Source code for pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.data_utils_for_inference

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# time: 2021/4/22 0022
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# github:
# Copyright (C) 2021. All Rights Reserved.

import re
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict

import numpy as np
import tqdm
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectPolarityClassification.dataset_utils.__lcf__.apc_utils import (
from ..dataset_utils.aste_utils import (

from pyabsa.utils.file_utils.file_utils import load_dataset_from_file
from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import fprint

[docs] class ASTEInferenceDataset:
[docs] syn_post_vocab = None
[docs] postag_vocab = None
[docs] deprel_vocab = None
[docs] post_vocab = None
syn_post_vocab = None
[docs] token_vocab = None
[docs] all_tokens = []
[docs] all_deprel = []
[docs] all_postag = []
[docs] all_postag_ca = []
[docs] all_max_len = []
[docs] labels = [ "N", "B-A", "I-A", "A", "B-O", "I-O", "O", "Negative", "Neutral", "Positive", ]
label_to_index, index_to_label = OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() for i, v in enumerate(labels): label_to_index[v] = i index_to_label[i] = v
[docs] def prepare_infer_sample(self, text, ignore_error=True): if isinstance(text, str): text = [text] _data = [] for i in range(len(text)): if not text[i].count("####"): text[i] = text[i].strip() + "####[]" self.process_data(text, ignore_error)
[docs] def prepare_infer_dataset(self, target_file, ignore_error=True): examples = load_dataset_from_file(target_file, self.config) _data = [] for i in range(len(examples)): if not examples[i].count("####"): examples[i] = examples[i].strip() + "####[]" self.process_data(examples, ignore_error)
[docs] def load_data_from_dict(self, data_dict, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def process_data(self, samples, ignore_error=True): sentence = "" = [] if len(samples) > 1: it = tqdm.tqdm(samples, desc="preparing dataloader") else: it = samples # record polarities type to update output_dim label_set = set() for ex_id, sample in enumerate(it): try: if samples[ex_id].count("####"): sentence, annotations = samples[ex_id].split("####") elif samples[ex_id].count("$LABEL$"): sentence, annotations = samples[ex_id].split("$LABEL$") else: raise ValueError( "Invalid annotations format, please check your dataset file." ) sentence = sentence.strip() annotations = annotations.strip() annotations = eval(annotations) sentence = sentence.replace(" - ", " placeholder ").replace("-", " ") prepared_data = self.get_syntax_annotation(sentence, annotations) tokens, deprel, postag, postag_ca, max_len = load_tokens(prepared_data) self.all_tokens.extend(tokens) self.all_deprel.extend(deprel) self.all_postag.extend(postag) self.all_postag_ca.extend(postag_ca) self.all_max_len.append(max_len) prepared_data["id"] = ex_id prepared_data["sentence"] = sentence.replace("placeholder", "-") for annotation in annotations: label_set.add(annotation[-1]) except Exception as e: if ignore_error: fprint( "Ignore error while processing: {} Error info:{}".format( sentence, e ) ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Ignore error while processing: {} Catch Exception: {}, use ignore_error=True to remove error samples.".format( sentence, e ) )
def __init__(self, config, tokenizer, dataset_type="train"): = None self.nlp = configure_spacy_model(config) self.config = config self.tokenizer = tokenizer self.dataset_type = dataset_type self.config.label_to_index = self.label_to_index self.config.index_to_label = self.index_to_label self.config.output_dim = len(self.label_to_index)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): return[index]
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] def convert_examples_to_features(self, **kwargs): _data = [] if len( > 1: it = tqdm.tqdm(, desc="converting data to features") else: it = for data in it: try: feat = Instance( self.tokenizer, data, self.config.post_vocab, self.config.deprel_vocab, self.config.postag_vocab, self.config.syn_post_vocab, self.config, ) _data.append(feat) except IndexError as e: if kwargs.get("ignore_error", True): fprint( "Ignore error while processing: {} Error info:{}".format( data["sentence"], e ) ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Ignore error while processing: {} Catch Exception: {}, use ignore_error=True to remove error samples.".format( data["sentence"], e ) ) = _data return
