` WLAN '' card inside and re-installed the <LAN device drivers:Neutral(confidence:0.984, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 398: This by far beats any computer out on the market today <built:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> well , <battery life:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> AMAZING .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 399: The <OS:Positive(confidence:0.995, ref:Positive)> is easy , and offers all kinds of surprises .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 400: I had to get <Apple Customer Support:Negative(confidence:0.804, ref:Neutral)> to correct the problem .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 401: A veryimportant feature is <Firewire 80Negative:Positive(confidence:0.98, ref:Positive)> which in my experience works better then USB3 -LRB- in PC enabled with USB3 -RRB- I was not originally sold on the MAC OS I felt it was inferior in many ways To Windows 7 .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 402: A veryimportant feature is Firewire 800 which in my experience works better then <<USB3:Negative(confidence:0.521, ref:Neutral)>:Negative(confidence:0.413, ref:Negative)> -LRB- in PC enabled with <<USB3:Negative(confidence:0.521, ref:Neutral)>:Negative(confidence:0.413, ref:Negative)> -RRB- I was not originally sold on the <MAC OS:Negative(confidence:0.535, ref:Negative)> I felt it was inferior in many ways To <Windows 7:Positive(confidence:0.841, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 403: I like <iTunes:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , the apparent <security:Positive(confidence:0.985, ref:Positive)> , the <Mini form factor:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> , all the nice <graphics stuff:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 404: The first time I used the <card reader:Negative(confidence:0.595, ref:Negative)> it took half an hour and a pair of tweezers to <remove the card:Negative(confidence:0.616, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 405: After replacing the <spinning hard disk:Neutral(confidence:0.924, ref:Neutral)> with an <ssd drive:Neutral(confidence:0.639, ref:Positive)> , my mac is just flying .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 406: I know some people complained about <HDMI:Negative(confidence:0.961, ref:Neutral)> issues but they released a <firmware patch:Positive(confidence:0.714, ref:Neutral)> to address that issue .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 407: With the needs of a professional photographer I generally need to keep up with the best <specs:Positive(confidence:0.811, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 408:  <packing:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> and everything was perfect
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 409: I called Toshiba where I gave them the serial number and they informed me that they were having issues with the <mother boards:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 410: I seem to be having repeat problems as the <Mother Board:Negative(confidence:0.99, ref:Negative)> in this one is diagnosed as faulty , related to the <graphics card:Negative(confidence:0.979, ref:Negative)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 411: It also comes with <4G of RAM:Positive(confidence:0.651, ref:Neutral)> but if you 're like me you want to max that out so I immediately put <8G of RAM:Positive(confidence:0.678, ref:Neutral)> in her and I 've never used a computer that <performs:Positive(confidence:0.985, ref:Positive)> better .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 412: This computer is also awesome for my sons <virtual home schooling:Positive(confidence:0.986, ref:Positive)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 413:  <Cost:Negative(confidence:0.959, ref:Negative)> is more as compared to other brands .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 414: also ... - excellent <operating system:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> - <size:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> and <weight:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> for optimal <mobility:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> - excellent <durability of the battery:Positive(confidence:0.999, ref:Positive)> - the <functions provided by the trackpad:Positive(confidence:0.998, ref:Positive)> is unmatched by any other brand -
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 415: This <hardware:Positive(confidence:0.984, ref:Positive)> seems to be better than the iMac in that it is n't $ 1400 and smaller .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 416: I 've had it for about 2 months now and found no issues with <software:Positive(confidence:0.886, ref:Neutral)> or <updates:Positive(confidence:0.799, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 417: the latest version does not have a <disc drive:Negative(confidence:0.498, ref:Neutral)> .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Example 418:  <Screen:Neutral(confidence:0.499, ref:Positive)> - although some people might complain about low <res:Negative(confidence:0.786, ref:Positive)> which I think is ridiculous .
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Total samples:638
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Labeled samples:638
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6) Prediction Accuracy:82.60188087774294%
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6)
---------------------------- Classification Report ----------------------------

[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6)
               precision    recall  f1-score   support

    Negative     0.7284    0.9219    0.8138       128
     Neutral     0.7815    0.5503    0.6458       169
    Positive     0.8852    0.9267    0.9054       341

    accuracy                         0.8260       638
   macro avg     0.7984    0.7996    0.7884       638
weighted avg     0.8263    0.8260    0.8183       638

[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6)
---------------------------- Classification Report ----------------------------

[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6)
---------------------------- Confusion Matrix ----------------------------

[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6)
 [[118   7   3]
 [ 38  93  38]
 [  6  19 316]]
[2023-03-12 17:50:36] (2.1.6)
---------------------------- Confusion Matrix ----------------------------

[{'text': ' Boot time is super fast , around anywhere from 35 seconds to 1 minute .',
  'aspect': ['Boot time'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9975171089172363],
  'probs': [array([4.7845414e-04, 2.0043920e-03, 9.9751711e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' tech support would not fix the problem unless I bought your plan for $ 150 plus .',
  'aspect': ['tech support'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9895620942115784],
  'probs': [array([0.9895621 , 0.00678456, 0.00365334], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Set up was easy .',
  'aspect': ['Set up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9974567294120789],
  'probs': [array([8.5592730e-04, 1.6873443e-03, 9.9745673e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Did not enjoy the new Windows 8 and touchscreen functions .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8', 'touchscreen functions'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9911749362945557, 0.99159836769104],
  'probs': [array([0.99117494, 0.00544613, 0.00337895], dtype=float32),
   array([0.99159837, 0.00505735, 0.00334417], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Other than not being a fan of click pads -LRB- industry standard these days -RRB- and the lousy internal speakers , it 's hard for me to find things about this notebook I do n't like , especially considering the $ 350 price tag .",
  'aspect': ['internal speakers', 'price tag', 'click pads'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9915964007377625, 0.9624171853065491, 0.9880263805389404],
  'probs': [array([0.9915964 , 0.00508992, 0.0033137 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9624172 , 0.0151315 , 0.02245135], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9880264 , 0.00861072, 0.00336287], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Positive', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'No installation disk (DVD) is included .',
  'aspect': ['installation disk (DVD)'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8787800669670105],
  'probs': [array([0.87878007, 0.1048049 , 0.01641493], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's fast , light , and simple to use .",
  'aspect': ['use'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985234141349792],
  'probs': [array([6.7345035e-04, 8.0305827e-04, 9.9852341e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Works well , and I am extremely happy to be back to an apple OS .',
  'aspect': ['Works', 'apple OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9982230067253113, 0.995448648929596],
  'probs': [array([4.4588296e-04, 1.3310935e-03, 9.9822301e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0011718 , 0.00337951, 0.99544865], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Sure it 's not light and slim but the features make up for it 100 % .",
  'aspect': ['features'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9936617612838745],
  'probs': [array([5.5003082e-03, 8.3793089e-04, 9.9366176e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I am pleased with the fast log on , speedy WiFi connection and the long battery life -LRB- > 6 hrs -RRB- .',
  'aspect': ['log on', 'WiFi connection', 'battery life'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990229606628418, 0.9990633130073547, 0.9989075660705566],
  'probs': [array([2.1903666e-04, 7.5801398e-04, 9.9902296e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.1336734e-04, 7.2325848e-04, 9.9906331e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.2440121e-04, 8.6812867e-04, 9.9890757e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The Apple engineers have not yet discovered the delete key .',
  'aspect': ['delete key'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8852022886276245],
  'probs': [array([0.8852023 , 0.10336746, 0.0114303 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Made interneting -LRB- part of my business -RRB- very difficult to maintain .',
  'aspect': ['interneting'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.985220193862915],
  'probs': [array([0.9852202 , 0.00934802, 0.00543182], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Luckily , for all of us contemplating the decision , the Mac Mini is priced just right .',
  'aspect': ['priced'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9984307885169983],
  'probs': [array([4.5954937e-04, 1.1096199e-03, 9.9843079e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Super light , super sexy and everything just works .',
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9981409311294556],
  'probs': [array([5.6805869e-04, 1.2910332e-03, 9.9814093e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Only problem that I had was that the track pad was not very good for me , I only had a problem once or twice with it , But probably my computer was a bit defective .',
  'aspect': ['track pad'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9938513040542603],
  'probs': [array([0.9938513 , 0.0047962 , 0.00135249], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is super fast and has outstanding graphics .',
  'aspect': ['graphics'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986935257911682],
  'probs': [array([6.701570e-04, 6.363553e-04, 9.986935e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'But the mountain lion is just too slow .',
  'aspect': ['mountain lion'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9898584485054016],
  'probs': [array([0.98985845, 0.00517701, 0.00496456], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Strong build though which really adds to its durability .',
  'aspect': ['durability', 'build'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9942303895950317, 0.9981762170791626],
  'probs': [array([0.00204579, 0.00372377, 0.9942304 ], dtype=float32),
   array([9.3095854e-04, 8.9283928e-04, 9.9817622e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The battery life is excellent - 6-7 hours without charging .',
  'aspect': ['battery life'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986888766288757],
  'probs': [array([2.8720530e-04, 1.0239678e-03, 9.9868888e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I 've had my computer for 2 weeks already and it works perfectly .",
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998248815536499],
  'probs': [array([5.8076682e-04, 1.1704376e-03, 9.9824882e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'And I may be the only one but I am really liking Windows 8 .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9976033568382263],
  'probs': [array([0.00116533, 0.00123135, 0.99760336], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The baterry is very longer .',
  'aspect': ['baterry'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.7802082300186157],
  'probs': [array([0.07603173, 0.14376006, 0.78020823], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Its size is ideal and the weight is acceptable .',
  'aspect': ['size', 'weight'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998227059841156, 0.9511725902557373],
  'probs': [array([2.6353358e-04, 1.5093706e-03, 9.9822706e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00214677, 0.04668057, 0.9511726 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I can say that I am fully satisfied with the performance that the computer has supplied .',
  'aspect': ['performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989801049232483],
  'probs': [array([3.5013445e-04, 6.6970079e-04, 9.9898010e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This laptop has only 2 USB ports , and they are both on the same side .',
  'aspect': ['USB ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8308581113815308],
  'probs': [array([0.13582262, 0.8308581 , 0.03331921], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It has so much more speed and the screen is very sharp .',
  'aspect': ['speed', 'screen'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986538887023926, 0.9988223910331726],
  'probs': [array([2.9994792e-04, 1.0460772e-03, 9.9865389e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.1392329e-04, 8.6374325e-04, 9.9882239e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Everything I wanted and everything I needed and the price was great !',
  'aspect': ['price'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988707900047302],
  'probs': [array([5.5480882e-04, 5.7437253e-04, 9.9887079e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's not inexpensive but the Hardware performance is impressive for a computer this small .",
  'aspect': ['Hardware performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.992134690284729],
  'probs': [array([0.00587247, 0.00199288, 0.9921347 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This thing is awesome , everything always works , everything is always easy to set up , everything is compatible , its literally everything I could ask for .',
  'aspect': ['works', 'set up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990618824958801, 0.9991551637649536],
  'probs': [array([2.205618e-04, 7.175924e-04, 9.990619e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.0719229e-04, 6.3762476e-04, 9.9915516e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Keyboard responds well to presses .',
  'aspect': ['Keyboard'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.985171377658844],
  'probs': [array([0.00288616, 0.01194247, 0.9851714 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Lastly , Windows 8 is annoying .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.988117516040802],
  'probs': [array([0.9881175 , 0.00526492, 0.00661757], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Everything is so easy and intuitive to setup or configure .',
  'aspect': ['setup', 'configure'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9975554943084717, 0.9914337396621704],
  'probs': [array([5.0503173e-04, 1.9394504e-03, 9.9755549e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0012321 , 0.00733419, 0.99143374], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Biggest complaint is Windows 8 .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9890751242637634],
  'probs': [array([0.9890751 , 0.0056565 , 0.00526846], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Only 2 usb ports ... seems kind of ... limited .',
  'aspect': ['usb ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.941909909248352],
  'probs': [array([0.9419099 , 0.04831647, 0.00977371], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It has all the expected features and more + plus a wide screen and more than roomy keyboard .',
  'aspect': ['features', 'screen', 'keyboard'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9960982799530029, 0.9983433485031128, 0.9977928400039673],
  'probs': [array([3.5123501e-04, 3.5504175e-03, 9.9609828e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.6845979e-04, 1.3881386e-03, 9.9834335e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([5.5223057e-04, 1.6549083e-03, 9.9779284e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Amazing Performance for anything I throw at it .',
  'aspect': ['Performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9984258413314819],
  'probs': [array([6.8509602e-04, 8.8906218e-04, 9.9842584e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The receiver was full of superlatives for the quality and performance .',
  'aspect': ['quality', 'performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9945765733718872, 0.9915801882743835],
  'probs': [array([0.00142528, 0.00399823, 0.9945766 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00167951, 0.00674027, 0.9915802 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I was extremely happy with the OS itself .',
  'aspect': ['OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9980117082595825],
  'probs': [array([1.0221802e-03, 9.6609374e-04, 9.9801171e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The new MBP offers great portability and gives us confidence that we are not going to need to purchase a new laptop in 18 months .',
  'aspect': ['portability'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986740350723267],
