Source code for pyabsa.tasks.AspectPolarityClassification.models.__classic__.cabasc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# author: albertopaz <>
# Copyright (C) 2018. All Rights Reserved.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from pyabsa.networks.dynamic_rnn import DynamicLSTM
from pyabsa.networks.squeeze_embedding import SqueezeEmbedding

[docs] class Cabasc(nn.Module):
[docs] inputs = [ "text_indices", "aspect_indices", "left_with_aspect_indices", "right_with_aspect_indices", ]
def __init__(self, embedding_matrix, config, _type="c"): super(Cabasc, self).__init__() self.config = config self.type = _type self.embed = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained( torch.tensor(embedding_matrix, dtype=torch.float) ) self.squeeze_embedding = SqueezeEmbedding(batch_first=True) self.linear1 = nn.Linear(3 * config.embed_dim, config.embed_dim) self.linear2 = nn.Linear(config.embed_dim, 1, bias=False) self.mlp = nn.Linear(config.embed_dim, config.embed_dim) self.dense = nn.Linear(config.embed_dim, config.output_dim) # context attention layer self.rnn_l = DynamicLSTM( config.embed_dim, config.hidden_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, rnn_type="GRU", ) self.rnn_r = DynamicLSTM( config.embed_dim, config.hidden_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, rnn_type="GRU", ) self.mlp_l = nn.Linear(config.hidden_dim, 1) self.mlp_r = nn.Linear(config.hidden_dim, 1)
[docs] def context_attention(self, x_l, x_r, memory, memory_len, aspect_len): # Context representation left_len, right_len = torch.sum(x_l != 0, dim=-1), torch.sum(x_r != 0, dim=-1) x_l, x_r = self.embed(x_l), self.embed(x_r) context_l, (_, _) = self.rnn_l( x_l, left_len ) # left, right context : (batch size, max_len, embedds) context_r, (_, _) = self.rnn_r(x_r, right_len) # Attention weights : (batch_size, max_batch_len, 1) # 0.5 should be a variable according to the paper attn_l = torch.sigmoid(self.mlp_l(context_l)) + 0.5 attn_r = torch.sigmoid(self.mlp_r(context_r)) + 0.5 # apply weights one sample at a time for i in range(memory.size(0)): aspect_start = (left_len[i] - aspect_len[i]).item() aspect_end = left_len[i] # attention weights for each element in the sentence for idx in range(memory_len[i]): if idx < aspect_start: memory[i][idx] *= attn_l[i][idx] elif idx < aspect_end: memory[i][idx] *= ( attn_l[i][idx] + attn_r[i][idx - aspect_start] ) / 2 else: memory[i][idx] *= attn_r[i][idx - aspect_start] return memory
[docs] def locationed_memory(self, memory, memory_len): # based on the absolute distance to the first border word of the aspect """ # differ from description in paper here, but may be better for i in range(memory.size(0)): for idx in range(memory_len[i]): aspect_start = left_len[i] - aspect_len[i] aspect_end = left_len[i] if idx < aspect_start: l = aspect_start.item() - idx elif idx <= aspect_end: l = 0 else: l = idx - aspect_end.item() memory[i][idx] *= (1-float(l)/int(memory_len[i])) """ for i in range(memory.size(0)): for idx in range(memory_len[i]): memory[i][idx] *= 1 - float(idx) / int(memory_len[i]) return memory
[docs] def forward(self, inputs): # inputs text_raw_indices, aspect_indices, x_l, x_r = ( inputs["text_indices"], inputs["aspect_indices"], inputs["left_with_aspect_indices"], inputs["right_with_aspect_indices"], ) memory_len = torch.sum(text_raw_indices != 0, dim=-1) aspect_len = torch.sum(aspect_indices != 0, dim=-1) # aspect representation nonzeros_aspect = aspect_len.float() aspect = self.embed(aspect_indices) aspect = torch.sum(aspect, dim=1) v_a = torch.div(aspect, nonzeros_aspect.unsqueeze(1)).unsqueeze( 1 ) # batch_size x 1 x embed_dim # memory module memory = self.embed(text_raw_indices) memory = self.squeeze_embedding(memory, memory_len) # sentence representation nonzeros_memory = memory_len.float() v_s = torch.sum(memory, dim=1) v_s = torch.div(v_s, nonzeros_memory.unsqueeze(1)).unsqueeze( 1 ) # batch_size x 1 x embed_dim # position attention module if self.type == "c": memory = self.locationed_memory( memory, memory_len ) # batch_size x seq_len x embed_dim elif self.type == "cabasc": # context attention memory = self.context_attention(x_l, x_r, memory, memory_len, aspect_len) # recalculate sentence rep with new memory v_s = torch.sum(memory, dim=1) v_s = torch.div(v_s, nonzeros_memory.unsqueeze(1)) v_s = v_s.unsqueeze(dim=1) """ # no multi-hop, but may be better. # however, here is something totally different from what paper depits for _ in range(self.config.hops): #x = self.x_linear(x) v_ts, _ = self.attention(memory, v_a) """ memory_chunks = memory.chunk(memory.size(1), dim=1) c = [] for memory_chunk in memory_chunks: # batch_size x 1 x embed_dim c_i = self.linear1([memory_chunk, v_a, v_s], dim=1).view( memory_chunk.size(0), -1 ) ) c_i = self.linear2(torch.tanh(c_i)) # batch_size x 1 c.append(c_i) alpha = F.softmax(, dim=1), dim=1) # batch_size x seq_len v_ts = torch.matmul(memory.transpose(1, 2), alpha.unsqueeze(-1)).transpose(1, 2) # classifier v_ns = v_ts + v_s # embedd the sentence v_ns = v_ns.view(v_ns.size(0), -1) v_ms = torch.tanh(self.mlp(v_ns)) out = self.dense(v_ms) return {"logits": out}