Source code for pyabsa.framework.checkpoint_class.checkpoint_template

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# time: 2021/6/11 0011
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# github:
# Copyright (C) 2021. All Rights Reserved.

import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union

from findfile import find_file
from termcolor import colored

from pyabsa import TaskCodeOption
from pyabsa.framework.checkpoint_class.checkpoint_utils import (
from pyabsa.utils.file_utils.file_utils import unzip_checkpoint
from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import fprint

from pyabsa.tasks.AspectPolarityClassification import SentimentClassifier
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectTermExtraction import AspectExtractor
from pyabsa.tasks.TextAdversarialDefense import TADTextClassifier
from pyabsa.tasks.RNAClassification import RNAClassifier
from pyabsa.tasks.RNARegression import RNARegressor
from pyabsa.tasks.TextClassification import TextClassifier
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction import (

[docs] class CheckpointManager:
[docs] def parse_checkpoint( self, checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, task_code: str = TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification, ) -> Union[str, Path]: """ Parse a given checkpoint file path or name and returns the path of the checkpoint directory. Args: checkpoint (Union[str, Path], optional): Zipped checkpoint name, checkpoint path, or checkpoint name queried from Google Drive. Defaults to None. task_code (str, optional): Task code, e.g. apc, atepc, tad, rnac_datasets, rnar, tc, etc. Defaults to TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification. Returns: Path: The path of the checkpoint directory. Example: ``` manager = CheckpointManager() checkpoint_path = manager.parse_checkpoint("", "apc") ``` """ if isinstance(checkpoint, str) or isinstance(checkpoint, Path): # directly load checkpoint from local path if os.path.exists(checkpoint): return checkpoint try: self._get_remote_checkpoint(checkpoint, task_code) except Exception as e: fprint( "No checkpoint found in Model Hub for task: {}".format(checkpoint) ) if find_file(os.getcwd(), [checkpoint, task_code, ".config"]): # load checkpoint from current working directory with task specified checkpoint_config = find_file( os.getcwd(), [checkpoint, task_code, ".config"] ) else: # load checkpoint from current working directory without task specified checkpoint_config = find_file(os.getcwd(), [checkpoint, ".config"]) if checkpoint_config: # locate the checkpoint directory checkpoint = os.path.dirname(checkpoint_config) elif isinstance(checkpoint, str) and checkpoint.endswith(".zip"): checkpoint = unzip_checkpoint( checkpoint if os.path.exists(checkpoint) else find_file(os.getcwd(), checkpoint) ) return checkpoint
[docs] def _get_remote_checkpoint( self, checkpoint: str = "multilingual", task_code: str = None ) -> str: """ Downloads a checkpoint file and returns the path of the downloaded checkpoint. Args: checkpoint (str, optional): Zipped checkpoint name, checkpoint path, or checkpoint name queried from Google Drive. Defaults to "multilingual". task_code (str, optional): Task code, e.g. apc, atepc, tad, rnac_datasets, rnar, tc, etc. Defaults to None. Returns: Path: The path of the downloaded checkpoint. Raises: SystemExit: If the given checkpoint file is not found. Example: ``` manager = CheckpointManager() checkpoint_path = manager._get_remote_checkpoint("multilingual", "apc") ``` """ available_checkpoint_by_task = available_checkpoints(task_code) if checkpoint.lower() in [ k.lower() for k in available_checkpoint_by_task.keys() ]: fprint(colored("Downloading checkpoint:{} ".format(checkpoint), "green")) else: fprint( colored( "Checkpoint:{} is not found, you can raise an issue for requesting shares of checkpoints".format( checkpoint ), "red", ) ) return download_checkpoint( task=task_code, language=checkpoint.lower(), checkpoint=available_checkpoint_by_task[checkpoint.lower()], )
[docs] class ASTECheckpointManager(CheckpointManager): """ This class manages the checkpoints for Aspect Sentiment Term Extraction. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the ASTECheckpointManager class. """ super(ASTECheckpointManager, self).__init__() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_aspect_sentiment_triplet_extractor( checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, **kwargs ) -> "AspectSentimentTripletExtractor": """ Get an AspectExtractor object initialized with the given checkpoint for Aspect Sentiment Term Extraction. :param checkpoint: A string or Path object indicating the path to the checkpoint or a zip file containing the checkpoint. If the checkpoint is not registered in PyABSA, it should be the name of the checkpoint queried from Google Drive. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the AspectExtractor constructor. :return: An AspectExtractor object initialized with the given checkpoint. """ return AspectSentimentTripletExtractor( CheckpointManager().parse_checkpoint( checkpoint, TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Sentiment_Triplet_Extraction ) )
