Source code for pyabsa.tasks._Archive.RNAClassification.prediction.rna_classifier

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# Copyright (C) 2020. All Rights Reserved.
import json
import os
import pickle

import numpy as np
import torch
import tqdm
from findfile import find_file, find_cwd_dir
from sklearn import metrics
from termcolor import colored
from import DataLoader
from transformers import AutoModel

from pyabsa import TaskCodeOption, LabelPaddingOption, DeviceTypeOption
from pyabsa.framework.prediction_class.predictor_template import InferenceModel
from pyabsa.utils.data_utils.dataset_manager import detect_infer_dataset
from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import set_device, print_args, fprint, rprint
from ..dataset_utils.data_utils_for_inference import BERTRNACInferenceDataset
from ..dataset_utils.data_utils_for_inference import GloVeRNACInferenceDataset
from ..models import BERTRNACModelList, GloVeRNACModelList

[docs] class RNAClassifier(InferenceModel):
[docs] task_code = TaskCodeOption.RNASequenceClassification
def __init__(self, checkpoint=None, cal_perplexity=False, **kwargs): """ from_train_model: load inference model from trained model """ super().__init__(checkpoint, cal_perplexity, **kwargs) # load from a trainer if self.checkpoint and not isinstance(self.checkpoint, str): fprint("Load text classifier from trainer") self.model = self.checkpoint[0] self.config = self.checkpoint[1] self.tokenizer = self.checkpoint[2] else: try: if "fine-tuned" in self.checkpoint: raise ValueError( "Do not support to directly load a fine-tuned model, please load a .state_dict or .model instead!" ) fprint("Load text classifier from", self.checkpoint) state_dict_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, key=".state_dict", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) model_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, key=".model", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) tokenizer_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, key=".tokenizer", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) config_path = find_file( self.checkpoint, key=".config", exclude_key=["__MACOSX"] ) fprint("config: {}".format(config_path)) fprint("state_dict: {}".format(state_dict_path)) fprint("model: {}".format(model_path)) fprint("tokenizer: {}".format(tokenizer_path)) with open(config_path, mode="rb") as f: self.config = pickle.load(f) self.config.auto_device = kwargs.get("auto_device", True) set_device(self.config, self.config.auto_device) if state_dict_path or model_path: if hasattr(BERTRNACModelList, self.config.model.__name__): if state_dict_path: if kwargs.get("offline", False): self.bert = AutoModel.from_pretrained( find_cwd_dir( self.config.pretrained_bert.split("/")[-1] ) ) else: self.bert = AutoModel.from_pretrained( self.config.pretrained_bert, trust_remote_code=True ) self.model = self.config.model(self.bert, self.config) self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load( state_dict_path, map_location=DeviceTypeOption.CPU ), strict=False, ) elif model_path: self.model = torch.load( model_path, map_location=DeviceTypeOption.CPU ) else: self.tokenizer = self.config.tokenizer self.embedding_matrix = self.config.embedding_matrix if model_path: self.model = torch.load( model_path, map_location=DeviceTypeOption.CPU ) else: self.model = self.config.model( self.embedding_matrix, self.config ).to(self.config.device) self.model.load_state_dict( torch.load( state_dict_path, map_location=DeviceTypeOption.CPU ), strict=False, ) self.tokenizer = self.config.tokenizer if kwargs.get("verbose", False): fprint("Config used in Training:") print_args(self.config) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Exception: {} Fail to load the model from {}! ".format( e, self.checkpoint ) ) if not hasattr( GloVeRNACModelList, self.config.model.__name__ ) and not hasattr(BERTRNACModelList, self.config.model.__name__): raise KeyError( "The checkpoint you are loading is not from classifier model." ) if hasattr(BERTRNACModelList, self.config.model.__name__): self.dataset = BERTRNACInferenceDataset( config=self.config, tokenizer=self.tokenizer ) elif hasattr(GloVeRNACModelList, self.config.model.__name__): self.dataset = GloVeRNACInferenceDataset( config=self.config, tokenizer=self.tokenizer ) self.__post_init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def _log_write_args(self): n_trainable_params, n_nontrainable_params = 0, 0 for p in self.model.parameters(): n_params = if p.requires_grad: n_trainable_params += n_params else: n_nontrainable_params += n_params fprint( "n_trainable_params: {0}, n_nontrainable_params: {1}".format( n_trainable_params, n_nontrainable_params ) ) for arg in vars(self.config): if getattr(self.config, arg) is not None: fprint(">>> {0}: {1}".format(arg, getattr(self.config, arg)))
[docs] def batch_predict( self, target_file=None, print_result=True, save_result=False, ignore_error=True, **kwargs ): """ Runs inference on a batch of data. Args: - target_file: str or Path. Path to the target file. - print_result: bool. Whether to print the result. - save_result: bool. Whether to save the result. - ignore_error: bool. Whether to ignore errors. - kwargs: dict. Additional keyword arguments. Returns: - result: list. List of predictions. """ # Set batch size for inference. self.config.eval_batch_size = kwargs.get("eval_batch_size", 32) # Set the save path for the result file. save_path = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), "{}.{}.result.json".format( self.config.task_name, self.config.model.__name__ ), ) # Detect and prepare the dataset for inference. target_file = detect_infer_dataset( target_file, task_code=TaskCodeOption.RNASequenceClassification ) if not target_file: raise FileNotFoundError("Can not find inference datasets!") self.dataset.prepare_infer_dataset(target_file, ignore_error=ignore_error) # Create a data loader for inference. self.infer_dataloader = DataLoader( dataset=self.dataset, batch_size=self.config.eval_batch_size, pin_memory=True, shuffle=False, ) # Run the prediction and return the result. return self._run_prediction( save_path=save_path if save_result else None, print_result=print_result )