  'probs': [array([2.1282013e-04, 1.1130754e-03, 9.9867404e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The criticism has waned , and now I 'd be the first to recommend an Air for truly portable computing .",
  'aspect': ['portable computing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9964889287948608],
  'probs': [array([5.3583109e-04, 2.9752867e-03, 9.9648893e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I would have given it 5 starts was it not for the fact that it had Windows 8 ',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9108100533485413],
  'probs': [array([0.03469681, 0.05449321, 0.91081005], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' MS Office 2011 for Mac is wonderful , well worth it .',
  'aspect': ['MS Office 2011 for Mac'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990719556808472],
  'probs': [array([3.5418585e-04, 5.7379832e-04, 9.9907196e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'But the performance of Mac Mini is a huge disappointment .',
  'aspect': ['performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9889582395553589],
  'probs': [array([0.98895824, 0.00624409, 0.00479766], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "They do n't just look good ; they deliver excellent performance .",
  'aspect': ['look', 'performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9936938881874084, 0.998573899269104],
  'probs': [array([0.00135001, 0.00495602, 0.9936939 ], dtype=float32),
   array([5.961639e-04, 8.299491e-04, 9.985739e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I have had it over a year now with out a Glitch of any kind . . I love the lit up keys and screen display ... this thing is Fast and clear as can be .',
  'aspect': ['lit up keys', 'screen display'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998965859413147, 0.9988117218017578],
  'probs': [array([2.5517345e-04, 7.7899208e-04, 9.9896586e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.1659286e-04, 9.7172213e-04, 9.9881172e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The Mountain Lion OS is not hard to figure out if you are familiar with Microsoft Windows .',
  'aspect': ['Mountain Lion OS', 'Microsoft Windows'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9792176485061646, 0.752911388874054],
  'probs': [array([0.00157626, 0.01920608, 0.97921765], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00551676, 0.24157192, 0.7529114 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "However , I can refute that OSX is `` FAST '' .",
  'aspect': ['OSX'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.5933231115341187],
  'probs': [array([0.33809537, 0.06858147, 0.5933231 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Enjoy using Microsoft Office !',
  'aspect': ['Microsoft Office'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987353682518005],
  'probs': [array([6.3123339e-04, 6.3343655e-04, 9.9873537e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Incredible graphics and brilliant colors .',
  'aspect': ['graphics', 'colors'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990346431732178, 0.998914361000061],
  'probs': [array([3.6863441e-04, 5.9676898e-04, 9.9903464e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.9040810e-04, 5.9532898e-04, 9.9891436e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Built-in apps are purely amazing .',
  'aspect': ['Built-in apps'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986333250999451],
  'probs': [array([6.544920e-04, 7.121059e-04, 9.986333e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Cons : Screen resolution .',
  'aspect': ['Screen resolution'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9254526495933533],
  'probs': [array([0.92545265, 0.05056977, 0.02397765], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'From the speed to the multi touch gestures this operating system beats Windows easily .',
  'aspect': ['operating system', 'Windows', 'speed', 'multi touch gestures'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.7382108569145203,
  'probs': [array([0.24722704, 0.01456205, 0.73821086], dtype=float32),
   array([0.87944967, 0.0284934 , 0.09205683], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00159908, 0.00101584, 0.9973851 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0025086 , 0.00272282, 0.9947686 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I really like the size and I 'm a fan of the ACERS .",
  'aspect': ['size'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988296627998352],
  'probs': [array([4.3011451e-04, 7.4022100e-04, 9.9882966e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I opted for the SquareTrade 3-Year Computer Accidental Protection Warranty -LRB- $ 1500-2000 -RRB- which also support `` accidents '' like drops and spills that are NOT covered by AppleCare .",
  'aspect': ['SquareTrade 3-Year Computer Accidental Protection Warranty',
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.7814544439315796, 0.968296468257904],
  'probs': [array([0.00359576, 0.21494982, 0.78145444], dtype=float32),
   array([0.96829647, 0.02333059, 0.00837294], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's light and easy to transport .",
  'aspect': ['transport'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9981039762496948],
  'probs': [array([9.118006e-04, 9.842579e-04, 9.981040e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Once you get past learning how to use the poorly designed Windows 8 Set-Up you may feel frustrated .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8 Set-Up'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9926188588142395],
  'probs': [array([0.99261886, 0.00469821, 0.002683  ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's been time for a new laptop , and the only debate was which size of the Mac laptops , and whether to spring for the retina display .",
  'aspect': ['size', 'retina display'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9109618067741394, 0.9697842001914978],
  'probs': [array([0.07366177, 0.9109618 , 0.01537642], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01971841, 0.9697842 , 0.01049745], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The reason why I choose apple MacBook because of their design and the aluminum casing .',
  'aspect': ['design', 'aluminum casing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9979331493377686, 0.9976905584335327],
  'probs': [array([4.2959445e-04, 1.6372985e-03, 9.9793315e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([5.1514461e-04, 1.7943372e-03, 9.9769056e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The aluminum body sure makes it stand out .',
  'aspect': ['aluminum body'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989245533943176],
  'probs': [array([4.6256452e-04, 6.1290711e-04, 9.9892455e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is very easy to integrate bluetooth devices , and USB devices are recognized almost instantly .',
  'aspect': ['integrate bluetooth devices', 'USB devices'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9972895383834839, 0.9830890893936157],
  'probs': [array([2.7856274e-04, 2.4319240e-03, 9.9728954e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([6.2569598e-04, 1.6285243e-02, 9.8308909e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "And the fact that Apple is driving the 13 '' RMBP with the Intel4000 graphic chip seems underpowered -LRB- to me .",
  'aspect': ['Intel4000 graphic chip'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9861721396446228],
  'probs': [array([0.98617214, 0.00777431, 0.00605358], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Apple removed the DVD drive Firewire port -LRB- will work with adapter -RRB- and put the SDXC slot in a silly position on the back .',
  'aspect': ['DVD drive Firewire port', 'adapter', 'SDXC slot'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.5616790652275085, 0.9476386308670044, 0.8106638789176941],
  'probs': [array([0.36619702, 0.56167907, 0.07212389], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01227008, 0.94763863, 0.04009132], dtype=float32),
   array([0.8106639 , 0.16387096, 0.02546514], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The durability of the laptop will make it worth the money .',
  'aspect': ['durability'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9926776885986328],
  'probs': [array([0.00108857, 0.00623374, 0.9926777 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Well designed and fast .',
  'aspect': ['designed'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988481998443604],
  'probs': [array([5.2781397e-04, 6.2396226e-04, 9.9884820e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'But I was completely wrong , this computer is UNBELIEVABLE amazing and easy to use .',
  'aspect': ['use'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9983705878257751],
  'probs': [array([9.3682791e-04, 6.9254136e-04, 9.9837059e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Exactly as posted plus a great value .',
  'aspect': ['value'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9983918070793152],
  'probs': [array([4.8300531e-04, 1.1251882e-03, 9.9839181e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The specs are pretty good too .',
  'aspect': ['specs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988728165626526],
  'probs': [array([5.2055094e-04, 6.0662074e-04, 9.9887282e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Apple is unmatched in product quality , aesthetics , craftmanship , and customer service .',
  'aspect': ['product quality',
   'customer service'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989666938781738,
  'probs': [array([2.3532461e-04, 7.9801754e-04, 9.9896669e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.5180355e-04, 8.6807675e-04, 9.9888009e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.5584141e-04, 8.2570710e-04, 9.9891853e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.1567743e-04, 9.5536117e-04, 9.9872905e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is a great size and amazing windows 8 included !',
  'aspect': ['size', 'windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.99894779920578, 0.998852014541626],
  'probs': [array([2.9255808e-04, 7.5961917e-04, 9.9894780e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.8154028e-04, 6.6647655e-04, 9.9885201e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I do not like too much Windows 8 .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.990502119064331],
  'probs': [array([0.9905021 , 0.0050133 , 0.00448453], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Startup times are incredibly long : over two minutes .',
  'aspect': ['Startup times'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8703135848045349],
  'probs': [array([0.8703136 , 0.02553914, 0.10414727], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Also stunning colors and speedy',
  'aspect': ['colors'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988279938697815],
  'probs': [array([5.8207993e-04, 5.8990985e-04, 9.9882799e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'great price free shipping what else can i ask for !!',
  'aspect': ['price', 'shipping'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988189339637756, 0.9907241463661194],
  'probs': [array([4.7807972e-04, 7.0301123e-04, 9.9881893e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00303436, 0.00624155, 0.99072415], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This mouse is terrific .',
  'aspect': ['mouse'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9978690147399902],
  'probs': [array([1.1605355e-03, 9.7043609e-04, 9.9786901e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is really thick around the battery .',
  'aspect': ['battery'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7391976118087769],
  'probs': [array([0.23433286, 0.7391976 , 0.02646952], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'And windows 7 works like a charm .',
  'aspect': ['windows 7'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9980427026748657],
  'probs': [array([7.2718365e-04, 1.2301068e-03, 9.9804270e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ':-RRB- Great product , great price , great delivery , and great service .',
  'aspect': ['price', 'delivery', 'service'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990503191947937, 0.9990098476409912, 0.9989467263221741],
  'probs': [array([3.1566821e-04, 6.3395756e-04, 9.9905032e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.5019312e-04, 6.3992833e-04, 9.9900985e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.8437109e-04, 6.6887605e-04, 9.9894673e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ':] It arrived so fast and customer service was great .',
  'aspect': ['customer service'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989845156669617],
  'probs': [array([5.0889811e-04, 5.0657196e-04, 9.9898452e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'tried windows 8 and hated it !!!',
  'aspect': ['windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9873768091201782],
  'probs': [array([0.9873768 , 0.00597796, 0.00664525], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Set up was a breeze .',
  'aspect': ['Set up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998060405254364],
  'probs': [array([7.1080984e-04, 1.2288574e-03, 9.9806041e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'But I do NOT like Win8 .',
  'aspect': ['Win8'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9832062721252441],
  'probs': [array([0.9832063 , 0.00834845, 0.0084452 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I am still in the process of learning about its features .',
  'aspect': ['features'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.978660523891449],
  'probs': [array([0.01514716, 0.9786605 , 0.0061923 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I had the same reasons as most PC users : the price , the overbearing restrictions of OSX and lack of support for games .',
  'aspect': ['price', 'OSX', 'support for games'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9882531762123108, 0.9885038733482361, 0.9914636015892029],
  'probs': [array([0.9882532 , 0.00855001, 0.00319681], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9885039 , 0.0066242 , 0.00487196], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9914636 , 0.00557936, 0.00295703], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I wanted it for it 's mobility and man , this little bad boy is very nice .",
  'aspect': ['mobility'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9949988126754761],
  'probs': [array([0.00297963, 0.00202149, 0.9949988 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I found the mini to be : Exceptionally easy to set up ',
  'aspect': ['set up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9977536797523499],
  'probs': [array([6.073837e-04, 1.638902e-03, 9.977537e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Having USB3 is why I bought this Mini .',
  'aspect': ['USB3'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7762116193771362],
  'probs': [array([0.00942455, 0.7762116 , 0.21436387], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The sound is nice and loud ; I do n't have any problems with hearing anything .",
  'aspect': ['sound'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.999047577381134],
  'probs': [array([3.0615376e-04, 6.4615929e-04, 9.9904758e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is very slim , the track pad is very much impressed with me .',
  'aspect': ['track pad'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987362027168274],
  'probs': [array([4.4762422e-04, 8.1620377e-04, 9.9873620e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The settings are not user-friendly either .',
  'aspect': ['settings'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9885511994361877],
  'probs': [array([0.9885512 , 0.00606668, 0.00538218], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Thank goodness for OpenOffice !',
  'aspect': ['OpenOffice'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9923183917999268],
  'probs': [array([0.00346153, 0.00422015, 0.9923184 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Awesome form factor , great battery life , wonderful UX .',
  'aspect': ['form factor', 'battery life', 'UX'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990270137786865, 0.9990376234054565, 0.998766303062439],
  'probs': [array([2.8645332e-04, 6.8654685e-04, 9.9902701e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.5291738e-04, 6.0949934e-04, 9.9903762e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.8068140e-04, 7.5308443e-04, 9.9876630e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'i love the keyboard and the screen .',
  'aspect': ['keyboard', 'screen'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989234805107117, 0.9984525442123413],
  'probs': [array([3.982956e-04, 6.781836e-04, 9.989235e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.9732116e-04, 1.1501957e-03, 9.9845254e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'However , there are MAJOR issues with the touchpad which render the device nearly useless .',
  'aspect': ['touchpad'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9925290942192078],
  'probs': [array([0.9925291 , 0.00449161, 0.0029793 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I 've already upgraded o Mavericks and I am impressed with everything about this computer .",
  'aspect': ['Mavericks'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.907528281211853],
  'probs': [array([0.00260704, 0.08986466, 0.9075283 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Not as fast as I would have expect for an i5 .',
  'aspect': ['i5'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.5533192157745361],
  'probs': [array([0.5533192 , 0.31828374, 0.12839702], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'thanks for great service and shipping !',
  'aspect': ['service', 'shipping'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988580942153931, 0.9971820116043091],
  'probs': [array([5.2145054e-04, 6.2049460e-04, 9.9885809e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00135735, 0.00146066, 0.997182  ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The performance seems quite good , and built-in applications like iPhoto work great with my phone and camera .',
  'aspect': ['performance', 'built-in applications', 'iPhoto'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998065173625946, 0.9979281425476074, 0.9976928234100342],
  'probs': [array([2.1820025e-04, 1.7165864e-03, 9.9806517e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.4081656e-04, 1.8311085e-03, 9.9792814e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.455823e-04, 2.061654e-03, 9.976928e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I did swap out the hard drive for a Samsung 830 SSD which I highly recommend .',
