Source code for pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.instructor.instructor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# time: 2021/4/22 0022
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# github:
# Copyright (C) 2021. All Rights Reserved.
import os
import pickle
import random
import shutil
import time

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import cuda
from import random_split, ConcatDataset

from pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.aste_utils import (
from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import fprint, init_optimizer, print_args

from pyabsa.utils.file_utils.file_utils import save_model

from pyabsa.framework.flag_class import DeviceTypeOption
from tqdm import tqdm

from pyabsa.framework.tokenizer_class.tokenizer_class import PretrainedTokenizer

from pyabsa.framework.instructor_class.instructor_template import BaseTrainingInstructor
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.data_utils_for_training import (
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.models.model import EMCGCN
import pytorch_warmup as warmup

[docs] class ASTETrainingInstructor(BaseTrainingInstructor):
[docs] def _load_dataset_and_prepare_dataloader(self): cache_path = self.load_cache_dataset() # init BERT-based model and dataset self.tokenizer = PretrainedTokenizer(self.config) if not os.path.exists(cache_path) or self.config.overwrite_cache: self.train_set = ASTEDataset( self.config, self.tokenizer, dataset_type="train" ) self.test_set = ASTEDataset( self.config, self.tokenizer, dataset_type="test" ) self.valid_set = ASTEDataset( self.config, self.tokenizer, dataset_type="valid" ) # You can not call convert_examples_to_features unless train_set, test_set, valid_set are initialized self.train_set.convert_examples_to_features() self.test_set.convert_examples_to_features() self.valid_set.convert_examples_to_features() self.save_cache_dataset(cache_path) else: fprint("Loading dataset from cache file: %s" % cache_path) with open(cache_path, "rb") as cache_path: ( self.train_set, self.test_set, self.valid_set, self.config, ) = pickle.load(cache_path) self.model = self.config.model(config=self.config).to(self.config.device) self.config.tokenizer = self.tokenizer
def __init__(self, config): super().__init__(config) self._load_dataset_and_prepare_dataloader() self._init_misc() print_args(self.config)
[docs] def _prepare_dataloader(self): """ Prepares the data loaders for training, validation, and testing. Special for ASTE, do not use the default data loader """ random.shuffle( if self.config.cross_validate_fold < 1: # Single dataset, no cross-validation self.train_dataloaders.append( DataIterator( self.train_set, config=self.config, ) ) # Set up the validation dataloader if self.valid_set and not self.valid_dataloader: self.valid_dataloaders.append( DataIterator( self.valid_set, config=self.config, ) ) # Set up the testing dataloader if self.test_set and not self.test_dataloader: self.test_dataloader = DataIterator( self.test_set, config=self.config, ) # Cross-validation else: split_dataset = self.train_set len_per_fold = len(split_dataset) // self.config.cross_validate_fold + 1 # Split the dataset into folds folds = random_split( split_dataset, tuple( [len_per_fold] * (self.config.cross_validate_fold - 1) + [ len(split_dataset) - len_per_fold * (self.config.cross_validate_fold - 1) ] ), ) # Set up dataloaders for each fold for f_idx in range(self.config.cross_validate_fold): train_set = ConcatDataset( [x for i, x in enumerate(folds) if i != f_idx] ) val_set = folds[f_idx] self.train_dataloaders.append( DataIterator( train_set, config=self.config, ) ) self.valid_dataloaders.append( DataIterator( val_set, config=self.config, ) )