[docs] def predict(self, text: str = None, print_result=True, ignore_error=True, **kwargs): """ Runs inference on a single sample. Args: - text: str. The text to predict. - print_result: bool. Whether to print the result. - ignore_error: bool. Whether to ignore errors. - kwargs: dict. Additional keyword arguments. Returns: - result: list. List of predictions. """ # Set batch size for inference. self.config.eval_batch_size = kwargs.get("eval_batch_size", 32) # Detect and prepare the sample for inference. if text: self.dataset.prepare_infer_sample(text, ignore_error=ignore_error) else: raise RuntimeError("Please specify your datasets path!") # Create a data loader for inference. self.infer_dataloader = DataLoader( dataset=self.dataset, batch_size=self.config.eval_batch_size, shuffle=False ) # Run the prediction and return the result. if isinstance(text, list): return self._run_prediction(print_result=print_result) else: return self._run_prediction(print_result=print_result)[0]
[docs] def _run_prediction(self, save_path=None, print_result=True): _params = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, self.model.parameters()) correct = {True: "Correct", False: "Wrong"} results = [] with torch.no_grad(): self.model.eval() n_correct = 0 n_labeled = 0 n_total = 0 t_targets_all, t_outputs_all = None, None if len(self.infer_dataloader.dataset) >= 100: it = tqdm.tqdm(self.infer_dataloader, desc="run inference") else: it = self.infer_dataloader for _, sample in enumerate(it): inputs = [ sample[col].to(self.config.device) for col in self.config.inputs_cols if col != "label" ] outputs = self.model(inputs) sen_logits = outputs t_probs = torch.softmax(sen_logits, dim=-1) if t_targets_all is None: t_targets_all = np.array( [ self.config.label_to_index[x] if x in self.config.label_to_index else LabelPaddingOption.SENTIMENT_PADDING for x in sample["label"] ] ) t_outputs_all = np.array(sen_logits.cpu()).astype(np.float32) else: t_targets_all = np.concatenate( ( t_targets_all, [ self.config.label_to_index[x] if x in self.config.label_to_index else LabelPaddingOption.SENTIMENT_PADDING for x in sample["label"] ], ), axis=0, ) t_outputs_all = np.concatenate( ( t_outputs_all, np.array(sen_logits.cpu()).astype(np.float32), ), axis=0, ) for i, i_probs in enumerate(t_probs): sent = self.config.index_to_label[int(i_probs.argmax(axis=-1))] if sample["label"][i] != LabelPaddingOption.LABEL_PADDING: real_sent = sample["label"][i] else: real_sent = "N.A." if real_sent != LabelPaddingOption.LABEL_PADDING: n_labeled += 1 text_raw = sample["text_raw"][i] ex_id = sample["ex_id"][i] if self.cal_perplexity: ids = self.MLM_tokenizer( text_raw, truncation=True, padding="max_length", max_length=self.config.max_seq_len, return_tensors="pt", ) ids["labels"] = ids["input_ids"].clone() ids = loss = self.MLM(**ids)["loss"] perplexity = float(torch.exp(loss / ids["input_ids"].size(1))) else: perplexity = "N.A." results.append( { "ex_id": ex_id, "text": text_raw, "label": sent, "confidence": float(max(i_probs)), "probs": i_probs.cpu().numpy(), "ref_label": real_sent, "ref_check": correct[sent == real_sent] if real_sent != str(LabelPaddingOption.LABEL_PADDING) else "", "perplexity": perplexity, } ) n_total += 1 try: if print_result: for ex_id, result in enumerate(results): text_printing = result["text"][:] if result["ref_label"] != LabelPaddingOption.LABEL_PADDING: if result["label"] == result["ref_label"]: text_info = colored( "#{}\t -> <{}(ref:{} confidence:{})>\t".format( result["ex_id"], result["label"], result["ref_label"], result["confidence"], ), "green", ) else: text_info = colored( "#{}\t -> <{}(ref:{}) confidence:{}>\t".format( result["ex_id"], result["label"], result["ref_label"], result["confidence"], ), "red", ) else: text_info = "#{}\t -> {}\t".format( result["ex_id"], result["label"] ) if self.cal_perplexity: text_printing += colored( " --> <perplexity:{}>\t".format(result["perplexity"]), "yellow", ) text_printing = text_info + text_printing fprint("Example :{}".format(text_printing)) if save_path: with open(save_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as fout: json.dump(str(results), fout, ensure_ascii=False) fprint("inference result saved in: {}".format(save_path)) except Exception as e: fprint("Can not save result: {}, Exception: {}".format(text_raw, e)) if len(results) > 1 and print_result: fprint("Total samples:{}".format(n_total)) fprint("Labeled samples:{}".format(n_labeled)) report = metrics.classification_report( t_targets_all, np.argmax(t_outputs_all, -1), digits=4, target_names=[ self.config.index_to_label[x] for x in sorted(self.config.index_to_label.keys()) if x != -100 ], ) fprint( "\n---------------------------- Classification Report ----------------------------\n" ) rprint(report) fprint( "\n---------------------------- Classification Report ----------------------------\n" ) report = metrics.confusion_matrix( t_targets_all, np.argmax(t_outputs_all, -1), labels=[ self.config.label_to_index[x] for x in self.config.label_to_index if x != "-100" and x != "" ], ) fprint( "\n---------------------------- Confusion Matrix ----------------------------\n" ) rprint(report) fprint( "\n---------------------------- Confusion Matrix ----------------------------\n" ) return results
[docs] def clear_input_samples(self): self.dataset.all_data = []
[docs] class Predictor(RNAClassifier): pass