  'aspect': ['hard drive', 'Samsung 830 SSD'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9274474382400513, 0.9950002431869507],
  'probs': [array([0.0093539 , 0.92744744, 0.06319864], dtype=float32),
   array([2.7117881e-04, 4.7286642e-03, 9.9500024e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Starts up in a hurry and everything is ready to go .',
  'aspect': ['Starts up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9916386008262634],
  'probs': [array([0.00149355, 0.00686795, 0.9916386 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Yes , that 's a good thing , but it 's made from aluminum that scratches easily .",
  'aspect': ['aluminum'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.5107696056365967],
  'probs': [array([0.5107696 , 0.04579874, 0.4434317 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Quick and has built in virus control .',
  'aspect': ['built in virus control'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985278844833374],
  'probs': [array([4.7159829e-04, 1.0004948e-03, 9.9852788e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Took a long time trying to decide between one with retina display and one without .',
  'aspect': ['retina display'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7015153169631958],
  'probs': [array([0.27959317, 0.7015153 , 0.01889157], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I was also informed that the components of the Mac Book were dirty .',
  'aspect': ['components'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9745844602584839],
  'probs': [array([0.97458446, 0.01425597, 0.01115961], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "the hardware problems have been so bad , i ca n't wait till it completely dies in 3 years , TOPS !",
  'aspect': ['hardware'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.988572359085083],
  'probs': [array([0.98857236, 0.00484582, 0.00658176], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's so nice that the battery last so long and that this machine has the snow lion !",
  'aspect': ['battery', 'snow lion'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985697269439697, 0.9918727278709412],
  'probs': [array([2.7528015e-04, 1.1549691e-03, 9.9856973e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([9.7835052e-04, 7.1489136e-03, 9.9187273e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'HOWEVER I chose two day shipping and it took over a week to arrive .',
  'aspect': ['shipping'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9837228655815125],
  'probs': [array([0.98372287, 0.00898024, 0.00729689], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "it 's exactly what i wanted , and it has all the new features and whatnot .",
  'aspect': ['features'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988866448402405],
  'probs': [array([4.3234011e-04, 6.8098365e-04, 9.9888664e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Can you buy any laptop that matches the quality of a MacBook ?',
  'aspect': ['quality'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.841616153717041],
  'probs': [array([0.00395381, 0.15442999, 0.84161615], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It feels cheap , the keyboard is not very sensitive .',
  'aspect': ['keyboard'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9840143322944641],
  'probs': [array([0.98401433, 0.00843667, 0.00754893], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Though please note that sometimes it crashes , and the sound quality isnt superb .',
  'aspect': ['sound quality'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9661105275154114],
  'probs': [array([0.9661105 , 0.0255601 , 0.00832936], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is very easy to navigate even for a novice .',
  'aspect': ['navigate'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9973326921463013],
  'probs': [array([7.2742376e-04, 1.9399788e-03, 9.9733269e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Does everything I need it to , has a wonderful battery life and I could n't be happier .",
  'aspect': ['battery life'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9991475343704224],
  'probs': [array([3.2131941e-04, 5.3115992e-04, 9.9914753e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Great Performance and Quality .',
  'aspect': ['Performance', 'Quality'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9984667301177979, 0.9985106587409973],
  'probs': [array([7.1007147e-04, 8.2323194e-04, 9.9846673e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([7.4768090e-04, 7.4168161e-04, 9.9851066e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I used windows XP , windows Vista , and Windows 7 extensively .',
  'aspect': ['windows XP', 'windows Vista', 'Windows 7'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.5431308150291443, 0.6571975946426392, 0.7059282660484314],
  'probs': [array([0.00292124, 0.45394796, 0.5431308 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00245311, 0.34034935, 0.6571976 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00236981, 0.29170188, 0.70592827], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I did add a SSD drive and memory',
  'aspect': ['SSD drive', 'memory'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9670280814170837, 0.9850019812583923],
  'probs': [array([0.02026172, 0.9670281 , 0.01271019], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0079871 , 0.985002  , 0.00701087], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'On start up it asks endless questions just so itune can sell you more of their products .',
  'aspect': ['start up', 'itune'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9410576820373535, 0.8954697251319885],
  'probs': [array([0.9410577 , 0.0467945 , 0.01214778], dtype=float32),
   array([0.8954697 , 0.04611267, 0.05841763], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I Have been a Pc user for a very long time now but I will get used to this new OS .',
  'aspect': ['OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.670227587223053],
  'probs': [array([0.01342706, 0.6702276 , 0.31634533], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "One more thing , this mac does NOT come with restore disks and I am not sure if you can make them direct from the mac like you can with newer PC 's , also the charging cables are made of the same cheap material as the iPhone/iPod touch cables .",
  'aspect': ['restore disks', 'charging cables', 'material'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9504357576370239, 0.771449089050293, 0.7020449042320251],
  'probs': [array([0.95043576, 0.04604242, 0.00352188], dtype=float32),
   array([0.7714491 , 0.15794933, 0.07060165], dtype=float32),
   array([0.7020449 , 0.16001225, 0.13794285], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I bought it to my son who uses it for graphic design .',
  'aspect': ['graphic design'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9887154698371887],
  'probs': [array([0.00262089, 0.98871547, 0.00866362], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I never tried any external mics with that iMac .',
  'aspect': ['external mics'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.6156608462333679],
  'probs': [array([0.61566085, 0.37235186, 0.01198728], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The new os is great on my macbook pro !',
  'aspect': ['os'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986885190010071],
  'probs': [array([3.0558812e-04, 1.0059172e-03, 9.9868852e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I have experienced no problems , works as anticipated .',
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9789354801177979],
  'probs': [array([0.00313069, 0.01793377, 0.9789355 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' System is running great .',
  'aspect': ['System'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998178243637085],
  'probs': [array([7.6646375e-04, 1.0553068e-03, 9.9817824e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Easy to customize setting and even create your own bookmarks .',
  'aspect': ['customize setting', 'create your own bookmarks'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9983375072479248, 0.9898300766944885],
  'probs': [array([3.5932811e-04, 1.3031167e-03, 9.9833751e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([9.750433e-04, 9.194916e-03, 9.898301e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The MAC Mini , wireless keyboard / mouse and a HDMI cable is all I need to get some real work done .',
  'aspect': ['wireless keyboard / mouse', 'HDMI cable'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.6967933177947998, 0.8151227831840515],
  'probs': [array([0.00208007, 0.6967933 , 0.30112666], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00242153, 0.8151228 , 0.18245564], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'it has all the features that we expected and the price was good , working well so far .',
  'aspect': ['features', 'price', 'working'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985779523849487, 0.9988848567008972, 0.9969748258590698],
  'probs': [array([2.8152717e-04, 1.1405367e-03, 9.9857795e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.8888119e-04, 7.2623545e-04, 9.9888486e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([5.9082155e-04, 2.4344129e-03, 9.9697483e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I work as a designer and coder and I needed a new buddy to work with , not gaming .',
  'aspect': ['gaming'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7314355373382568],
  'probs': [array([0.25520104, 0.73143554, 0.01336342], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The new operating system makes this computer into a super iPad .',
  'aspect': ['operating system'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9971787929534912],
  'probs': [array([4.7651472e-04, 2.3446935e-03, 9.9717879e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Easy to set up and go !',
  'aspect': ['set up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987868666648865],
  'probs': [array([4.5442497e-04, 7.5862446e-04, 9.9878687e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I ca n't believe how quiet the hard drive is and how quick this thing boots up .",
  'aspect': ['hard drive', 'boots up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989798665046692, 0.9977726340293884],
  'probs': [array([3.0109641e-04, 7.1908440e-04, 9.9897987e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([5.5240217e-04, 1.6749656e-03, 9.9777263e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The only issue came when I tried scanning to the mac .',
  'aspect': ['scanning'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9852100014686584],
  'probs': [array([0.98521  , 0.0112423, 0.0035477], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I think this is about as good as it gets at anything close to this price point .',
  'aspect': ['price point'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.991224467754364],
  'probs': [array([0.00272473, 0.00605072, 0.99122447], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's just what we were looking for and it works great .",
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985528588294983],
  'probs': [array([6.6699350e-04, 7.8021025e-04, 9.9855286e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's so quick and responsive that it makes working / surfing on a computer so much more pleasurable !",
  'aspect': ['working', 'surfing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9957051873207092, 0.9932522177696228],
  'probs': [array([4.9052405e-04, 3.8042900e-03, 9.9570519e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([7.5254944e-04, 5.9951460e-03, 9.9325222e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It works fine , and all the software seems to run pretty well .',
  'aspect': ['works', 'software'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9958694577217102, 0.9982408285140991],
  'probs': [array([6.5333163e-04, 3.4772651e-03, 9.9586946e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([5.3147454e-04, 1.2277383e-03, 9.9824083e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I 'm using this computer for word processing , web browsing , some gaming , and I 'm learning programming .",
  'aspect': ['word processing', 'web browsing', 'gaming', 'programming'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9684221148490906,
  'probs': [array([0.00162265, 0.9684221 , 0.02995521], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00146141, 0.8832084 , 0.11533026], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00161231, 0.85834974, 0.14003801], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00160145, 0.20831136, 0.7900872 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'My wife was so excited to open the box , but quickly came to see that it did not function as it should .',
  'aspect': ['function'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9908087253570557],
  'probs': [array([0.9908087 , 0.00586315, 0.00332806], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I wanted a computer that was quite , fast , and that had overall great performance .',
  'aspect': ['performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9979296922683716],
  'probs': [array([7.6886924e-04, 1.3014021e-03, 9.9792969e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Apple "Help" is a mixed bag .',
  'aspect': ['Apple "Help"'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.49119991064071655],
  'probs': [array([0.48138744, 0.4911999 , 0.02741272], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It suddenly can not work .',
  'aspect': ['work'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9797419905662537],
  'probs': [array([0.979742  , 0.01528944, 0.00496851], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Harddrive was in poor condition , had to replace it .',
  'aspect': ['Harddrive'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9911816120147705],
  'probs': [array([0.9911816 , 0.00503986, 0.00377848], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The on/off switch is a bit obscure in the rear corner .',
  'aspect': ['on/off switch'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9787256717681885],
  'probs': [array([0.9787257 , 0.01418712, 0.00708722], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'My only complaint is the total lack of instructions that come with the mac mini .',
  'aspect': ['instructions'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9929798245429993],
  'probs': [array([0.9929798 , 0.00446655, 0.00255368], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The only task that this computer would not be good enough for would be gaming , otherwise the integrated Intel 4000 graphics work well for other tasks .',
  'aspect': ['gaming'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8779851198196411],
  'probs': [array([0.8779851 , 0.11130753, 0.01070732], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I use it mostly for content creation -LRB- Audio , video , photo editing -RRB- and its reliable .',
  'aspect': ['content creation', 'Audio', 'video', 'photo editing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9970445036888123,
  'probs': [array([3.1993020e-04, 2.6355756e-03, 9.9704450e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.8081474e-04, 1.9786598e-03, 9.9774051e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.7802275e-04, 1.7508190e-03, 9.9797112e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.4833402e-04, 1.6519271e-03, 9.9809974e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Screen is bright and gorgeous .',
  'aspect': ['Screen'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987354874610901],
  'probs': [array([5.5975991e-04, 7.0475676e-04, 9.9873549e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The only solution is to turn the brightness down , etc. .',
  'aspect': ['brightness'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8065500259399414],
  'probs': [array([0.80655   , 0.14814813, 0.04530188], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'If you want more information on macs I suggest going to and heading towards the macbook page for more information on the applications .',
  'aspect': ['applications'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9479166269302368],
  'probs': [array([0.01094985, 0.9479166 , 0.04113356], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is robust , with a friendly use as all Apple products .',
  'aspect': ['use'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9984897375106812],
  'probs': [array([4.0475643e-04, 1.1055019e-03, 9.9848974e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is fast and easy to use .',
  'aspect': ['use'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985187649726868],
  'probs': [array([7.6364708e-04, 7.1761379e-04, 9.9851876e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'And the fact that it comes with an i5 processor definitely speeds things up',
  'aspect': ['i5 processor'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9933225512504578],
  'probs': [array([0.00146019, 0.00521733, 0.99332255], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I have been PC for years but this computer is intuitive and its built in features are a great help',
  'aspect': ['built in features'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9983219504356384],
  'probs': [array([2.5402568e-04, 1.4239652e-03, 9.9832195e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Nice screen , keyboard works great !',
  'aspect': ['screen', 'keyboard'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985777139663696, 0.9988216757774353],
  'probs': [array([3.5119057e-04, 1.0710881e-03, 9.9857771e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.9671033e-04, 7.8158517e-04, 9.9882168e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I was amazed at how fast the delivery was .',
  'aspect': ['delivery'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985388517379761],
  'probs': [array([8.1240997e-04, 6.4876862e-04, 9.9853885e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I 've installed to it additional SSD and 16Gb RAM .",
  'aspect': ['SSD', '16Gb RAM'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9495642185211182, 0.9638921618461609],
  'probs': [array([0.00285249, 0.9495642 , 0.04758324], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00265127, 0.96389216, 0.0334565 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The memory was gone and it was not able to be used .',
