Source code for pyabsa.tasks.AspectPolarityClassification.dataset_utils.__plm__.data_utils_for_inference

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# author: songyouwei <>
# Copyright (C) 2018. All Rights Reserved.

import numpy as np
import tqdm

from pyabsa.framework.flag_class.flag_template import LabelPaddingOption
from pyabsa.framework.dataset_class.dataset_template import PyABSADataset
from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import validate_absa_example, fprint
from .classic_bert_apc_utils import prepare_input_for_apc, build_sentiment_window
from .dependency_graph import dependency_adj_matrix, configure_spacy_model
from ..__lcf__.data_utils_for_inference import ABSAInferenceDataset

[docs] class BERTABSAInferenceDataset(ABSAInferenceDataset): def __init__(self, config, tokenizer): configure_spacy_model(config) self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.config = config = []
[docs] def process_data(self, samples, ignore_error=True): all_data = [] if len(samples) > 100: it = tqdm.tqdm(samples, desc="preparing apc inference dataloader") else: it = samples for ex_id, text in enumerate(it): try: # handle for empty lines in inference dataset if text is None or "" == text.strip(): raise RuntimeError("Invalid Input!") # check for given polarity if "$LABEL$" in text: text, polarity = ( text.split("$LABEL$")[0].strip(), text.split("$LABEL$")[1].strip(), ) polarity = ( polarity if polarity else LabelPaddingOption.SENTIMENT_PADDING ) text = text.replace("[PADDING]", "") else: polarity = str(LabelPaddingOption.SENTIMENT_PADDING) # simply add padding in case of some aspect is at the beginning or ending of a sentence text_left, aspect, text_right = text.split("[ASP]") text_left = text_left.replace("[PADDING] ", "").lower().strip() text_right = text_right.replace(" [PADDING]", "").lower().strip() aspect = aspect.lower().strip() text = text_left + " " + aspect + " " + text_right # polarity = int(polarity) if ( validate_absa_example(text, aspect, polarity, self.config) or not aspect ): continue prepared_inputs = prepare_input_for_apc( self.config, self.tokenizer, text_left, text_right, aspect ) aspect_position = prepared_inputs["aspect_position"] # it is hard to decide whether [CLS] and [SEP] should be added into sequences, e.g., left_context or right_context, # so we disable all [CLS]s and [SEP]s text_indices = self.tokenizer.text_to_sequence( text_left + " " + aspect + " " + text_right ) context_indices = self.tokenizer.text_to_sequence( text_left + text_right ) left_indices = self.tokenizer.text_to_sequence(text_left) left_with_aspect_indices = self.tokenizer.text_to_sequence( text_left + " " + aspect ) right_indices = self.tokenizer.text_to_sequence(text_right) right_with_aspect_indices = self.tokenizer.text_to_sequence( aspect + " " + text_right ) aspect_indices = self.tokenizer.text_to_sequence(aspect) aspect_len = np.count_nonzero(aspect_indices) left_len = min( self.config.max_seq_len - aspect_len, np.count_nonzero(left_indices) ) left_indices = np.concatenate( ( left_indices[:left_len], np.asarray([0] * (self.config.max_seq_len - left_len)), ) ) aspect_boundary = np.asarray( [left_len, min(left_len + aspect_len - 1, self.config.max_seq_len)] ) idx2graph = dependency_adj_matrix( text_left + " " + aspect + " " + text_right ) dependency_graph = np.pad( idx2graph, ( (0, max(0, self.config.max_seq_len - idx2graph.shape[0])), (0, max(0, self.config.max_seq_len - idx2graph.shape[0])), ), "constant", ) dependency_graph = dependency_graph[ :, range(0, self.config.max_seq_len) ] dependency_graph = dependency_graph[ range(0, self.config.max_seq_len), : ] data = { "ex_id": ex_id, "text_indices": text_indices if "text_indices" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "context_indices": context_indices if "context_indices" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "left_indices": left_indices if "left_indices" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "left_with_aspect_indices": left_with_aspect_indices if "left_with_aspect_indices" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "right_indices": right_indices if "right_indices" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "right_with_aspect_indices": right_with_aspect_indices if "right_with_aspect_indices" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "aspect_indices": aspect_indices if "aspect_indices" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "aspect_boundary": aspect_boundary if "aspect_boundary" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "aspect_position": aspect_position, "dependency_graph": dependency_graph if "dependency_graph" in self.config.inputs_cols else 0, "text_raw": text, "aspect": aspect, "polarity": polarity, } all_data.append(data) except Exception as e: if ignore_error: fprint( "Ignore error while processing: {} Error info:{}".format( text, e ) ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Catch Exception: {}, use ignore_error=True to remove error samples.".format( e ) ) = all_data all_data = build_sentiment_window( all_data, self.tokenizer, self.config.similarity_threshold, input_demands=self.config.inputs_cols, ) for data in all_data: cluster_ids = [] for pad_idx in range(self.config.max_seq_len): if pad_idx in data["cluster_ids"]: # fprint(data['polarity']) cluster_ids.append( self.config.label_to_index.get( self.config.index_to_label.get(data["polarity"], "N.A."), LabelPaddingOption.SENTIMENT_PADDING, ) ) else: cluster_ids.append(-100) # cluster_ids.append(3) data["cluster_ids"] = np.asarray(cluster_ids, dtype=np.int64) data["side_ex_ids"] = np.array(0) data["aspect_position"] = np.array(0) = PyABSADataset.covert_to_tensor( return
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): return[index]
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(