Source code for pyabsa.tasks.AspectPolarityClassification.models.__classic__.tc_lstm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# author: songyouwei <>, ZhangYikai <>
# Copyright (C) 2018. All Rights Reserved.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from pyabsa.networks.dynamic_rnn import DynamicLSTM

[docs] class TC_LSTM(nn.Module):
[docs] inputs = ["left_with_aspect_indices", "right_with_aspect_indices", "aspect_indices"]
def __init__(self, embedding_matrix, config): super(TC_LSTM, self).__init__() self.embed = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained( torch.tensor(embedding_matrix, dtype=torch.float) ) self.lstm_l = DynamicLSTM( config.embed_dim * 2, config.hidden_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True ) self.lstm_r = DynamicLSTM( config.embed_dim * 2, config.hidden_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True ) self.dense = nn.Linear(config.hidden_dim * 2, config.output_dim)
[docs] def forward(self, inputs): # Get the target and its length(target_len) x_l, x_r, target = ( inputs["left_with_aspect_indices"], inputs["right_with_aspect_indices"], inputs["aspect_indices"], ) x_l_len, x_r_len = torch.sum(x_l != 0, dim=-1), torch.sum(x_r != 0, dim=-1) target_len = torch.sum(target != 0, dim=-1, dtype=torch.float)[:, None, None] x_l, x_r, target = self.embed(x_l), self.embed(x_r), self.embed(target) v_target = torch.div( target.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True), target_len ) # v_{target} in paper: average the target words # the concatenation of word embedding and target vector v_{target}: x_l =,[v_target] * x_l.shape[1]), 1)), 2) x_r =,[v_target] * x_r.shape[1]), 1)), 2) _, (h_n_l, _) = self.lstm_l(x_l, x_l_len) _, (h_n_r, _) = self.lstm_r(x_r, x_r_len) h_n =[0], h_n_r[0]), dim=-1) out = self.dense(h_n) return {"logits": out}