[docs] def _train_and_evaluate(self, criterion): global_step = 0 max_fold_f1 = -1 save_path = "{0}/{1}_{2}".format( self.config.model_path_to_save, self.config.model_name, self.config.dataset_name, ) self.config.metrics_of_this_checkpoint = {"f1": 0} self.config.max_test_metrics = {"max_apc_test_f1": 0} losses = [] Total_params = 0 Trainable_params = 0 NonTrainable_params = 0 for param in self.model.parameters(): mulValue = # 使用np prod接口计算参数数组所有元素之积 Total_params += mulValue # 总参数量 if param.requires_grad: Trainable_params += mulValue # 可训练参数量 else: NonTrainable_params += mulValue # 非可训练参数量 patience = self.config.patience + self.config.evaluate_begin if self.config.log_step < 0: self.config.log_step = ( len(self.train_dataloaders[0]) if self.config.log_step < 0 else self.config.log_step ) "***** Running training for {} *****".format(self.config.task_name) )"Training set examples = %d", len(self.train_set)) if self.valid_set:"Valid set examples = %d", len(self.valid_set)) if self.test_set:"Test set examples = %d", len(self.test_set)) "Total params = %d, Trainable params = %d, Non-trainable params = %d", Total_params, Trainable_params, NonTrainable_params, )"Batch size = %d", self.config.batch_size) "Num steps = %d", len(self.train_dataloaders[0]) * self.config.num_epoch, ) weight = ( torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]) .float() .to(self.config.device) ) for epoch in range(self.config.num_epoch): patience -= 1 description = "Epoch:{} | Loss:{}".format(epoch, 0) iterator = tqdm(self.train_dataloaders[0], desc=description) for i_batch, sample_batched in enumerate(iterator): global_step += 1 # switch model to trainer mode, clear gradient accumulators self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() if self.config.use_amp: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): ( _, sentences, token_ids, lengths, masks, _, _, aspect_tags, tags, word_pair_position, word_pair_deprel, word_pair_pos, word_pair_synpost, tags_symmetry, ) = sample_batched else: ( _, sentences, token_ids, lengths, masks, _, _, aspect_tags, tags, word_pair_position, word_pair_deprel, word_pair_pos, word_pair_synpost, tags_symmetry, ) = sample_batched inputs = { "token_ids": token_ids, "masks": masks, "word_pair_position": word_pair_position, "word_pair_deprel": word_pair_deprel, "word_pair_pos": word_pair_pos, "word_pair_synpost": word_pair_synpost, } tags_flatten = tags.reshape([-1]) tags_symmetry_flatten = tags_symmetry.reshape([-1]) if self.config.get("relation_constraint", True): predictions = self.model(inputs) ( biaffine_pred, post_pred, deprel_pred, postag, synpost, final_pred, ) = ( predictions[0], predictions[1], predictions[2], predictions[3], predictions[4], predictions[5], ) l_ba = 0.10 * criterion( biaffine_pred.reshape([-1, biaffine_pred.shape[3]]), tags_symmetry_flatten, ) l_rpd = 0.01 * criterion( post_pred.reshape([-1, post_pred.shape[3]]), tags_symmetry_flatten, ) l_dep = 0.01 * criterion( deprel_pred.reshape([-1, deprel_pred.shape[3]]), tags_symmetry_flatten, ) l_psc = 0.01 * criterion( postag.reshape([-1, postag.shape[3]]), tags_symmetry_flatten ) l_tbd = 0.01 * criterion( synpost.reshape([-1, synpost.shape[3]]), tags_symmetry_flatten ) if self.config.get("symmetry_decoding", False): l_p = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy( final_pred.reshape([-1, final_pred.shape[3]]), tags_symmetry_flatten, weight=weight, ignore_index=-1, ) else: l_p = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy( final_pred.reshape([-1, final_pred.shape[3]]), tags_flatten, weight=weight, ignore_index=-1, ) loss = l_ba + l_rpd + l_dep + l_psc + l_tbd + l_p else: preds = self.model(inputs)[-1] preds_flatten = preds.reshape([-1, preds.shape[3]]) if self.config.symmetry_decoding: loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy( preds_flatten, tags_symmetry_flatten, weight=weight, ignore_index=-1, ) else: loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy( preds_flatten, tags_flatten, weight=weight, ignore_index=-1 ) if self.config.auto_device == DeviceTypeOption.ALL_CUDA: loss = loss.mean() losses.append(loss.item()) if self.config.use_amp and self.scaler: self.scaler.scale(loss).backward() self.scaler.step(self.optimizer) self.scaler.update() else: loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() if self.config.warmup_step >= 0: with self.warmup_scheduler.dampening(): self.lr_scheduler.step() # evaluate