  'aspect': ['memory'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9859352111816406],
  'probs': [array([0.9859352 , 0.01035883, 0.00370591], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It works great and I am so happy I bought it .',
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998932421207428],
  'probs': [array([3.964502e-04, 6.711726e-04, 9.989324e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like the design and ease of use with the keyboard , plenty of ports .',
  'aspect': ['design', 'keyboard', 'ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9984896183013916, 0.9979705214500427, 0.998469889163971],
  'probs': [array([2.3479291e-04, 1.2755240e-03, 9.9848962e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.0794670e-04, 1.6214879e-03, 9.9797052e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.2328677e-04, 1.2067879e-03, 9.9846989e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'it definitely beats my old mac and the service was great .',
  'aspect': ['service'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989306330680847],
  'probs': [array([3.8839880e-04, 6.8087532e-04, 9.9893063e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Web browsing is very quick with Safari browser .',
  'aspect': ['Web browsing', 'Safari browser'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986988306045532, 0.9959111213684082],
  'probs': [array([2.9122320e-04, 1.0099523e-03, 9.9869883e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0011136 , 0.00297523, 0.9959111 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like the lighted screen at night .',
  'aspect': ['lighted screen'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987785220146179],
  'probs': [array([4.9025123e-04, 7.3117047e-04, 9.9877852e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is really easy to use and it is quick to start up .',
  'aspect': ['use', 'start up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998995840549469, 0.9988214373588562],
  'probs': [array([2.9768297e-04, 7.0645678e-04, 9.9899584e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.4966812e-04, 7.2885567e-04, 9.9882144e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I 've lived with the crashes and slow operation and restarts .",
  'aspect': ['operation'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9892171621322632],
  'probs': [array([0.98921716, 0.00656677, 0.0042161 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' USB3 Peripherals are noticably less expensive than the ThunderBolt ones .',
  'aspect': ['USB3 Peripherals', 'ThunderBolt'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9362266659736633, 0.46833565831184387],
  'probs': [array([0.0234588 , 0.04031459, 0.93622667], dtype=float32),
   array([0.24620323, 0.46833566, 0.28546116], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'And mine had broke but I sent it in under warranty - no problems .',
  'aspect': ['warranty'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.5163887143135071],
  'probs': [array([0.01339479, 0.4702165 , 0.5163887 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's fast , light , and is perfect for media editing , which is mostly why I bought it in the first place .",
  'aspect': ['media editing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987899661064148],
  'probs': [array([2.3754318e-04, 9.7253395e-04, 9.9878997e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The battery lasts as advertised -LRB- give or take 15-20 minutes -RRB- , and the entire user experience is very elegant .',
  'aspect': ['battery', 'user experience'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8946735858917236, 0.9985846281051636],
  'probs': [array([0.00453122, 0.1007953 , 0.8946736 ], dtype=float32),
   array([3.3953035e-04, 1.0758430e-03, 9.9858463e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Thanks for the fast shipment and great price .',
  'aspect': ['shipment', 'price'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988197684288025, 0.9987620115280151],
  'probs': [array([4.8971723e-04, 6.9052243e-04, 9.9881977e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([6.7013613e-04, 5.6787196e-04, 9.9876201e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': '! Excelent performance , usability , presentation and time response .',
  'aspect': ['performance', 'usability', 'presentation', 'time response'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988971948623657,
  'probs': [array([3.0791975e-04, 7.9487381e-04, 9.9889719e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.293043e-04, 6.880567e-04, 9.989826e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.589936e-04, 8.246437e-04, 9.988164e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.2802343e-04, 8.3593087e-04, 9.9873608e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The smaller size was a bonus because of space restrictions .',
  'aspect': ['size'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.7437306642532349],
  'probs': [array([0.18302236, 0.07324702, 0.74373066], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I blame the Mac OS .',
  'aspect': ['Mac OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9804666638374329],
  'probs': [array([0.98046666, 0.01406777, 0.00546557], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'In fact I still use many Legacy programs -LRB- Appleworks , FileMaker Pro , Quicken , Photoshop etc -RRB- !',
  'aspect': ['Legacy programs',
   'FileMaker Pro',
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8588999509811401,
  'probs': [array([0.01281858, 0.85889995, 0.12828149], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00423931, 0.93456554, 0.06119516], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00220921, 0.85974926, 0.13804153], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00246963, 0.96526295, 0.03226737], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00245561, 0.92051923, 0.07702519], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like the operating system .',
  'aspect': ['operating system'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998513400554657],
  'probs': [array([7.0527173e-04, 7.8134093e-04, 9.9851340e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I love the form factor .',
  'aspect': ['form factor'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987019300460815],
  'probs': [array([6.9073861e-04, 6.0735160e-04, 9.9870193e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's fast at loading the internet .",
  'aspect': ['loading the internet'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985735416412354],
  'probs': [array([7.0609624e-04, 7.2033383e-04, 9.9857354e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'So much faster and sleeker looking .',
  'aspect': ['looking'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9981946349143982],
  'probs': [array([8.9651608e-04, 9.0884091e-04, 9.9819463e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Unfortunately , it runs XP and Microsoft is dropping support next April .',
  'aspect': ['XP', 'support'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.4958838224411011, 0.9837058782577515],
  'probs': [array([0.47804022, 0.49588382, 0.02607595], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9837059 , 0.00949689, 0.00679726], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'First off , I really do like my MBP ... once used to the OS it is pretty easy to get around , and the overall build is great ... eg the keyboard is one of the best to type on .',
  'aspect': ['OS', 'overall build', 'keyboard'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9783048629760742, 0.9987860321998596, 0.9988540410995483],
  'probs': [array([6.3656922e-04, 2.1058679e-02, 9.7830486e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([1.7649024e-04, 1.0375163e-03, 9.9878603e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.1644097e-04, 9.2950079e-04, 9.9885404e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is made of such solid construction and since I have never had a Mac using my iPhone helped me get used to the system a bit .',
  'aspect': ['construction', 'system'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9984757304191589, 0.9648532867431641],
  'probs': [array([2.7383017e-04, 1.2503522e-03, 9.9847573e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0017861 , 0.03336054, 0.9648533 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Very nice unibody construction .',
  'aspect': ['unibody construction'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988094568252563],
  'probs': [array([5.6030077e-04, 6.3026272e-04, 9.9880946e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This Macbook Pro is fast , powerful , and runs super quiet and cool .',
  'aspect': ['runs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986403584480286],
  'probs': [array([2.8045164e-04, 1.0791358e-03, 9.9864036e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's ok but does n't have a disk drive which I did n't know until after I bought it .",
  'aspect': ['disk drive'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8603926301002502],
  'probs': [array([0.86039263, 0.13020182, 0.00940558], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'There is no HDMI receptacle , nor is there an SD card slot located anywhere on the device .',
  'aspect': ['HDMI receptacle', 'SD card slot'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8609098792076111, 0.5268608927726746],
  'probs': [array([0.8609099 , 0.11096448, 0.02812563], dtype=float32),
   array([0.45008266, 0.5268609 , 0.02305644], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It came in brand new and works perfectly .',
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985212683677673],
  'probs': [array([7.1378349e-04, 7.6487934e-04, 9.9852127e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It should n't happen like that , I do n't have any design app open or anything .",
  'aspect': ['design app'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.7301245331764221],
  'probs': [array([0.73012453, 0.13217199, 0.13770343], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
  'aspect': ['TRACKPAD'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9899437427520752],
  'probs': [array([0.98994374, 0.00582604, 0.00423025], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It looks and feels solid , with a flawless finish .',
  'aspect': ['finish', 'looks', 'feels'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985221028327942, 0.998783528804779, 0.9988391995429993],
  'probs': [array([7.211215e-04, 7.567739e-04, 9.985221e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.9221672e-04, 8.2433119e-04, 9.9878353e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.7920280e-04, 7.8153174e-04, 9.9883920e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Price was higher when purchased on MAC when compared to price showing on PC when I bought this product .',
  'aspect': ['Price', 'price'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9807062149047852, 0.8845498561859131],
  'probs': [array([0.9807062 , 0.01055349, 0.0087403 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.88454986, 0.06764831, 0.04780187], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Then the system would many times not power down without a forced power-off .',
  'aspect': ['system', 'power down'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9897047877311707, 0.985285222530365],
  'probs': [array([0.9897048 , 0.00651493, 0.00378028], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9852852 , 0.01140869, 0.00330615], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The configuration is perfect for my needs .',
  'aspect': ['configuration'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.99880051612854],
  'probs': [array([4.933463e-04, 7.061544e-04, 9.988005e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'and the speakers is the worst ever .',
  'aspect': ['speakers'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9887641668319702],
  'probs': [array([0.98876417, 0.00513092, 0.0061049 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Its the best , its got the looks , super easy to use and love all you can do with the trackpad ! . .',
  'aspect': ['looks', 'use', 'trackpad'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987313151359558, 0.9983750581741333, 0.998910665512085],
  'probs': [array([2.2853861e-04, 1.0401467e-03, 9.9873132e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.5767798e-04, 1.3672783e-03, 9.9837506e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.8206138e-04, 7.0729514e-04, 9.9891067e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Web surfuring is smooth and seamless .',
  'aspect': ['Web surfuring'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9975419044494629],
  'probs': [array([6.7500205e-04, 1.7831505e-03, 9.9754190e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I 'm overall pleased with the interface and the portability of this product .",
  'aspect': ['interface', 'portability'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990590214729309, 0.9987204074859619],
  'probs': [array([3.3449495e-04, 6.0645299e-04, 9.9905902e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.353138e-04, 8.443669e-04, 9.987204e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This item is a beautiful piece , it works well , it is easy to carry and handle .',
  'aspect': ['works', 'carry', 'handle'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989879727363586, 0.9989230036735535, 0.9988617897033691],
  'probs': [array([2.3517325e-04, 7.7677850e-04, 9.9898797e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.5855151e-04, 7.1837276e-04, 9.9892300e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.412601e-04, 6.969599e-04, 9.988618e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It was also suffering from hardware -LRB- keyboard -RRB- issues , relatively slow performance and shortening battery lifetime .',
  'aspect': ['performance', 'battery lifetime'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9928144812583923, 0.9914473295211792],
  'probs': [array([0.9928145 , 0.00511831, 0.00206723], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9914473 , 0.0057871 , 0.00276562], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It was also suffering from hardware (keyboard) issues , relatively slow performance and shortening battery lifetime .',
  'aspect': ['hardware (keyboard)'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9933229088783264],
  'probs': [array([0.9933229 , 0.00477061, 0.00190645], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': " Runs good and does the job , ca n't complain about that !",
  'aspect': ['Runs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9979678988456726],
  'probs': [array([7.4982585e-04, 1.2821788e-03, 9.9796790e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's silent and has a very small footprint on my desk .",
  'aspect': ['footprint'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9766098856925964],
  'probs': [array([0.00576927, 0.01762087, 0.9766099 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The exterior is absolutely gorgeous .',
  'aspect': ['exterior'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988172650337219],
  'probs': [array([6.0335675e-04, 5.7939591e-04, 9.9881727e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It has a very high performance , just for what I needed for .',
  'aspect': ['performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9964525699615479],
  'probs': [array([5.1631301e-04, 3.0310370e-03, 9.9645257e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Apple is aware of this issue and this is either old stock or a defective design involving the intel 4000 graphics chipset .',
  'aspect': ['intel 4000 graphics chipset', 'design'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9892818927764893, 0.9911364316940308],
  'probs': [array([0.9892819 , 0.00883821, 0.00187981], dtype=float32),
   array([0.99113643, 0.00623187, 0.00263171], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' OSX Mountain Lion soon to upgrade to Mavericks .',
  'aspect': ['OSX Mountain Lion', 'Mavericks'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.5618489384651184, 0.7523623704910278],
  'probs': [array([0.00326995, 0.56184894, 0.4348811 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00251882, 0.7523624 , 0.24511881], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I just bought the new MacBook Pro , the 13 '' model , and I ca n't believe Apple keeps making the same mistake with regard to USB ports .",
  'aspect': ['USB ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9915832877159119],
  'probs': [array([0.9915833 , 0.00604021, 0.00237647], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It wakes in less than a second when I open the lid .',
  'aspect': ['lid', 'wakes'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8979059457778931, 0.8892185688018799],
  'probs': [array([0.00494716, 0.89790595, 0.09714691], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00608273, 0.1046986 , 0.88921857], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is the perfect size and speed for me .',
  'aspect': ['size', 'speed'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988144636154175, 0.9989147186279297],
  'probs': [array([3.0664940e-04, 8.7893615e-04, 9.9881446e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.8472292e-04, 7.0057146e-04, 9.9891472e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
  'aspect': ['CUSTOMER SERVICE'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988652467727661],
  'probs': [array([5.4950634e-04, 5.8523909e-04, 9.9886525e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "My last laptop was a 17 '' ASUS gaming machine , which performed admirably , but having since built my own desktop and really settling into the college life , I found myself wanting something smaller and less cumbersome , not to mention that the ASUS had been slowly developing problems ever since I bought it about 4 years ago .",
  'aspect': ['performed'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9519980549812317],
  'probs': [array([0.01753629, 0.03046566, 0.95199805], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'However , it did not have any scratches , ZERO battery cycle count -LRB- pretty surprised -RRB- , and all the hardware seemed to be working perfectly .',
  'aspect': ['battery cycle count', 'hardware'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8607890605926514, 0.9987519979476929],
  'probs': [array([0.09759852, 0.04161248, 0.86078906], dtype=float32),
   array([6.517931e-04, 5.962134e-04, 9.987520e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'After fumbling around with the OS I started searching the internet for a fix and found a number of forums on fixing the issue .',