[docs] class APCCheckpointManager(CheckpointManager): def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the APCCheckpointManager class. """ super(APCCheckpointManager, self).__init__() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_sentiment_classifier( checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, **kwargs ) -> "SentimentClassifier": """ Returns a pre-trained aspect sentiment classification model. Args: checkpoint (Union[str, Path], optional): A string specifying the path to a checkpoint or the name of a checkpoint registered in PyABSA. If `None`, the default checkpoint is used. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: SentimentClassifier: A pre-trained aspect sentiment classification model. Example: from pyabsa import APCCheckpointManager sentiment_classifier = APCCheckpointManager.get_sentiment_classifier() """ return SentimentClassifier( CheckpointManager().parse_checkpoint( checkpoint, TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification ) )
[docs] class ATEPCCheckpointManager(CheckpointManager): """ This class manages the checkpoints for Aspect Term Extraction and Polarity Classification. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the ATEPCCheckpointManager class. """ super(ATEPCCheckpointManager, self).__init__() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_aspect_extractor( checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, **kwargs ) -> "AspectExtractor": """ Get an AspectExtractor object initialized with the given checkpoint for Aspect Term Extraction and Polarity Classification. :param checkpoint: A string or Path object indicating the path to the checkpoint or a zip file containing the checkpoint. If the checkpoint is not registered in PyABSA, it should be the name of the checkpoint queried from Google Drive. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the function. :return: An AspectExtractor object initialized with the given checkpoint. """ return AspectExtractor( CheckpointManager().parse_checkpoint( checkpoint, TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Term_Extraction_and_Classification ) )
[docs] class TADCheckpointManager(CheckpointManager): """ This class manages the checkpoints for text adversarial defense. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the TADCheckpointManager class. """ super(TADCheckpointManager, self).__init__()
[docs] def get_tad_text_classifier( checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, **kwargs ) -> "TADTextClassifier": """ Return a TADTextClassifier object initialized with the specified checkpoint. Args: checkpoint (Union[str, Path], optional): The path to the checkpoint, the name of the zipped checkpoint, or the name of the checkpoint queried from Google Drive. Defaults to None. Returns: TADTextClassifier: A TADTextClassifier object initialized with the given checkpoint. """ return TADTextClassifier( CheckpointManager().parse_checkpoint( checkpoint, TaskCodeOption.Text_Adversarial_Defense ) )
[docs] class RNACCheckpointManager(CheckpointManager): """ This class manages the checkpoints for RNA sequence classification. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the RNACCheckpointManager class. """ super(RNACCheckpointManager, self).__init__() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_rna_classifier( checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, **kwargs ) -> "RNAClassifier": """ This method returns an instance of the RNAClassifier class with a parsed checkpoint for RNA sequence classification. Args: checkpoint (Union[str, Path], optional): The name of the zipped checkpoint or the path to the checkpoint file. If not provided, the default checkpoint will be used. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: RNAClassifier: An instance of the RNAClassifier class with a parsed checkpoint for RNA sequence classification. Raises: ValueError: If the provided checkpoint is not found. """ return RNAClassifier( CheckpointManager().parse_checkpoint( checkpoint, TaskCodeOption.RNASequenceClassification ) )
[docs] class RNARCheckpointManager(CheckpointManager): """ This class manages the checkpoints for RNA sequence regression. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the RNARCheckpointManager class. """ super(RNARCheckpointManager, self).__init__() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_rna_regressor( checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, **kwargs ) -> "RNARegressor": """ Loads a pre-trained checkpoint for RNA sequence regression and returns an instance of the RNARegressor class that is ready to make predictions. :param checkpoint: (Optional) The name of a zipped checkpoint file, the path to a checkpoint file, or the name of a checkpoint file that can be found in Google Drive. If `checkpoint` is not provided, the default checkpoint for RNA sequence regression will be loaded. :type checkpoint: Union[str, Path] :return: An instance of the RNARegressor class that has been initialized with the specified checkpoint file. :rtype: RNARegressor """ return RNARegressor( CheckpointManager().parse_checkpoint( checkpoint, TaskCodeOption.RNASequenceRegression ) )
[docs] class TCCheckpointManager(CheckpointManager): """ This class manages the checkpoints for text classification. """ def __init__(self): """ Initializes an instance of the TCCheckpointManager class. """ super(TCCheckpointManager, self).__init__() @staticmethod
[docs] def get_text_classifier( checkpoint: Union[str, Path] = None, **kwargs ) -> "TextClassifier": """ Returns a TextClassifier instance loaded with a pre-trained checkpoint for text classification. Args: checkpoint (Union[str, Path], optional): The name of a zipped checkpoint file, a path to a checkpoint file, or the name of a checkpoint registered in PyABSA. If None, the latest version of the default checkpoint will be used. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Not used in this method. Returns: TextClassifier: A TextClassifier instance loaded with the specified checkpoint. """ return TextClassifier( CheckpointManager().parse_checkpoint( checkpoint, TaskCodeOption.Text_Classification ) )