Source code for pyabsa.framework.checkpoint_class.checkpoint_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# time: 02/11/2022 21:39
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# github:
# GScholar:
# ResearchGate:
# Copyright (C) 2022. All Rights Reserved.
import json
import os
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from typing import Union, Dict, Any

import requests
import tqdm
from findfile import find_files, find_cwd_files, find_cwd_dir
from packaging import version
from pyabsa.framework.flag_class import TaskCodeOption
from termcolor import colored
from pyabsa import __version__ as current_version, PyABSAMaterialHostAddress
from pyabsa.utils.file_utils.file_utils import unzip_checkpoint
from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import fprint

[docs] def parse_checkpoint_info(t_checkpoint_map, task_code, show_ckpts=False): """ Prints available model checkpoints for a given task and version. :param t_checkpoint_map: A dictionary of checkpoint information. :param task_code: A string representing the task code (e.g. apc, atepc, tad, rnac_datasets, rnar, tc, etc.). :param show_ckpts: A boolean flag indicating whether to show checkpoint information. :return: A dictionary of checkpoint information. """ fprint( "*" * 10, colored( "Available {} model checkpoints for Version:{} (this version)".format( task_code, current_version ), "green", ), "*" * 10, ) for i, checkpoint_name in enumerate(t_checkpoint_map): checkpoint = t_checkpoint_map[checkpoint_name] try: c_version = checkpoint["Available Version"] except: continue if "-" in c_version: min_ver, _, max_ver = c_version.partition("-") elif "+" in c_version: min_ver, _, max_ver = c_version.partition("-") else: min_ver = c_version max_ver = "" max_ver = max_ver if max_ver else "N.A." if max_ver == "N.A." or StrictVersion(min_ver) <= StrictVersion( current_version ) <= StrictVersion(max_ver): if show_ckpts: fprint("-" * 100) fprint("Checkpoint Name: {}".format(checkpoint_name)) for key in checkpoint: if key != "id": fprint("{}: {}".format(key, checkpoint[key])) fprint("-" * 100) return t_checkpoint_map
[docs] def available_checkpoints( task_code: TaskCodeOption = None, show_ckpts: bool = False ) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]]: """ Retrieves the available checkpoints for a given task. :param task_code: The code of the task. It should be one of the constants in TaskCodeOption, e.g. TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification. see TaskCodeOption: from pyabsa import TaskCodeOption TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Term_Extraction_and_Classification TaskCodeOption.Sentiment_Analysis TaskCodeOption.Text_Classification TaskCodeOption.Text_Adversarial_Defense :param show_ckpts: A flag indicating whether to show detailed information about the checkpoints. :return: A dictionary with the available checkpoints for the specified task. If no task code is provided, a dictionary with all available checkpoints is returned. :param task_code: :param show_ckpts: show all checkpoints """ if task_code is None: fprint("Please specify the task code, e.g. from pyabsa import TaskCodeOption") try: # from huggingface space checkpoint_url = PyABSAMaterialHostAddress + "raw/main/checkpoints-v2.0.json" response = requests.get(checkpoint_url) with open("./checkpoints.json", "w") as f: json.dump(response.json(), f) except Exception as e: fprint( "Fail to download checkpoints info from huggingface space, try to download from local" ) with open("./checkpoints.json", "r", encoding="utf8") as f: checkpoint_map = json.load(f) t_checkpoint_map = {} for c_version in checkpoint_map: if "-" in c_version: min_ver, _, max_ver = c_version.partition("-") elif "+" in c_version: min_ver, _, max_ver = c_version.partition("+") else: min_ver = c_version max_ver = "" max_ver = max_ver if max_ver else "N.A." if max_ver == "N.A." or version.parse(min_ver) <= version.parse( current_version ) <= version.parse(max_ver): if task_code: t_checkpoint_map.update( checkpoint_map[c_version][task_code.upper()] if task_code.upper() in checkpoint_map[c_version] else {} ) parse_checkpoint_info(t_checkpoint_map, task_code, show_ckpts) return t_checkpoint_map if task_code else checkpoint_map
[docs] def download_checkpoint(task: str, language: str, checkpoint: dict) -> str: """ Download a pretrained checkpoint for a given task and language. The download_checkpoint() function downloads a checkpoint from a given URL using the requests library. It saves the downloaded checkpoint to a temporary directory with a name that corresponds to the task and language. If the checkpoint has already been downloaded and saved in the temporary directory, the function simply returns the directory path. The function then unzips the downloaded checkpoint file, removes the zip file and returns the directory path of the unzipped checkpoint. If the download is unsuccessful, a ConnectionError is raised. :param task: A string representing the task to download the checkpoint for (e.g. "sentiment_analysis"). :param language: A string representing the language to download the checkpoint for (e.g. "english"). :param checkpoint: A dictionary containing the information about the checkpoint to download. :return: A string representing the path to the downloaded checkpoint. """ fprint( colored( "Notice: The pretrained model are used for testing, " "it is recommended to train the model on your own custom datasets", "red", ) ) huggingface_checkpoint_url = ( PyABSAMaterialHostAddress + "resolve/main/checkpoints/{}/{}/{}".format( checkpoint["Language"], task.upper(), checkpoint["Checkpoint File"] ) ) tmp_dir = "{}_{}_CHECKPOINT".format(task.upper(), language.upper()) dest_path = os.path.join("./checkpoints", tmp_dir) if not os.path.exists(dest_path): os.makedirs(dest_path) if ( find_files(dest_path, ".model") or find_files(dest_path, ".state_dict") ) and find_files(dest_path, ".config"): fprint("Checkpoint already downloaded, skip") return dest_path if find_cwd_files( [ checkpoint["Training Model"], checkpoint["Checkpoint File"].strip(".zip"), ".config", ] ): return find_cwd_dir( [checkpoint["Training Model"], checkpoint["Checkpoint File"].strip(".zip")] ) save_path = os.path.join(dest_path, checkpoint["Checkpoint File"]) try: # from Huggingface Space response = requests.get(huggingface_checkpoint_url, stream=True) "" "" with open(save_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in tqdm.tqdm( response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 1024), unit="MB", total=int(response.headers["content-length"]) // 1024 // 1024, desc="Downloading checkpoint", ): f.write(chunk) except Exception as e: raise ConnectionError("Fail to download checkpoint: {}".format(e)) unzip_checkpoint(save_path) os.remove(save_path) fprint( colored( "If the auto-downloading failed, please download it via browser: {} ".format( huggingface_checkpoint_url ), "yellow", ) ) return dest_path