  'aspect': ['OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8963066339492798],
  'probs': [array([0.0996194 , 0.89630663, 0.004074  ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'And as for all the fancy finger swipes -- I just gave up and attached a mouse .',
  'aspect': ['finger swipes', 'mouse'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.6151677966117859, 0.9823306798934937],
  'probs': [array([0.6151678 , 0.05114745, 0.33368474], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01332983, 0.9823307 , 0.00433951], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I needed a laptop with big storage , a nice screen and fast so I can photoshop without any problem .',
  'aspect': ['storage', 'screen', 'photoshop'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9971296191215515, 0.998765230178833, 0.6174631118774414],
  'probs': [array([4.9059611e-04, 2.3798526e-03, 9.9712962e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.1116707e-04, 9.2366361e-04, 9.9876523e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00203314, 0.38050374, 0.6174631 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like coming back to Mac OS but this laptop is lacking in speaker quality compared to my $ 400 old HP laptop .',
  'aspect': ['Mac OS', 'speaker quality'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9747545719146729, 0.9869741201400757],
  'probs': [array([0.01190097, 0.01334448, 0.9747546 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9869741 , 0.00696875, 0.00605708], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Shipped very quickly and safely .',
  'aspect': ['Shipped'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9980442523956299],
  'probs': [array([8.1237010e-04, 1.1433498e-03, 9.9804425e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The thunderbolt port is awesome !',
  'aspect': ['thunderbolt port'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988605976104736],
  'probs': [array([5.290834e-04, 6.103493e-04, 9.988606e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The performance is definitely superior to any computer I 've ever put my hands on .",
  'aspect': ['performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9983785152435303],
  'probs': [array([4.8884819e-04, 1.1327085e-03, 9.9837852e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's great for streaming video and other entertainment uses .",
  'aspect': ['streaming video', 'entertainment uses'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988698363304138, 0.9978938698768616],
  'probs': [array([3.5328913e-04, 7.7684224e-04, 9.9886984e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([5.2189420e-04, 1.5842586e-03, 9.9789387e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like the design and its features but there are somethings I think needs to be improved .',
  'aspect': ['design', 'features'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9962269067764282, 0.9853106737136841],
  'probs': [array([3.3436697e-03, 4.2948453e-04, 9.9622691e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01233709, 0.00235219, 0.9853107 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'There were small problems with Mac office .',
  'aspect': ['Mac office'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9887735247612],
  'probs': [array([0.9887735 , 0.00748041, 0.00374611], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I understand I should call Apple Tech Support about any variables -LRB- which is my purpose of writing this con -RRB- as variables could be a bigger future problem .',
  'aspect': ['Apple Tech Support'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9389190673828125],
  'probs': [array([0.05349447, 0.93891907, 0.00758646], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I ordered my 2012 mac mini after being disappointed with spec of the new 27 '' Imacs .",
  'aspect': ['spec'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9855048060417175],
  'probs': [array([0.9855048 , 0.01107245, 0.00342267], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It still works and it 's extremely user friendly , so I would recommend it for new computer user and also for those who are just looking for a more efficient way to do things",
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9935763478279114],
  'probs': [array([4.8196482e-04, 5.9417565e-03, 9.9357635e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Its fast , easy to use and it looks great .',
  'aspect': ['use', 'looks'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989964365959167, 0.9988586902618408],
  'probs': [array([3.8831349e-04, 6.1520643e-04, 9.9899644e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.8585702e-04, 6.5546524e-04, 9.9885869e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': '-LRB- but Office can be purchased -RRB- IF I ever need a laptop again I am for sure purchasing another Toshiba !!',
  'aspect': ['Office'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8960336446762085],
  'probs': [array([0.00296464, 0.89603364, 0.10100167], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I have n't tried the one with retina display ... Maybe in the future .",
  'aspect': ['retina display'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9274401664733887],
  'probs': [array([0.01609444, 0.92744017, 0.0564654 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Performance is much much better on the Pro , especially if you install an SSD on it .',
  'aspect': ['Performance', 'SSD'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9940594434738159, 0.6401610970497131],
  'probs': [array([5.9072440e-04, 5.3498396e-03, 9.9405944e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00440017, 0.35543883, 0.6401611 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Note , however , that any existing MagSafe accessories you have will not work with the MagSafe 2 connection .',
  'aspect': ['MagSafe accessories', 'MagSafe 2 connection'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7857999205589294, 0.8164979815483093],
  'probs': [array([0.7857999 , 0.18695149, 0.02724861], dtype=float32),
   array([0.1222373 , 0.816498  , 0.06126471], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The only thing I dislike is the touchpad , alot of the times its unresponsive and does things I dont want it too , I would recommend using a mouse with it .',
  'aspect': ['touchpad', 'mouse'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9930118918418884, 0.9499009847640991],
  'probs': [array([0.9930119 , 0.00504316, 0.00194498], dtype=float32),
   array([0.03057431, 0.949901  , 0.01952465], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The Mac mini is about 8x smaller than my old computer which is a huge bonus and runs very quiet , actually the fans are n't audible unlike my old pc",
  'aspect': ['runs', 'fans'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9978460073471069, 0.91073077917099],
  'probs': [array([7.3580863e-04, 1.4181581e-03, 9.9784601e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.03452415, 0.0547451 , 0.9107308 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'MAYBE The Mac OS improvement were not The product they Want to offer .',
  'aspect': ['Mac OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.6609696745872498],
  'probs': [array([0.6609697 , 0.3186172 , 0.02041319], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I thought the transition would be difficult at best and would take some time to fully familiarize myself with the new Mac ecosystem .',
  'aspect': ['Mac ecosystem'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7623164057731628],
  'probs': [array([0.02339712, 0.7623164 , 0.2142865 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's absolutely wonderful and worth the price !",
  'aspect': ['price'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9975614547729492],
  'probs': [array([0.00127139, 0.00116722, 0.99756145], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I am please with the products ease of use ; out of the box ready ; appearance and functionality .',
  'aspect': ['use', 'appearance', 'functionality'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989497065544128, 0.9988604784011841, 0.9987772107124329],
  'probs': [array([2.9625517e-04, 7.5403671e-04, 9.9894971e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.5504211e-04, 7.8440603e-04, 9.9886048e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.9000504e-04, 8.3276560e-04, 9.9877721e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Perfect for all my graphic design classes I 'm taking this year in college : - -RRB-",
  'aspect': ['graphic design'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986981153488159],
  'probs': [array([2.4793894e-04, 1.0539149e-03, 9.9869812e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I will not be using that slot again .',
  'aspect': ['slot'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9762070775032043],
  'probs': [array([0.9762071 , 0.014935  , 0.00885794], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The OS is fast and fluid , everything is organized and it 's just beautiful .",
  'aspect': ['OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987488985061646],
  'probs': [array([3.4817893e-04, 9.0300245e-04, 9.9874890e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'They are simpler to use .',
  'aspect': ['use'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9982665181159973],
  'probs': [array([8.6968887e-04, 8.6378213e-04, 9.9826652e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': '! so nice . . stable . . fast . . now i got my SSD !',
  'aspect': ['SSD'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9564161896705627],
  'probs': [array([0.00443449, 0.03914939, 0.9564162 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Also , in using the built-in camera , my voice recording for my vlog sounds like the interplanetary transmissions in the `` Star Wars '' saga .",
  'aspect': ['built-in camera', 'voice recording'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9024676084518433, 0.9195507168769836],
  'probs': [array([0.9024676 , 0.06146396, 0.03606846], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9195507 , 0.03480568, 0.04564356], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I love the quick start up .',
  'aspect': ['start up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986580610275269],
  'probs': [array([7.2866003e-04, 6.1317615e-04, 9.9865806e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'You just can not beat the functionality of an Apple device .',
  'aspect': ['functionality'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9979738593101501],
  'probs': [array([6.7978090e-04, 1.3463796e-03, 9.9797386e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Yet my mac continues to function properly .',
  'aspect': ['function'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9931841492652893],
  'probs': [array([7.5379579e-04, 6.0620243e-03, 9.9318415e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Graphics are much improved .',
  'aspect': ['Graphics'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9825464487075806],
  'probs': [array([0.00342878, 0.01402477, 0.98254645], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Here are the things that made me confident with my purchase : Build Quality - Seriously , you ca n't beat a unibody construction .",
  'aspect': ['Build Quality', 'unibody construction'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9701570868492126, 0.9838183522224426],
  'probs': [array([0.00589345, 0.02394935, 0.9701571 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00633579, 0.0098458 , 0.98381835], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It provides much more flexibility for connectivity .',
  'aspect': ['flexibility for connectivity'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9959663152694702],
  'probs': [array([0.00108238, 0.00295134, 0.9959663 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I want the portability of a tablet , without the limitations of a tablet and that 's where this laptop comes into play .",
  'aspect': ['portability'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8513810634613037],
  'probs': [array([0.00370378, 0.14491515, 0.85138106], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Mac tutorials do help .',
  'aspect': ['Mac tutorials'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9975121021270752],
  'probs': [array([9.9497486e-04, 1.4929377e-03, 9.9751210e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The technical support was not helpful as well .',
  'aspect': ['technical support'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9904848337173462],
  'probs': [array([0.99048483, 0.0051941 , 0.00432108], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I got the new adapter and there was no change .',
  'aspect': ['adapter'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.7668858766555786],
  'probs': [array([0.7668859 , 0.18573907, 0.04737508], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'so i called technical support .',
  'aspect': ['technical support'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9833335280418396],
  'probs': [array([0.01101605, 0.9833335 , 0.00565035], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Came with iPhoto and garage band already loaded .',
  'aspect': ['iPhoto', 'garage band'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.5752816200256348, 0.7595881819725037],
  'probs': [array([0.00372666, 0.5752816 , 0.42099175], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00464413, 0.23576763, 0.7595882 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Logic board utterly fried , cried , and laid down and died .',
  'aspect': ['Logic board'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9886887669563293],
  'probs': [array([0.98868877, 0.00668276, 0.00462854], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The sound was crappy even when you turn up the volume still the same results .',
  'aspect': ['sound', 'volume'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.988568902015686, 0.7459505796432495],
  'probs': [array([0.9885689 , 0.00678974, 0.00464135], dtype=float32),
   array([0.7459506 , 0.22524837, 0.02880102], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' OSX Lion is a great performer . . extremely fast and reliable .',
  'aspect': ['OSX Lion'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9987775683403015],
  'probs': [array([4.6167063e-04, 7.6069374e-04, 9.9877757e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Having heard from friends and family about how reliable a Mac product is , I never expected to have an application crash within the first month , but I did .',
  'aspect': ['application'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.568577229976654],
  'probs': [array([0.56857723, 0.12265646, 0.30876625], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The Macbook pro 's physical form is wonderful .",
  'aspect': ['physical form'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986807703971863],
  'probs': [array([3.5265443e-04, 9.6654089e-04, 9.9868077e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The Mini 's body has n't changed since late 2010 - and for a good reason .",
  'aspect': ['body'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8880948424339294],
  'probs': [array([0.88809484, 0.07208202, 0.03982322], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The unibody construction really does feel lot more solid than Apple 's previous laptops .",
  'aspect': ['unibody construction'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985161423683167],
  'probs': [array([4.7158170e-04, 1.0122580e-03, 9.9851614e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' 3D rendering slows it down considerably .',
  'aspect': ['3D rendering'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9898569583892822],
  'probs': [array([0.98985696, 0.00466736, 0.00547564], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Got this Mac Mini with OS X Mountain Lion for my wife .',
  'aspect': ['OS X Mountain Lion'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9562677145004272],
  'probs': [array([0.00224702, 0.9562677 , 0.04148526], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'fast , great screen , beautiful apps for a laptop ; priced at 1100 on the apple website ; amazon had it for 1098 + tax - plus i had a 10 % off coupon from amazon-cost me 998 plus tax - 1070 - OTD !',
  'aspect': ['screen', 'apps', 'priced', 'cost'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9976091384887695,
  'probs': [array([2.8567575e-04, 2.1051518e-03, 9.9760914e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.9443929e-04, 2.3902624e-03, 9.9731523e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00145852, 0.11908308, 0.87945837], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0692355 , 0.87017715, 0.06058733], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': '12.44 seconds to boot .',
  'aspect': ['boot'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9569085836410522],
  'probs': [array([0.02384643, 0.9569086 , 0.01924502], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'All the ports are much needed since this is my main computer .',
  'aspect': ['ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7936955690383911],
  'probs': [array([0.06526531, 0.79369557, 0.14103909], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The Like New condition of the iMac MC309LL/A on Amazon is at $ 900 + level only , and it is a Quad-Core 2.5 GHz CPU -LRB- similar to the $ 799 Mini -RRB- , with Radeon HD 6750M 512MB graphic card -LRB- this mini is integrated Intel 4000 card -RRB- , and it even comes with wireless Apple Keyboard and Mouse , all put together in neat and nice package .',
  'aspect': ['Quad-Core 2.5 GHz CPU',
   'Radeon HD 6750M 512MB graphic card',
   'integrated Intel 4000 card',
   'wireless Apple Keyboard and Mouse',
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.510924220085144,
  'probs': [array([0.00166565, 0.5109242 , 0.48741016], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00101712, 0.28376478, 0.7152181 ], dtype=float32),
   array([6.0768391e-04, 1.2288541e-01, 8.7650687e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([3.3162153e-04, 3.1016948e-02, 9.6865135e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([1.5997955e-04, 2.4196333e-03, 9.9742043e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Put a cover on it and is a little better but that is my only complaint .',
  'aspect': ['cover'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9272539615631104],
  'probs': [array([0.92725396, 0.04318345, 0.02956256], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Within a few hours I was using the gestures unconsciously .',