[docs] def get_syntax_annotation(self, sentence, annotation): # Extract aspect and opinion terms from annotation aspect_spans = [ (aspect_span[0], aspect_span[-1]) for (aspect_span, _, _) in annotation ] opinion_spans = [ (opinion_span[0], opinion_span[-1]) for (_, opinion_span, _) in annotation ] sentiments = [sentiment_label for (_, _, sentiment_label) in annotation] # Tokenize sentence # tokens = re.findall(r'\w+|[^\w\s]', sentence) # tokens = sentence.split() tokens = [token.text for token in self.nlp(sentence)] postags, heads, deprels = self.get_dependencies(tokens) # Generate triples triples = [] for i, aspect_span in enumerate(aspect_spans): for j, opinion_span in enumerate(opinion_spans): if aspect_span == opinion_span: continue aspect_start, aspect_end = aspect_span opinion_start, opinion_end = opinion_span # if aspect_start > opinion_start: # aspect_start, opinion_start = opinion_start, aspect_start # aspect_end, opinion_end = opinion_end, aspect_end # if aspect_end >= opinion_start: # continue uid = f"{i}-{j}" target_tags = generate_tags(tokens, aspect_start, aspect_end, "BIO") opinion_tags = generate_tags(tokens, opinion_start, opinion_end, "BIO") triples.append( { "uid": uid, "target_tags": target_tags, "opinion_tags": opinion_tags, "sentiment": sentiments[j] .replace("POS", "Positive") .replace("NEG", "Negative") .replace("NEU", "Neutral"), } ) # Generate output dictionary output = { "id": "", "sentence": sentence, "postag": postags, "head": heads, "deprel": deprels, "triples": triples, } return output
[docs] def generate_tags(self, tokens, start, end, scheme): if scheme == "BIO": tags = ["O"] * len(tokens) tags[start] = "B" for i in range(start + 1, end + 1): tags[i] = "I" return " ".join([f"{token}\\{tag}" for token, tag in zip(tokens, tags)]) elif scheme == "IOB2": tags = ["O"] * len(tokens) tags[start] = "B" for i in range(start + 1, end + 1): tags[i] = "I" if end < len(tokens) - 1 and tags[end + 1] == "I": tags[end] = "B" return " ".join([f"{token}\\{tag}" for token, tag in zip(tokens, tags)]) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid tagging scheme '{scheme}'.")
[docs] def get_dependencies(self, tokens): # Replace special characters in tokens with placeholders placeholder_tokens = [] for token in tokens: if"[^\w\s]", token): placeholder = f"__{token}__" placeholder_tokens.append(placeholder) else: placeholder_tokens.append(token) # Get part-of-speech tags and dependencies using spaCy doc = self.nlp(" ".join(tokens)) postags = [token.pos_ for token in doc] heads = [token.head.i for token in doc] deprels = [token.dep_ for token in doc] return postags, heads, deprels
[docs] def generate_tags(tokens, start, end, scheme): # print('Generating tags for tokens: ', tokens) if scheme == "BIO": tags = ["O"] * len(tokens) tags[start] = "B" for i in range(start + 1, end + 1): tags[i] = "I" return " ".join([f"{token}\\{tag}" for token, tag in zip(tokens, tags)]) elif scheme == "IOB2": tags = ["O"] * len(tokens) tags[start] = "B" for i in range(start + 1, end + 1): tags[i] = "I" if end < len(tokens) - 1 and tags[end + 1] == "I": tags[end] = "B" return " ".join([f"{token}\\{tag}" for token, tag in zip(tokens, tags)]) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid tagging scheme '{scheme}'.")
[docs] def load_tokens(data): tokens = [] deprel = [] postag = [] postag_ca = [] max_len = 0 sentence = data["sentence"].split() tokens.extend(sentence) deprel.extend(data["deprel"]) postag_ca.extend(data["postag"]) # postag.extend(d['postag']) n = len(data["postag"]) tmp_pos = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): tup = tuple(sorted([data["postag"][i], data["postag"][j]])) tmp_pos.append(tup) postag.extend(tmp_pos) max_len = max(len(sentence), max_len) return tokens, deprel, postag, postag_ca, max_len