if test set is available if global_step % self.config.log_step == 0: if self.test_dataloader and epoch >= self.config.evaluate_begin: if len(self.valid_dataloaders) > 1: joint_precision, joint_recall, joint_f1 = self._evaluate_f1( self.valid_dataloaders[0] ) else: joint_precision, joint_recall, joint_f1 = self._evaluate_f1( self.test_dataloader ) self.config.metrics_of_this_checkpoint["f1"] = joint_f1 if joint_f1 > max_fold_f1: if joint_f1 > max_fold_f1: max_fold_f1 = joint_f1 patience = self.config.patience - 1 if self.config.model_path_to_save: if not os.path.exists(self.config.model_path_to_save): os.makedirs(self.config.model_path_to_save) if save_path: try: shutil.rmtree(save_path) #'Remove sub-optimal trained model:', save_path) except: #'Can not remove sub-optimal trained model:', save_path) pass save_path = "{0}/{1}_{2}_f1_{3}/".format( self.config.model_path_to_save, self.config.model_name, self.config.dataset_name, round(joint_f1 * 100, 2), ) if ( joint_f1 > self.config.max_test_metrics["max_apc_test_f1"] ): self.config.max_test_metrics[ "max_apc_test_f1" ] = joint_f1 save_model( self.config, self.model, self.tokenizer, save_path ) postfix = "Dev F1:{:>.2f}(max:{:>.2f})".format( joint_f1 * 100, max_fold_f1 * 100, ) iterator.set_postfix_str(postfix) elif self.config.save_mode and epoch >= self.config.evaluate_begin: save_model( self.config, self.model, self.tokenizer, save_path + "_{}/".format(loss.item()), ) else: if self.config.get("loss_display", "smooth") == "smooth": description = "Epoch:{:>3d} | Smooth Loss: {:>.4f}".format( epoch, round(np.nanmean(losses), 4) ) else: description = "Epoch:{:>3d} | Batch Loss: {:>.4f}".format( epoch, round(loss.item(), 4) ) iterator.set_description(description) iterator.refresh() if patience == 0: break if not self.valid_dataloaders: self.config.MV.log_metric( self.config.model_name + "-" + self.config.dataset_name + "-" + self.config.pretrained_bert, "Max-Test-F1 w/o Valid Set", max_fold_f1 * 100, ) if self.test_dataloader: fprint( "Loading best model: {} and evaluating on test set ".format(save_path) ) self._reload_model_state_dict(save_path) joint_precision, joint_recall, joint_f1 = self._evaluate_f1( self.test_dataloader ) self.config.MV.log_metric( self.config.model_name + "-" + self.config.dataset_name + "-" + self.config.pretrained_bert, "Max-Test-F1", joint_f1 * 100, ) # shutil.rmtree(save_path) # if self.valid_dataloader or self.config.save_mode: del self.train_dataloaders del self.test_dataloader del self.valid_dataloaders del self.model cuda.empty_cache() time.sleep(3) return save_path else: del self.train_dataloaders del self.test_dataloader del self.valid_dataloaders cuda.empty_cache() time.sleep(3) return self.model, self.config, self.tokenizer
[docs] def _k_fold_train_and_evaluate(self, criterion): fold_test_acc = [] fold_test_f1 = [] save_path_k_fold = "" max_fold_acc_k_fold = 0 losses = [] self.config.metrics_of_this_checkpoint = {"acc": 0, "f1": 0} self.config.max_test_metrics = {"max_apc_test_acc": 0, "max_apc_test_f1": 0} for f, (train_dataloader, valid_dataloader) in enumerate( zip(self.train_dataloaders, self.valid_dataloaders) ): patience = self.config.patience + self.config.evaluate_begin if self.config.log_step < 0: self.config.log_step = ( len(self.train_dataloaders[0]) if self.config.log_step < 0 else self.config.log_step ) "***** Running training for {} *****".format(self.config.task_name) )"Training set examples = %d", len(self.train_set)) if self.valid_set:"Valid set examples = %d", len(self.valid_set)) if self.test_set:"Test set examples = %d", len(self.test_set))"Batch size = %d", self.config.batch_size) "Num steps = %d", len(train_dataloader) // self.config.batch_size * self.config.num_epoch, ) if len(self.train_dataloaders) > 1: "No. {} trainer in {} folds".format( f + 1, self.config.cross_validate_fold ) ) global_step = 0 max_fold_acc = 0 max_fold_f1 = 0 save_path = "{0}/{1}_{2}".format( self.config.model_path_to_save, self.config.model_name, self.config.dataset_name, ) for epoch in