  'aspect': ['gestures'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9058730006217957],
  'probs': [array([0.00606601, 0.08806089, 0.905873  ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "This mac does come with an extender cable and I 'm using mine right now hoping the cable will stay nice for the many years I plan on using this mac .",
  'aspect': ['extender cable', 'cable'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9408318996429443, 0.6287767887115479],
  'probs': [array([0.01558793, 0.9408319 , 0.04358013], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00958549, 0.6287768 , 0.3616377 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The 2.9ghz dual-core i7 chip really out does itself .',
  'aspect': ['2.9ghz dual-core i7 chip'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986429810523987],
  'probs': [array([3.6868989e-04, 9.8827365e-04, 9.9864298e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is pretty snappy and starts up in about 30 seconds which is good enough for me .',
  'aspect': ['starts up'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9947846531867981],
  'probs': [array([6.6133437e-04, 4.5539779e-03, 9.9478465e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Not sure on Windows 8 .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8233402371406555],
  'probs': [array([0.82334024, 0.16019897, 0.01646077], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'My one complaint is that there was no internal CD drive .',
  'aspect': ['internal CD drive'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9918903112411499],
  'probs': [array([0.9918903 , 0.00501512, 0.00309452], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This newer netbook has no hard drive or network lights .',
  'aspect': ['hard drive', 'network lights'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.5950073003768921, 0.4927312731742859],
  'probs': [array([0.27295312, 0.5950073 , 0.13203956], dtype=float32),
   array([0.46632692, 0.49273127, 0.04094187], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I was having a though time deciding between the 13 '' MacBook Air or the MacBook Pro 13 '' -LRB- Both baseline models , priced at 1,200 $ retail -RRB-",
  'aspect': ['priced'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9143463969230652],
  'probs': [array([0.02305714, 0.9143464 , 0.06259649], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Not too expense and has enough storage for most users and many ports .',
  'aspect': ['storage', 'ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9954701662063599, 0.9771727919578552],
  'probs': [array([4.6885005e-04, 4.0610088e-03, 9.9547017e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00165187, 0.02117531, 0.9771728 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The audio volume is quite low and virtually unusable in a room with any background activity .',
  'aspect': ['audio volume'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9901856184005737],
  'probs': [array([0.9901856 , 0.00549696, 0.00431735], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is lightweight and the perfect size to carry to class .',
  'aspect': ['size'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9983590245246887],
  'probs': [array([2.2590492e-04, 1.4151129e-03, 9.9835902e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I was given a demonstration of Windows 8 .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9547324776649475],
  'probs': [array([0.00559686, 0.9547325 , 0.0396706 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The MBP is beautiful has many wonderful capabilities .',
  'aspect': ['capabilities'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986059069633484],
  'probs': [array([6.2811497e-04, 7.6606264e-04, 9.9860591e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I thought that it will be fine , if i do some settings .',
  'aspect': ['settings'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9840555191040039],
  'probs': [array([0.01043593, 0.9840555 , 0.00550849], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Runs very smoothly .',
  'aspect': ['Runs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.995945394039154],
  'probs': [array([0.00172641, 0.00232817, 0.9959454 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Boot-up slowed significantly after all Windows updates were installed .',
  'aspect': ['Boot-up', 'Windows updates'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9902530908584595, 0.9844409227371216],
  'probs': [array([0.9902531 , 0.00617073, 0.0035762 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9844409 , 0.01105283, 0.00450628], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'More likely it will require replacing the logic board once they admit they have a problem and come up with a solution .',
  'aspect': ['logic board'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8509804010391235],
  'probs': [array([0.14353314, 0.8509804 , 0.00548647], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It was important that it was powerful enough to do all of the tasks he needed on the internet , word processing , graphic design and gaming .',
  'aspect': ['internet', 'word processing', 'graphic design', 'gaming'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9557206630706787,
  'probs': [array([0.00191226, 0.95572066, 0.04236709], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00291433, 0.91067666, 0.086409  ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00316013, 0.7145749 , 0.28226504], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00164011, 0.95274734, 0.0456125 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like the Mini Mac it was easy to setup and install , but I am learning as I go and could use a tutorial to learn how to use some of the features I was use to on the PC especially the right mouse click menu .',
  'aspect': ['setup',
   'right mouse click menu'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9980186223983765,
  'probs': [array([3.6090103e-04, 1.6205675e-03, 9.9801862e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([5.4526690e-04, 2.6468628e-03, 9.9680781e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01757833, 0.81653357, 0.16588812], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01499204, 0.84860903, 0.13639897], dtype=float32),
   array([0.028961  , 0.70659965, 0.2644394 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Runs real quick .',
  'aspect': ['Runs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9945118427276611],
  'probs': [array([0.00211544, 0.00337265, 0.99451184], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Buy the separate RAM memory and you will have a rocket !',
  'aspect': ['RAM memory'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9801018238067627],
  'probs': [array([0.01126224, 0.9801018 , 0.00863601], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Since the machine 's slim profile is critical to me , that was a problem .",
  'aspect': ['profile'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.35457292199134827],
  'probs': [array([0.29670903, 0.35457292, 0.34871802], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'WiFi capability , disk drive and multiple USB ports to connect scale and printers was all that was required .',
  'aspect': ['disk drive', 'USB ports', 'WiFi capability'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9458803534507751, 0.939325749874115, 0.9007416367530823],
  'probs': [array([0.00248817, 0.94588035, 0.05163142], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00347403, 0.93932575, 0.05720025], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0030375 , 0.90074164, 0.0962208 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The SD card reader is slightly recessed and upside down -LRB- the nail slot on the card can not be accessed -RRB- , if this was a self ejecting slot this would not be an issue , but its not .',
  'aspect': ['SD card reader', 'nail slot on the card', 'slot'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9847697019577026, 0.991324782371521, 0.9566975235939026],
  'probs': [array([0.9847697 , 0.01370949, 0.00152087], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9913248 , 0.00730018, 0.00137505], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9566975 , 0.02149935, 0.02180313], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Soft touch , anodized aluminum with laser cut precision and no flaws .',
  'aspect': ['touch', 'anodized aluminum'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9989940524101257, 0.9984544515609741],
  'probs': [array([3.4377494e-04, 6.6216534e-04, 9.9899405e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.4105537e-04, 1.1044417e-03, 9.9845445e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Simple details , crafted aluminium and real glass make this laptop blow away the other plastic ridden , bulky sticker filled laptops .',
  'aspect': ['aluminium', 'glass'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9983878135681152, 0.9987051486968994],
  'probs': [array([7.6898467e-04, 8.4319862e-04, 9.9838781e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([6.5846619e-04, 6.3629233e-04, 9.9870515e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'First of all yes this is a mac and it has that nice brushed aluminum .',
  'aspect': ['aluminum'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9965033531188965],
  'probs': [array([6.3164526e-04, 2.8650616e-03, 9.9650335e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'After all was said and done , I essentially used that $ 450 savings to buy 16GB of RAM , TWO Seagate Momentus XT hybrid drives and an OWC upgrade kit to install the second hard drive .',
  'aspect': ['16GB of RAM',
   'Seagate Momentus XT hybrid drives',
   'OWC upgrade kit',
   'hard drive'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9876896142959595,
  'probs': [array([0.0027171 , 0.9876896 , 0.00959325], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00247012, 0.982369  , 0.0151609 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00278396, 0.97329086, 0.0239252 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00307267, 0.99217063, 0.00475671], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The Dell Inspiron is fast and has a number pad on the keyboard , which I miss on my Apple laptops .',
  'aspect': ['number pad on the keyboard'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9903295040130615],
  'probs': [array([8.4234454e-04, 8.8280942e-03, 9.9032950e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I was concerned that the downgrade to the regular hard drive would make it unacceptably slow but I need not have worried - this machine is the fastest I have ever owned ...',
  'aspect': ['regular hard drive'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9366364479064941],
  'probs': [array([0.04192593, 0.93663645, 0.02143765], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This one still has the CD slot .',
  'aspect': ['CD slot'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8179641366004944],
  'probs': [array([0.00583696, 0.81796414, 0.17619888], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'No HDMI port .',
  'aspect': ['HDMI port'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.97664874792099],
  'probs': [array([0.97664875, 0.01686416, 0.00648708], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I had to install Mountain Lion and it took a good two hours .',
  'aspect': ['install Mountain Lion'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.7246683239936829],
  'probs': [array([0.7246683 , 0.25633723, 0.01899451], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Customization on mac is impossible .',
  'aspect': ['Customization'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9771696925163269],
  'probs': [array([0.9771697 , 0.01306139, 0.00976884], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I am replacing the HD with a Micron SSD soon .',
  'aspect': ['HD', 'Micron SSD'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7434653639793396, 0.7753180861473083],
  'probs': [array([0.17393784, 0.74346536, 0.0825968 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00216366, 0.7753181 , 0.2225183 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Plus two finger clicking as a replacement for the right click button is surprisingly intuitive .',
  'aspect': ['two finger clicking', 'right click button'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9984531402587891, 0.5543147325515747],
  'probs': [array([4.5141421e-04, 1.0954348e-03, 9.9845314e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.34168833, 0.1039969 , 0.55431473], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The SuperDrive is quiet .',
  'aspect': ['SuperDrive'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9980657696723938],
  'probs': [array([7.1967719e-04, 1.2144825e-03, 9.9806577e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The power plug has to be connected to the power adaptor to charge the battery but wo n't stay connected .",
  'aspect': ['power plug', 'power adaptor', 'battery'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8183891177177429, 0.9322333931922913, 0.9807350039482117],
  'probs': [array([0.8183891 , 0.16065572, 0.02095508], dtype=float32),
   array([0.06374744, 0.9322334 , 0.00401918], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01580288, 0.980735  , 0.00346211], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The battery was completely dead , in fact it had grown about a quarter inch thick lump on the underside .',
  'aspect': ['battery'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9861676096916199],
  'probs': [array([0.9861676 , 0.00925124, 0.00458109], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'if yo like practicality this is the laptop for you .',
  'aspect': ['practicality'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9836922883987427],
  'probs': [array([0.00213772, 0.01417004, 0.9836923 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The OS is great .',
  'aspect': ['OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9980960488319397],
  'probs': [array([1.0660205e-03, 8.3796278e-04, 9.9809605e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I tried several monitors and several HDMI cables and this was the case each time .',
  'aspect': ['monitors', 'HDMI cables'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9298374056816101, 0.9136897921562195],
  'probs': [array([0.04547581, 0.9298374 , 0.02468676], dtype=float32),
   array([0.04008728, 0.9136898 , 0.0462229 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'CONS : Price is a bit ridiculous , kinda heavy .',
  'aspect': ['Price'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9901306629180908],
  'probs': [array([0.99013066, 0.00504414, 0.00482521], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The troubleshooting said it was the AC adaptor so we ordered a new one .',
  'aspect': ['AC adaptor'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9466541409492493],
  'probs': [array([0.04989527, 0.94665414, 0.00345058], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Fan only comes on when you are playing a game .',
  'aspect': ['Fan', 'playing a game'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.4995024502277374, 0.9793078303337097],
  'probs': [array([0.23116349, 0.49950245, 0.2693341 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00495871, 0.97930783, 0.01573345], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Which it did not have , only 3 USB 2 ports .',
  'aspect': ['USB 2 ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8129432201385498],
  'probs': [array([0.8129432 , 0.16784805, 0.01920876], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'No startup disk was not included but that may be my fault .',
  'aspect': ['startup disk'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8723166584968567],
  'probs': [array([0.87231666, 0.10886401, 0.01881926], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'There is no "tools" menu .',
  'aspect': ['"tools" menu'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.5350748300552368],
  'probs': [array([0.4322335 , 0.53507483, 0.03269163], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It is very fast and has everything that I need except for a word program .',
  'aspect': ['word program'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8783270120620728],
  'probs': [array([0.878327  , 0.04767843, 0.07399451], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Needs a CD/DVD drive and a bigger power switch .',
  'aspect': ['CD/DVD drive', 'power switch'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9904544949531555, 0.9869328141212463],
  'probs': [array([0.9904545 , 0.00539209, 0.00415343], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9869328 , 0.00621143, 0.00685577], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'My laptop with Windows 7 crashed and I did not want Windows 8 .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 7', 'Windows 8'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9223483800888062, 0.7092292904853821],
  'probs': [array([0.9223484 , 0.04844252, 0.0292091 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.7092293 , 0.19826971, 0.09250104], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Easy to install also small to leave anywhere at your bedroom also very easy to configure for ADSl cable or wifi .',
  'aspect': ['install', 'configure for ADSl cable or wifi'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985052347183228, 0.9982261061668396],
  'probs': [array([2.1666974e-04, 1.2781571e-03, 9.9850523e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.484633e-04, 1.525405e-03, 9.982261e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Nice packing .',
  'aspect': ['packing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9980719089508057],
  'probs': [array([1.1822013e-03, 7.4583187e-04, 9.9807191e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I switched to this because I wanted something different , even though I miss windows .',
  'aspect': ['windows'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.5390565395355225],
  'probs': [array([0.28526878, 0.53905654, 0.17567465], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Apple no longer includes iDVD with the computer and furthermore , Apple does n't even offer it anymore !",
  'aspect': ['iDVD'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9863107204437256],
  'probs': [array([0.9863107 , 0.00735278, 0.00633648], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I also wanted Windows 7 , which this one has .',
  'aspect': ['Windows 7'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9278806447982788],
