Source code for pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.prediction.predictor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# Copyright (C) 2020. All Rights Reserved.
import os
import pickle
import string
from typing import Union

import torch
from findfile import find_file

from pyabsa.utils.data_utils.dataset_manager import detect_infer_dataset
from torch import nn
from tqdm import tqdm

from pyabsa.framework.flag_class.flag_template import DeviceTypeOption

from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import fprint, set_device, print_args

from pyabsa.framework.flag_class import TaskCodeOption

from pyabsa.framework.prediction_class.predictor_template import InferenceModel
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.data_utils_for_inference import (
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectSentimentTripletExtraction.dataset_utils.aste_utils import (

[docs] class AspectSentimentTripletExtractor(InferenceModel):
[docs] task_code = TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Sentiment_Triplet_Extraction
def __init__(self, checkpoint=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(checkpoint, task_code=self.task_code, **kwargs) # load from a trainer if self.checkpoint and not isinstance(self.checkpoint, str): fprint("Load sentiment classifier from trainer") self.model = self.checkpoint[0] self.config = self.checkpoint[1] self.tokenizer = self.checkpoint[2] else: # load from a model path try: if "fine-tuned" in self.checkpoint: raise ValueError( "Do not support to directly load a fine-tuned model, please load a .state_dict or .model instead!" ) fprint("Load sentiment classifier from", self.checkpoint) state_dict_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, ".state_dict", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) model_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, ".model", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) tokenizer_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, ".tokenizer", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) config_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, ".config", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) fprint("config: {}".format(config_path)) fprint("state_dict: {}".format(state_dict_path)) fprint("model: {}".format(model_path)) fprint("tokenizer: {}".format(tokenizer_path)) with open(config_path, mode="rb") as f: self.config = pickle.load(f) self.config.auto_device = kwargs.get("auto_device", True) set_device(self.config, self.config.auto_device) if state_dict_path or model_path: if state_dict_path: self.model = self.config.model(config=self.config).to( self.config.device ) self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load( state_dict_path, map_location=torch.device("cpu"), ), strict=False, ) elif model_path: self.model = torch.load( model_path, map_location=DeviceTypeOption.CPU ) self.tokenizer = self.config.tokenizer if kwargs.get("verbose", False): fprint("Config used in Training:") print_args(self.config) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Fail to load the model from {}! " "Please make sure the version of checkpoint and PyABSA are compatible." " Try to remove he checkpoint and download again" " \nException: {} ".format(checkpoint, e) ) self.dataset = ASTEInferenceDataset(self.config, self.tokenizer) self.__post_init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def batch_infer( self, target_file=None, print_result=True, save_result=False, ignore_error=True, **kwargs ): """ A deprecated version of batch_predict method. Args: target_file (str): the path to the target file for inference print_result (bool): whether to print the result save_result (bool): whether to save the result ignore_error (bool): whether to ignore the error Returns: result (dict): a dictionary of the results """ return self.batch_predict( target_file=target_file, print_result=print_result, save_result=save_result, ignore_error=ignore_error, **kwargs )
[docs] def infer(self, text: str = None, print_result=True, ignore_error=True, **kwargs): """ A deprecated version of the predict method. Args: text (str): the text to predict print_result (bool): whether to print the result ignore_error (bool): whether to ignore the error Returns: result (dict): a dictionary of the results """ return self.predict( text=text, print_result=print_result, ignore_error=ignore_error, **kwargs )
[docs] def batch_predict( self, target_file=None, print_result=True, save_result=False, ignore_error=True, **kwargs ): """ Predict the sentiment from a file of sentences. param: target_file: the file path of the sentences to be predicted. param: print_result: whether to print the result. param: save_result: whether to save the result. param: ignore_error: whether to ignore the error when predicting. param: kwargs: other parameters. """ self.config.eval_batch_size = kwargs.get("eval_batch_size", 32) save_path = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "{}.{}.result.json".format( self.config.task_name, self.config.model.__name__ ), ) target_file = detect_infer_dataset( target_file, task_code=TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Sentiment_Triplet_Extraction ) if not target_file: raise FileNotFoundError("Can not find inference datasets!") self.dataset.prepare_infer_dataset(target_file, ignore_error=ignore_error) return self._run_prediction( save_path=save_path if save_result else None, print_result=print_result )
[docs] def predict( self, text: Union[str, list] = None, print_result=True, ignore_error=True, **kwargs ): """ Predict the sentiment from a sentence or a list of sentences. param: text: the sentence to be predicted. param: print_result: whether to print the result. param: ignore_error: whether to ignore the error when predicting. param: kwargs: other parameters. """ self.config.eval_batch_size = kwargs.get("eval_batch_size", 32) if text: self.dataset.prepare_infer_sample(text, ignore_error=ignore_error) else: raise RuntimeError("Please specify your datasets path!") if isinstance(text, str): try: return self._run_prediction(print_result=print_result, **kwargs)[0] except Exception as e: return { "text": text, "Triplets": "[]", "error": str(e), "error_type": "RuntimeError", } else: return self._run_prediction(print_result=print_result, **kwargs)
[docs] def _run_prediction(self, save_path=None, print_result=True, **kwargs): self.model.eval() all_results = [] with torch.no_grad(): data_loader = DataIterator( self.dataset.convert_examples_to_features(), self.config ) if len(self.dataset) > 1: it = tqdm(data_loader, desc="Predicting") else: it = data_loader for i, batch in enumerate(it): ( sentence_ids, sentences, token_ids, lengths, masks, sens_lens, token_ranges, aspect_tags, tags, word_pair_position, word_pair_deprel, word_pair_pos, word_pair_synpost, tags_symmetry, ) = batch inputs = { "token_ids": token_ids, "masks": masks, "word_pair_position": word_pair_position, "word_pair_deprel": word_pair_deprel, "word_pair_pos": word_pair_pos, "word_pair_synpost": word_pair_synpost, } preds = self.model(inputs)[-1] preds = nn.functional.softmax(preds, dim=-1) preds = torch.argmax(preds, dim=3) metric = Metric( self.config, preds, tags, lengths, sens_lens, token_ranges, ) new_result = { "sentence_id": "", "sentence": "", "Triplets": [], "True Triplets": [], } try: results = metric.parse_triplet(golden=True) for j, triplets in enumerate(results[0]): for k, triplet in enumerate(triplets): asp_head, asp_tail, opn_head, opn_tail, polarity = triplet triplet = { "Aspect": " ".join( sentences[j].split()[asp_head : asp_tail + 1] ), "Opinion": " ".join( sentences[j].split()[opn_head : opn_tail + 1] ), "Polarity": self.config.index_to_label[polarity], } new_result["True Triplets"].append(triplet) all_results.append(new_result) except Exception as e: results = metric.parse_triplet(golden=False) # Print results for j, triplets in enumerate(results[1]): new_result["sentence_id"] = sentence_ids[j] new_result["sentence"] = sentences[j] for k, triplet in enumerate(triplets): asp_head, asp_tail, opn_head, opn_tail, polarity = triplet triplet = { "Aspect": " ".join( sentences[j].split()[asp_head : asp_tail + 1] ), "Opinion": " ".join( sentences[j].split()[opn_head : opn_tail + 1] ), "Polarity": self.config.index_to_label[polarity], } if triplet["Aspect"] in string.punctuation: triplet["Aspect"] = " " new_result["Triplets"].append(triplet) all_results.append(new_result) for result in all_results: fprint("Batch: {}".format(i), result) return all_results
[docs] def clear_input_samples(self): self.dataset.all_data = []
[docs] class Predictor(AspectSentimentTripletExtractor): pass