range(self.config.num_epoch): patience -= 1 description = "Epoch:{} | Loss:{}".format(epoch, 0) iterator = tqdm(train_dataloader, desc=description) for i_batch, sample_batched in enumerate(iterator): global_step += 1 # switch model to train mode, clear gradient accumulators self.model.train() self.optimizer.zero_grad() inputs = { col: sample_batched[col].to(self.config.device) for col in self.config.inputs } if self.config.use_amp: with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): outputs = self.model(inputs) else: outputs = self.model(inputs) targets = sample_batched["polarity"].to(self.config.device) if ( isinstance(outputs, dict) and "loss" in outputs and outputs["loss"] != 0 ): loss = outputs["loss"] else: loss = criterion(outputs["logits"], targets) if self.config.auto_device == DeviceTypeOption.ALL_CUDA: loss = loss.mean() losses.append(loss.item()) if self.config.use_amp and self.scaler: self.scaler.scale(loss).backward() self.scaler.step(self.optimizer) self.scaler.update() else: loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() if self.config.warmup_step >= 0: with self.warmup_scheduler.dampening(): self.lr_scheduler.step() # evaluate if test set is available if global_step % self.config.log_step == 0: if self.test_dataloader and epoch >= self.config.evaluate_begin: test_acc, f1 = self._evaluate_acc_f1(valid_dataloader) self.config.metrics_of_this_checkpoint["acc"] = test_acc self.config.metrics_of_this_checkpoint["f1"] = f1 if test_acc > max_fold_acc or f1 > max_fold_f1: if test_acc > max_fold_acc: patience = self.config.patience - 1 max_fold_acc = test_acc if f1 > max_fold_f1: max_fold_f1 = f1 patience = self.config.patience - 1 if self.config.model_path_to_save: if not os.path.exists( self.config.model_path_to_save ): os.makedirs(self.config.model_path_to_save) if save_path: try: shutil.rmtree(save_path) #'Remove sub-optimal trained model:', save_path) except: #'Can not remove sub-optimal trained model:', save_path) pass save_path = "{0}/{1}_{2}_acc_{3}_f1_{4}/".format( self.config.model_path_to_save, self.config.model_name, self.config.dataset_name, round(test_acc * 100, 2), round(f1 * 100, 2), ) if ( test_acc > self.config.max_test_metrics[ "max_apc_test_acc" ] ): self.config.max_test_metrics[ "max_apc_test_acc" ] = test_acc if ( f1 > self.config.max_test_metrics[ "max_apc_test_f1" ] ): self.config.max_test_metrics[ "max_apc_test_f1" ] = f1 save_model( self.config, self.model, self.tokenizer, save_path, ) postfix = "Dev Acc:{:>.2f}(max:{:>.2f}) Dev F1:{:>.2f}(max:{:>.2f})".format( test_acc * 100, max_fold_acc * 100, f1 * 100, max_fold_f1 * 100, ) iterator.set_postfix_str(postfix) if ( self.config.save_mode and epoch >= self.config.evaluate_begin ): save_model( self.config, self.model, self.tokenizer, save_path + "_{}/".format(loss.item()), ) else: if self.config.get("loss_display", "smooth") == "smooth": description = "Epoch:{:>3d} | Smooth Loss: {:>.4f}".format( epoch, round(np.nanmean(losses), 4) ) else: description = "Epoch:{:>3d} | Batch Loss: {:>.4f}".format( epoch, round(loss.item(), 4) ) iterator.set_description(description) iterator.refresh() if patience == 0: break max_fold_acc, max_fold_f1 = self._evaluate_acc_f1(self.test_dataloader) if max_fold_acc > max_fold_acc_k_fold: save_path_k_fold = save_path fold_test_acc.append(max_fold_acc) fold_test_f1.append(max_fold_f1) self.config.MV.log_metric( self.config.model_name, "Fold{}-Max-Test-Acc".format(f), max_fold_acc * 100, ) self.config.MV.log_metric( self.config.model_name, "Fold{}-Max-Test-F1".format(f), max_fold_f1 * 100, ) # self._reload_model_state_dict(save_path_k_fold) max_test_acc = np.max(fold_test_acc) max_test_f1 = np.max(fold_test_f1) self.config.MV.log_metric( self.config.model_name + "-" + self.config.dataset_name + "-" + self.config.pretrained_bert, "Max-Test-Acc", max_test_acc * 100, ) self.config.MV.log_metric( self.config.model_name + "-" + self.config.dataset_name + "-" + self.config.pretrained_bert, "Max-Test-F1", max_test_f1 * 100, ) # self._reload_model_state_dict(save_path_k_fold) if os.path.exists("./init_state_dict.bin"): os.remove("./init_state_dict.bin") if self.valid_dataloaders or self.config.save_mode: del self.train_dataloaders del self.test_dataloader del self.valid_dataloaders del self.model cuda.empty_cache() time.sleep(3) return save_path else: del self.train_dataloaders del self.test_dataloader del self.valid_dataloaders cuda.empty_cache() time.sleep(3) return self.model, self.config, self.tokenizer
[docs] def _evaluate_f1(self, data_loader, FLAG=False): self.model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): all_ids = [] all_sentences = [] all_preds = [] all_labels = [] all_lengths = [] all_sens_lengths = [] all_token_ranges = [] for eval_batch in data_loader: ( sentence_ids, sentences, token_ids, lengths, masks, sens_lens, token_ranges, aspect_tags, tags, word_pair_position, word_pair_deprel, word_pair_pos, word_pair_synpost, tags_symmetry, ) = eval_batch inputs = { "token_ids": token_ids, "masks": masks, "word_pair_position": word_pair_position, "word_pair_deprel": word_pair_deprel, "word_pair_pos": word_pair_pos, "word_pair_synpost": word_pair_synpost, } preds = self.model(inputs)[-1] preds = nn.functional.softmax(preds, dim=-1) preds = torch.argmax(preds, dim=3) all_preds.append(preds) all_labels.append(tags) all_lengths.append(lengths) all_sens_lengths.extend(sens_lens) all_token_ranges.extend(token_ranges) all_ids.extend(sentence_ids) all_sentences.extend(sentences) all_preds =, dim=0).cpu().tolist() all_labels =, dim=0).cpu().tolist() all_lengths =, dim=0).cpu().tolist() metric = Metric( self.config, all_preds, all_labels, all_lengths, all_sens_lengths, all_token_ranges, ) precision, recall, f1 = metric.score_uniontags() aspect_results = metric.score_aspect() opinion_results = metric.score_opinion() # print('Aspect term\tP:{:.5f}\tR:{:.5f}\tF1:{:.5f}'.format(aspect_results[0], aspect_results[1], # aspect_results[2])) # print('Opinion term\tP:{:.5f}\tR:{:.5f}\tF1:{:.5f}'.format(opinion_results[0], opinion_results[1], # opinion_results[2])) # print(self.config.task + '\t\tP:{:.5f}\tR:{:.5f}\tF1:{:.5f}\n'.format(precision, recall, f1)) if FLAG: metric.tagReport() return precision, recall, f1
[docs] def _init_misc(self): # # Prepare optimizer and schedule (linear warmup and decay) no_decay = ["bias", "LayerNorm.weight"] diff_part = ["bert.embeddings", "bert.encoder"] if isinstance(self.model, EMCGCN): optimizer_grouped_parameters = [ { "params": [ p for n, p in self.model.named_parameters() if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay) and any(nd in n for nd in diff_part) ], "weight_decay": self.config.l2reg, "lr": self.config.learning_rate, }, { "params": [ p for n, p in self.model.named_parameters() if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay) and any(nd in n for nd in diff_part) ], "weight_decay": 0.0, "lr": self.config.learning_rate, }, { "params": [ p for n, p in self.model.named_parameters() if not any(nd in n for nd in no_decay) and not any(nd in n for nd in diff_part) ], "weight_decay": self.config.l2reg, "lr": 1e-3, }, { "params": [ p for n, p in self.model.named_parameters() if any(nd in n for nd in no_decay) and not any(nd in n for nd in diff_part) ], "weight_decay": 0.0, "lr": 1e-3, }, ] self.optimizer = init_optimizer(self.config.optimizer)( optimizer_grouped_parameters, lr=self.config.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.config.l2reg, eps=self.config.get("adam_epsilon", 1e-8), ) else: raise NotImplementedError("Please implement this method in your subclass!")
[docs] def run(self): # Loss and Optimizer criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-1) return self._train(criterion)
[docs] def _train(self, criterion): self._prepare_dataloader() if self.config.warmup_step >= 0: self.lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR( self.optimizer, T_max=len(self.train_dataloaders[0]) * self.config.num_epoch, ) self.warmup_scheduler = warmup.UntunedLinearWarmup(self.optimizer) if len(self.valid_dataloaders) > 1: return self._k_fold_train_and_evaluate(criterion) else: return self._train_and_evaluate(criterion)