  'probs': [array([0.00623632, 0.06588303, 0.92788064], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'At first , I feel a little bit uncomfortable in using the Mac system .',
  'aspect': ['Mac system'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.925599992275238],
  'probs': [array([0.9256    , 0.06485133, 0.00954871], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I am used to computers with windows so I am having a little difficulty finding my way around .',
  'aspect': ['windows'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7993553876876831],
  'probs': [array([0.16859348, 0.7993554 , 0.03205108], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It just works out of the box and you have a lot of cool software included with the OS .',
  'aspect': ['works', 'software', 'OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9952349066734314, 0.997680127620697, 0.8012274503707886],
  'probs': [array([6.1358244e-04, 4.1514812e-03, 9.9523491e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([6.5615104e-04, 1.6637825e-03, 9.9768013e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00374072, 0.19503185, 0.80122745], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'its as advertised on here ... it works great and is not a waste of money !',
  'aspect': ['works'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9893589019775391],
  'probs': [array([7.943094e-04, 9.846759e-03, 9.893589e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Runs like a champ ...',
  'aspect': ['Runs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9804078936576843],
  'probs': [array([0.00421051, 0.01538168, 0.9804079 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Premium price for the OS more than anything else .',
  'aspect': ['price', 'OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.6146866679191589, 0.6112808585166931],
  'probs': [array([0.61468667, 0.04817581, 0.33713746], dtype=float32),
   array([0.61128086, 0.31698197, 0.07173716], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I was a little concerned about the touch pad based on reviews , but I 've found it fine to work with .",
  'aspect': ['touch pad'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.7620689272880554],
  'probs': [array([0.02542977, 0.21250126, 0.7620689 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "The sound as mentioned earlier is n't the best , but it can be solved with headphones .",
  'aspect': ['headphones'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8947734832763672],
  'probs': [array([0.00963903, 0.09558751, 0.8947735 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'However , the experience was great since the OS does not become unstable and the application will simply shutdown and reopen .',
  'aspect': ['OS', 'application'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9893991947174072, 0.9304094910621643],
  'probs': [array([0.00113672, 0.00946408, 0.9893992 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00333424, 0.06625628, 0.9304095 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'If you ask me , for this price it should be included .',
  'aspect': ['price'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8970788717269897],
  'probs': [array([0.04381412, 0.05910704, 0.8970789 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The battery is not as shown in the product photos .',
  'aspect': ['battery'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9895659685134888],
  'probs': [array([0.98956597, 0.00657354, 0.00386057], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Shipping was quick and product described was the product sent and so much more ...',
  'aspect': ['Shipping'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988839030265808],
  'probs': [array([3.9019776e-04, 7.2587747e-04, 9.9888390e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'the retina display display make pictures i took years ago jaw dropping .',
  'aspect': ['retina display display'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9909824728965759],
  'probs': [array([0.00215706, 0.00686049, 0.9909825 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The Mac Mini is probably the simplest example of compact computing out there .',
  'aspect': ['compact computing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9808903932571411],
  'probs': [array([0.00183727, 0.01727233, 0.9808904 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Instead , I 'll focus more on the actual performance and feature set of the hardware itself so you can make an educated decision on which Mac to buy .",
  'aspect': ['performance and feature set of the hardware'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.5794432163238525],
  'probs': [array([0.00753921, 0.4130176 , 0.5794432 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Other ports include FireWire 800 , Gigabit Ethernet , MagSafe port , Microphone jack .',
  'aspect': ['ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9248116612434387],
  'probs': [array([0.00474263, 0.92481166, 0.07044567], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Other ports include FireWire 80Negative , Gigabit Ethernet , MagSafe port , Microphone jack .',
  'aspect': ['FireWire 80Negative'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9575767517089844],
  'probs': [array([0.00227507, 0.95757675, 0.04014817], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Other ports include FireWire 800 , Gigabit Ethernet , MagSafe port , Microphone jack .',
  'aspect': ['Gigabit Ethernet', 'MagSafe port', 'Microphone jack'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9317960143089294, 0.9600895643234253, 0.9655987024307251],
  'probs': [array([0.00192679, 0.931796  , 0.06627725], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00242212, 0.96008956, 0.03748836], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0032021, 0.9655987, 0.0311992], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Additionally , there is barely a ventilation system in the computer , and even the simple activity of watching videos let alone playing steam games causes the laptop to get very very hot , and in fact impossible to keep on lap .',
  'aspect': ['ventilation system', 'watching videos', 'playing steam games'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9901466965675354, 0.8885655403137207, 0.9628807902336121],
  'probs': [array([0.9901467 , 0.00629757, 0.00355569], dtype=float32),
   array([0.88856554, 0.06708363, 0.04435077], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9628808 , 0.02206255, 0.01505665], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Chatting with Acer support , I was advised the problem was corrupted operating system files .',
  'aspect': ['Acer support', 'operating system files'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.4957723021507263, 0.9837369322776794],
  'probs': [array([0.41378942, 0.4957723 , 0.09043822], dtype=float32),
   array([0.98373693, 0.01261949, 0.0036436 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's been a couple weeks since the purchase and I 'm struggle with finding the correct keys -LRB- but that was expected -RRB- .",
  'aspect': ['keys'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9518742561340332],
  'probs': [array([0.95187426, 0.04127766, 0.00684806], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Many people complain about the new OS , and it 's urgent for Apple to fix it asap !",
  'aspect': ['OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.952530026435852],
  'probs': [array([0.95253   , 0.01713177, 0.03033816], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Now that I have upgraded to Lion I am much happier about MAC OS and have just bought an iMac for office .',
  'aspect': ['Lion', 'MAC OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9941504597663879, 0.9938765168190002],
  'probs': [array([3.6560631e-04, 5.4839435e-03, 9.9415046e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.9420102e-04, 5.8292933e-03, 9.9387652e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'User upgradeable RAM and HDD .',
  'aspect': ['RAM', 'HDD'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.6158444285392761, 0.8959754705429077],
  'probs': [array([0.00328827, 0.6158444 , 0.38086727], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00208506, 0.8959755 , 0.10193948], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'But I wanted the Pro for the CD/DVD player .',
  'aspect': ['CD/DVD player'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8538197875022888],
  'probs': [array([0.0052053 , 0.8538198 , 0.14097494], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I was a little worry at first because I do n't have a lot of experience with os.x and windows has always been second nature to me after many years of using windows .",
  'aspect': ['os.x', 'windows', 'windows'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.7455024719238281, 0.7233473658561707, 0.5577678084373474],
  'probs': [array([0.00878639, 0.24571112, 0.7455025 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00539923, 0.27125344, 0.72334737], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00562748, 0.43660477, 0.5577678 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'With the softwares supporting the use of other OS makes it much better .',
  'aspect': ['OS', 'softwares'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.5220503211021423, 0.8665856719017029],
  'probs': [array([0.01652585, 0.46142387, 0.5220503 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01200542, 0.12140901, 0.8665857 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I then upgraded to Mac OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion" .',
  'aspect': ['Mac OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion"'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9318131804466248],
  'probs': [array([0.00262498, 0.9318132 , 0.06556185], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I was considering buying the Air , but in reality , this one has a more powerful performance and seems much more convenient , even though it 's about .20 inch thicker and 2 lbs heavier .",
  'aspect': ['performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9979244470596313],
  'probs': [array([1.4032898e-03, 6.7230291e-04, 9.9792445e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "At home and the office it gets plugged into an external 24 '' LCD screen , so built in screen size is not terribly important .",
  'aspect': ['built in screen size'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8661065101623535],
  'probs': [array([0.00814416, 0.8661065 , 0.12574932], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'At home and the office it gets plugged into an external 24" LCD screen , so built in screen size is not terribly important .',
  'aspect': ['external 24" LCD screen'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9600945115089417],
  'probs': [array([0.00272576, 0.9600945 , 0.0371797 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Just beware no DVD slot so when I went to install software I had on CD I could n't .",
  'aspect': ['install software', 'DVD slot'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.7302711009979248, 0.9740141034126282],
  'probs': [array([0.7302711 , 0.23773113, 0.03199781], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9740141 , 0.01757136, 0.00841446], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I bought it to be able to dedicate a small , portable laptop to my writing and was surprised to learn that I needed to buy a word processing program to do so .',
  'aspect': ['word processing program'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.6052060723304749],
  'probs': [array([0.6052061 , 0.36982864, 0.02496522], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This version of MacBook Pro runs on a third-generation CPU ("Ivy Bridge") , not the latest fourth-generation Haswell CPU the 2013 version has .',
  'aspect': ['third-generation CPU ("Ivy Bridge")'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.6803697943687439],
  'probs': [array([0.02445523, 0.6803698 , 0.29517496], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "This version of MacBook Pro runs on a third-generation CPU -LRB- `` Ivy Bridge '' -RRB- , not the latest fourth-generation Haswell CPU the 2013 version has .",
  'aspect': ['fourth-generation Haswell CPU'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.5103793740272522],
  'probs': [array([0.11475529, 0.37486532, 0.5103794 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "No Cd Rom in the new version there 's no way I 'm spending that kind of money on something has less features than the older version .",
  'aspect': ['Cd Rom', 'features'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.915909469127655, 0.9715876579284668],
  'probs': [array([0.91590947, 0.07537249, 0.00871794], dtype=float32),
   array([0.97158766, 0.01714105, 0.01127134], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'the volume is really low to low for a laptopwas not expectin t volume to be so lowan i hate that about this computer',
  'aspect': ['volume', 'volume'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9914159178733826, 0.9874094128608704],
  'probs': [array([0.9914159 , 0.00484511, 0.00373898], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9874094 , 0.00574338, 0.00684725], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'and its not hard to accidentally bang it against something so i recommend getting a case to protect it .',
  'aspect': ['case'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.648801326751709],
  'probs': [array([0.00592856, 0.3452701 , 0.6488013 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I got this at an amazing price from Amazon and it arrived just in time .',
  'aspect': ['price'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.998702883720398],
  'probs': [array([4.243254e-04, 8.728042e-04, 9.987029e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Every time I log into the system after a few hours , there is this endlessly frustrating process that I have to go through .',
  'aspect': ['log into the system'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9869716763496399],
  'probs': [array([0.9869717 , 0.01089323, 0.00213509], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Put a SSD and use a 21" LED screen , this set up is silky smooth !',
  'aspect': ['21" LED screen'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.692706286907196],
  'probs': [array([0.00257623, 0.30471742, 0.6927063 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Put a SSD and use a 21 '' LED screen , this set up is silky smooth !",
  'aspect': ['SSD', 'set up'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9823113679885864, 0.9956398010253906],
  'probs': [array([0.00373608, 0.98231137, 0.01395255], dtype=float32),
   array([6.8691309e-04, 3.6733618e-03, 9.9563980e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The case is now slightly larger than the previous generation , but the lack of an external power supply justifies the small increase in size .',
  'aspect': ['case', 'external power supply'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.5012125968933105, 0.8848742842674255],
  'probs': [array([0.5012126 , 0.17961447, 0.31917295], dtype=float32),
   array([0.8848743 , 0.0503206 , 0.06480517], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I had to buy a wireless mouse to go with it , as I am old school and hate the pad , but knew that before I bought it , now it works great , need to get adjusted to the key board , as I am used to a bigger one and pounding .',
  'aspect': ['wireless mouse', 'pad', 'works', 'key board'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative', 'Positive', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9875263571739197,
  'probs': [array([0.00749252, 0.98752636, 0.0049811 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.988058  , 0.00850508, 0.00343703], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0138903 , 0.00673782, 0.97937196], dtype=float32),
   array([0.97534513, 0.02079671, 0.00385819], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative', 'Positive', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'When considering a Mac , look at the total cost of ownership and not just the initial price tag .',
  'aspect': ['cost of ownership', 'price tag'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.5540515184402466, 0.5594145655632019],
  'probs': [array([0.01460753, 0.431341  , 0.5540515 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.55941457, 0.3076723 , 0.13291311], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Has all the other features I wanted including a VGA port , HDMI , ethernet and 3 USB ports .',
  'aspect': ['features', 'VGA port', 'HDMI', 'ethernet', 'USB ports'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9736958742141724,
  'probs': [array([4.6635547e-04, 2.5837719e-02, 9.7369587e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00135248, 0.28856197, 0.7100855 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00148422, 0.62475115, 0.3737646 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00156044, 0.6270572 , 0.37138236], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00199499, 0.8393552 , 0.1586498 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The only thing I dislike about this laptop are the rubber pads found on the bottom of the computer for grip .',
  'aspect': ['rubber pads'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9924377799034119],
  'probs': [array([0.9924378 , 0.0051184 , 0.00244384], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It 's a decent computer for the price and hopefully it will last a long time .",
  'aspect': ['price'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9820231795310974],
  'probs': [array([0.00357505, 0.01440178, 0.9820232 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The nicest part is the low heat output and ultra quiet operation .',
  'aspect': ['heat output', 'operation'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9976613521575928, 0.9983445405960083],
  'probs': [array([0.00125297, 0.00108567, 0.99766135], dtype=float32),
   array([9.9752645e-04, 6.5785187e-04, 9.9834454e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I will upgrade the ram myself -LRB- because with this model you can you can do it -RRB- later on .',
  'aspect': ['upgrade the ram'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9042770862579346],
  'probs': [array([0.0029247, 0.9042771, 0.0927982], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The price is 200 dollars down .',
  'aspect': ['price'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7044501900672913],
  'probs': [array([0.22915429, 0.7044502 , 0.06639549], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'this Mac Mini does not have a built-in mic , and it would seem that its Mac OS 10.9 does not handle external microphones properly .',
  'aspect': ['built-in mic', 'Mac OS 10.9', 'external microphones'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9848522543907166, 0.9898210763931274, 0.9840600490570068],
  'probs': [array([0.98485225, 0.0129491 , 0.00219865], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9898211 , 0.00815927, 0.00201967], dtype=float32),
   array([0.98406005, 0.0136382 , 0.0023017 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'A lot of features and shortcuts on the MBP that I was never exposed to on a normal PC .',
  'aspect': ['features', 'shortcuts'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.917351484298706, 0.9287977814674377],
  'probs': [array([0.01092092, 0.07172757, 0.9173515 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01030793, 0.0608943 , 0.9287978 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "Was n't sure if I was going to like it much less love it so I went to a local best buy and played around with the IOS system on a Mac Pro and it was totally unique and different .",
  'aspect': ['IOS system'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9175305962562561],
  'probs': [array([0.00941952, 0.07304987, 0.9175306 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'air has higher resolution but the fonts are small .',
  'aspect': ['resolution', 'fonts'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9864599704742432, 0.985421895980835],
  'probs': [array([0.0108545 , 0.00268547, 0.98646   ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9854219 , 0.00648608, 0.00809202], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' working with Mac is so much easier , so many cool features .',
  'aspect': ['working', 'features'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9976835250854492, 0.998325765132904],
  'probs': [array([4.8079103e-04, 1.8356220e-03, 9.9768353e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.4913389e-04, 1.2251115e-03, 9.9832577e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like the brightness and adjustments .',
  'aspect': ['brightness', 'adjustments'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986112117767334, 0.9877718687057495],
  'probs': [array([5.9632957e-04, 7.9253095e-04, 9.9861121e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.0025618 , 0.00966636, 0.98777187], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I only wish this mac had a CD/DVD player built in .',
  'aspect': ['CD/DVD player'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.988556981086731],
  'probs': [array([0.988557  , 0.00828365, 0.00315934], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The only thing I miss is that my old Alienware laptop had backlit keys .',
  'aspect': ['backlit keys'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.7605743408203125],
  'probs': [array([0.76057434, 0.09841875, 0.14100683], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The only thing I miss are the "Home/End" type keys and other things that I grew accustomed to after so long .',
  'aspect': ['"Home/End" type keys'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.85576331615448],
  'probs': [array([0.8557633 , 0.04921005, 0.09502657], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'So happy with this purchase , I just wish it came with Microsoft Word .',
  'aspect': ['Microsoft Word'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9814496040344238],
  'probs': [array([0.9814496 , 0.01351239, 0.00503787], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'It has enough memory and speed to run my business with all the flexibility that comes with a laptop .',
  'aspect': ['memory', 'speed', 'flexibility'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9696363210678101, 0.9673694372177124, 0.7810941934585571],
  'probs': [array([5.040715e-04, 2.985958e-02, 9.696363e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.8403651e-04, 3.2146610e-02, 9.6736944e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00145124, 0.21745458, 0.7810942 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The speed , the simplicity , the design . . it is lightyears ahead of any PC I have ever owned .',
  'aspect': ['speed', 'simplicity', 'design'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9988452196121216, 0.9986400008201599, 0.9989408850669861],
  'probs': [array([2.8572002e-04, 8.6903834e-04, 9.9884522e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.9904663e-04, 1.0609932e-03, 9.9864000e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.691862e-04, 7.900558e-04, 9.989409e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The battery life is excellent , the display is excellent , and downloading apps is a breeze .',
  'aspect': ['battery life', 'display', 'downloading apps'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9990247488021851, 0.9990203380584717, 0.9982830286026001],
  'probs': [array([2.4819581e-04, 7.2702602e-04, 9.9902475e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.5044353e-04, 7.2916492e-04, 9.9902034e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.4342983e-04, 1.2736254e-03, 9.9828303e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The screen , the software and the smoothness of the operating system .',
  'aspect': ['screen', 'software', 'operating system'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9981180429458618, 0.998056948184967, 0.9983956217765808],
  'probs': [array([5.0723716e-04, 1.3747354e-03, 9.9811804e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.8665929e-04, 1.4563776e-03, 9.9805695e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.4634641e-04, 1.1580889e-03, 9.9839562e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'i have dropped mine a couple times with only a slim plastic case covering it .',
  'aspect': ['slim plastic case'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.7281413078308105],
  'probs': [array([0.12738347, 0.7281413 , 0.14447519], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I also made a recovery USB stick .',
  'aspect': ['recovery USB stick'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9791693091392517],
  'probs': [array([0.00698331, 0.9791693 , 0.01384735], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'But with this laptop , the bass is very weak and the sound comes out sounding tinny .',
  'aspect': ['bass', 'sound'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9912298917770386, 0.9844078421592712],
  'probs': [array([0.9912299 , 0.00541123, 0.00335887], dtype=float32),
   array([0.98440784, 0.0091519 , 0.00644021], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The built quality is really good , I was so Happy and excited about this Product .',
  'aspect': ['built quality'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9991241097450256],
  'probs': [array([3.0253077e-04, 5.7331403e-04, 9.9912411e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I am loving the fast performance also .',
  'aspect': ['performance'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9985211491584778],
  'probs': [array([7.6601288e-04, 7.1287650e-04, 9.9852115e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Further , this Mac Mini has a sloppy Bluetooth interface -LRB- courtesy of the Mac OS -RRB- and the range is poor .',
  'aspect': ['Bluetooth interface', 'Mac OS', 'range'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9914134740829468, 0.9550315141677856, 0.9907817244529724],
  'probs': [array([0.9914135 , 0.0072409 , 0.00134566], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9550315 , 0.04295711, 0.00201142], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9907817 , 0.00687646, 0.00234178], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'If you start on the far right side and scroll to your left the start menu will automatically come up .',
  'aspect': ['start menu'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.8132846355438232],
  'probs': [array([0.12176529, 0.81328464, 0.06495012], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'My only gripe would be the need to add more RAM .',
  'aspect': ['RAM'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9895875453948975],
  'probs': [array([0.98958755, 0.00602241, 0.0043901 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'Fine if you have a touch screen .',
  'aspect': ['touch screen'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.6471441388130188],
  'probs': [array([0.00559831, 0.64714414, 0.34725755], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'As far as user type - I dabble in everything from games -LRB- WoW -RRB- to Photoshop , but nothing professionally .',
  'aspect': ['games', 'Photoshop'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9756826162338257, 0.9701592326164246],
  'probs': [array([0.00417752, 0.9756826 , 0.02013987], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01436659, 0.97015923, 0.01547418], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I re-seated the "WLAN" card inside and re-installed the LAN device drivers .',
  'aspect': ['"WLAN" card'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9851437211036682],
  'probs': [array([0.00298163, 0.9851437 , 0.01187471], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I re-seated the `` WLAN '' card inside and re-installed the LAN device drivers .",
  'aspect': ['LAN device drivers'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9839189052581787],
  'probs': [array([0.00299223, 0.9839189 , 0.0130889 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This by far beats any computer out on the market today built well , battery life AMAZING .',
  'aspect': ['built', 'battery life'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9977366924285889, 0.9989050626754761],
  'probs': [array([6.5911561e-04, 1.6041121e-03, 9.9773669e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([4.0233764e-04, 6.9261249e-04, 9.9890506e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The OS is easy , and offers all kinds of surprises .',
  'aspect': ['OS'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9954472184181213],
  'probs': [array([0.00123128, 0.00332144, 0.9954472 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I had to get Apple Customer Support to correct the problem .',
  'aspect': ['Apple Customer Support'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.8044466376304626],
  'probs': [array([0.80444664, 0.17488256, 0.02067085], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'A veryimportant feature is Firewire 80Negative which in my experience works better then USB3 -LRB- in PC enabled with USB3 -RRB- I was not originally sold on the MAC OS I felt it was inferior in many ways To Windows 7 .',
  'aspect': ['Firewire 80Negative'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9796502590179443],
  'probs': [array([0.00653897, 0.01381078, 0.97965026], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'A veryimportant feature is Firewire 800 which in my experience works better then USB3 -LRB- in PC enabled with USB3 -RRB- I was not originally sold on the MAC OS I felt it was inferior in many ways To Windows 7 .',
  'aspect': ['USB3', 'USB3', 'MAC OS', 'Windows 7'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative', 'Negative', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.4125606119632721,
  'probs': [array([0.4125606 , 0.19958171, 0.38785768], dtype=float32),
   array([0.52112347, 0.28723833, 0.19163823], dtype=float32),
   array([0.53532  , 0.3158485, 0.1488315], dtype=float32),
   array([0.04716035, 0.11229382, 0.84054583], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Negative', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I like iTunes , the apparent security , the Mini form factor , all the nice graphics stuff .',
  'aspect': ['iTunes', 'security', 'Mini form factor', 'graphics stuff'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9986787438392639,
  'probs': [array([3.0573879e-04, 1.0155337e-03, 9.9867874e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00138825, 0.01348943, 0.98512244], dtype=float32),
   array([2.5716823e-04, 1.0586599e-03, 9.9868423e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.9178034e-04, 1.0140545e-03, 9.9869412e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'The first time I used the card reader it took half an hour and a pair of tweezers to remove the card .',
  'aspect': ['card reader', 'remove the card'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.5949501991271973, 0.6157715320587158],
  'probs': [array([0.5949502 , 0.38250342, 0.02254642], dtype=float32),
   array([0.61577153, 0.36455333, 0.01967511], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'After replacing the spinning hard disk with an ssd drive , my mac is just flying .',
  'aspect': ['spinning hard disk', 'ssd drive'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'confidence': [0.9240050911903381, 0.6385098695755005],
  'probs': [array([0.02972431, 0.9240051 , 0.04627063], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00269321, 0.63850987, 0.3587969 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I know some people complained about HDMI issues but they released a firmware patch to address that issue .',
  'aspect': ['HDMI', 'firmware patch'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9608542323112488, 0.7138785719871521],
  'probs': [array([0.96085423, 0.02274825, 0.01639748], dtype=float32),
   array([0.01431913, 0.27180222, 0.7138786 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'With the needs of a professional photographer I generally need to keep up with the best specs .',
  'aspect': ['specs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8109166026115417],
  'probs': [array([0.01236003, 0.17672329, 0.8109166 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' packing and everything was perfect',
  'aspect': ['packing'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9982010126113892],
  'probs': [array([9.878509e-04, 8.110198e-04, 9.982010e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I called Toshiba where I gave them the serial number and they informed me that they were having issues with the mother boards .',
  'aspect': ['mother boards'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9900678396224976],
  'probs': [array([0.99006784, 0.00761959, 0.00231258], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'I seem to be having repeat problems as the Mother Board in this one is diagnosed as faulty , related to the graphics card .',
  'aspect': ['Mother Board', 'graphics card'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.989775538444519, 0.9790723919868469],
  'probs': [array([0.98977554, 0.00867757, 0.0015469 ], dtype=float32),
   array([0.9790724 , 0.01790733, 0.0030204 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative', 'Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "It also comes with 4G of RAM but if you 're like me you want to max that out so I immediately put 8G of RAM in her and I 've never used a computer that performs better .",
  'aspect': ['4G of RAM', '8G of RAM', 'performs'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.6507399678230286, 0.6783847212791443, 0.9849918484687805],
  'probs': [array([0.00339071, 0.34586933, 0.65073997], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00358789, 0.31802747, 0.6783847 ], dtype=float32),
   array([8.5426512e-04, 1.4153930e-02, 9.8499185e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong', 'Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'This computer is also awesome for my sons virtual home schooling .',
  'aspect': ['virtual home schooling'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.9856438636779785],
  'probs': [array([8.3041535e-04, 1.3525761e-02, 9.8564386e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Cost is more as compared to other brands .',
  'aspect': ['Cost'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.9591087698936462],
  'probs': [array([0.95910877, 0.01119159, 0.02969969], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'also ... - excellent operating system - size and weight for optimal mobility - excellent durability of the battery - the functions provided by the trackpad is unmatched by any other brand -',
  'aspect': ['operating system',
   'durability of the battery',
   'functions provided by the trackpad'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive',
  'confidence': [0.9988932013511658,
  'probs': [array([1.760598e-04, 9.306930e-04, 9.988932e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.0002623e-04, 1.1617934e-03, 9.9863821e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([1.9948141e-04, 1.2525909e-03, 9.9854785e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([1.9138095e-04, 1.2556817e-03, 9.9855286e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([1.8928952e-04, 8.8828662e-04, 9.9892235e-01], dtype=float32),
   array([2.3436882e-04, 1.3518473e-03, 9.9841380e-01], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive',
  'ref_check': ['Correct',
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "This hardware seems to be better than the iMac in that it is n't $ 1400 and smaller .",
  'aspect': ['hardware'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.983834981918335],
  'probs': [array([0.0082554 , 0.00790966, 0.983835  ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Correct'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': "I 've had it for about 2 months now and found no issues with software or updates .",
  'aspect': ['software', 'updates'],
  'sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'confidence': [0.8857552409172058, 0.799383282661438],
  'probs': [array([0.00779414, 0.1064506 , 0.88575524], dtype=float32),
   array([0.00824554, 0.1923712 , 0.7993833 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': 'the latest version does not have a disc drive .',
  'aspect': ['disc drive'],
  'sentiment': ['Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.4975658655166626],
  'probs': [array([0.49756587, 0.35659936, 0.1458348 ], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Neutral'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'},
 {'text': ' Screen - although some people might complain about low res which I think is ridiculous .',
  'aspect': ['Screen', 'res'],
  'sentiment': ['Neutral', 'Negative'],
  'confidence': [0.4987453818321228, 0.7864338159561157],
  'probs': [array([0.36439735, 0.49874538, 0.13685729], dtype=float32),
   array([0.7864338 , 0.02692543, 0.18664071], dtype=float32)],
  'ref_sentiment': ['Positive', 'Positive'],
  'ref_check': ['Wrong', 'Wrong'],
  'perplexity': 'N.A.'}]

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[ ]: