Source code for pyabsa.utils.absa_utils.absa_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# time: 02/11/2022 18:55
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# github:
# GScholar:
# ResearchGate:
# Copyright (C) 2022. All Rights Reserved.
import copy
import os

import findfile

import pyabsa
from pyabsa.tasks.AspectTermExtraction.dataset_utils.__lcf__.atepc_utils import (
from pyabsa.utils.data_utils.dataset_item import DatasetItem
from pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils import fprint

[docs] def generate_inference_set_for_apc(dataset_path): """ Generate inference set for APC dataset. This function only works for APC datasets located in integrated_datasets. """ # Print a message for the user to ensure that the dataset is located in integrated_datasets fprint( "To ensure your generation is successful, make sure your dataset is located in integrated_datasets." ) # If dataset_path is a DatasetItem object, get the dataset_name attribute if isinstance(dataset_path, DatasetItem): dataset_name = dataset_path.dataset_name else: dataset_name = dataset_path # Find the train, valid, and test datasets for the specified dataset_name train_datasets = findfile.find_cwd_files( [ "dataset", "train", pyabsa.TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification, dataset_name, ], exclude_key=[".inference", "readme"], ) valid_datasets = findfile.find_cwd_files( [ "dataset", "valid", pyabsa.TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification, dataset_name, ], exclude_key=[".inference", "readme"], ) test_datasets = findfile.find_cwd_files( [ "dataset", "test", pyabsa.TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification, dataset_name, ], exclude_key=[".inference", "readme"], ) # Loop through each dataset file and generate an inference set for each one for file in train_datasets + valid_datasets + test_datasets: try: # Open the dataset file and read the lines fin = open(file, "r", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") lines = fin.readlines() # Loop through each line in the file and check for empty lines for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.strip(): raise ValueError( "empty line: #{}, previous line: {}".format(i, lines[i - 1]) ) fin.close() # Create the path to save the inference set path_to_save = file + ".inference" # Open the output file and write the converted lines to it fout = open( path_to_save, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n", errors="ignore" ) for i in range(0, len(lines), 3): # Replace the aspect term with [B-ASP] and [E-ASP] tags sample = ( lines[i] .strip() .replace("$T$", "[B-ASP]{}[E-ASP]".format(lines[i + 1].strip())) ) # Write the sample and label to the output file fout.write(sample + " $LABEL$ " + lines[i + 2].strip() + "\n") fout.close() # Print the path to the saved inference set fprint("save in: {}".format(path_to_save)) except: fprint("Unprocessed file:", file) # Print a message to indicate that the inference set generation has finished fprint("Inference set generation finished")
[docs] def is_similar(s1: str, s2: str) -> bool: """ Determines if two strings are similar based on the number of common tokens they share. :param s1: string 1 :param s2: string 2 :return: True if strings are similar, False otherwise """ # Split the strings into sets of tokens tokens1 = set(s1.split()) tokens2 = set(s2.split()) # Compute the intersection of the sets to get common tokens common_tokens = tokens1.intersection(tokens2) # Compute the similarity as the ratio of common tokens to the maximum length of the two sets similarity = len(common_tokens) / max(len(tokens1), len(tokens2)) # Return True if the similarity is greater than or equal to 0.8, False otherwise return similarity >= 0.8
[docs] def assemble_aspects(fname, use_tokenizer=False): """ Preprocesses the input file, groups sentences with similar aspects, and generates samples with the corresponding aspect labels and polarities. :param fname: The filename to be preprocessed :type fname: str :param use_tokenizer: Whether to use a tokenizer, defaults to False :type use_tokenizer: bool, optional :return: A list of samples :rtype: list """ # Import tokenizer from transformers library if `use_tokenizer` is True if use_tokenizer: from transformers import AutoTokenizer tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("microsoft/deberta-v3-base") # Open and read the input file fin = open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n", errors="ignore") lines = fin.readlines() fin.close() # Raise an error if an empty line is found for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.strip(): raise ValueError( "empty line: #{}, previous line: {}".format(i, lines[i - 1]) ) # Preprocess the data by replacing tokens and splitting the text into tokens for i in range(len(lines)): if i % 3 == 0 or i % 3 == 1: if use_tokenizer: lines[i] = ( " ".join(tokenizer.tokenize(lines[i].strip())) .replace("$ t $", "$T$") .replace("$ T $", "$T$") ) else: lines[i] = ( " ".join(simple_split_text(lines[i].strip())) .replace("$ t $", "$T$") .replace("$ T $", "$T$") ) else: lines[i] = lines[i].strip() # Group sentences with similar aspects and generate samples with the corresponding aspect labels and polarities def unify_same_samples(same_samples): text = same_samples[0][0].replace("$T$", same_samples[0][1]) polarities = [pyabsa.LabelPaddingOption.SENTIMENT_PADDING] * len(text.split()) tags = ["O"] * len(text.split()) samples = [] for sample in same_samples: polarities_tmp = copy.deepcopy(polarities) try: asp_begin = sample[0].split().index("$T$") asp_end = sample[0].split().index("$T$") + len(sample[1].split()) for i in range(asp_begin, asp_end): polarities_tmp[i] = sample[2] if i - sample[0].split().index("$T$") < 1: tags[i] = "B-ASP" else: tags[i] = "I-ASP" samples.append([text, tags, polarities_tmp]) except: fprint("Ignore Error:", sample[0]) return samples samples = [] aspects_in_one_sentence = [] for i in range(0, len(lines), 3): lines[i] = lines[i].replace("$T$", " $T$ ").replace(" ", " ") if len(aspects_in_one_sentence) == 0: aspects_in_one_sentence.append([lines[i], lines[i + 1], lines[i + 2]]) continue if is_similar(aspects_in_one_sentence[-1][0], lines[i]): aspects_in_one_sentence.append([lines[i], lines[i + 1], lines[i + 2]]) else: samples.extend(unify_same_samples(aspects_in_one_sentence)) aspects_in_one_sentence = [] aspects_in_one_sentence.append([lines[i], lines[i + 1], lines[i + 2]]) samples.extend(unify_same_samples(aspects_in_one_sentence)) return samples
[docs] def split_aspects(sentence): """ Splits a sentence into multiple aspects, each with its own context and polarity. :param sentence: input sentence with multiple aspects :return: list of tuples containing single aspect with its context and polarity """ single_aspect_with_contex = [] aspect_num = len(sentence[1].split("|")) aspects = sentence[1].split("|") polarity = sentence[2].split("|") pre_position = 0 aspect_context = sentence[0] for i in range(aspect_num): aspect_context = aspect_context.replace("$A$", aspects[i], 1) single_aspect_with_contex.append( ( aspect_context[pre_position : aspect_context.find("$A$")], aspects[i], polarity[i], ) ) pre_position = aspect_context.find(aspects[i]) + len(aspects[i]) + 1 return single_aspect_with_contex
[docs] def convert_atepc(fname, use_tokenizer): """ Converts the input file to the Aspect Term Extraction and Polarity Classification (ATEPC) format. :param fname: filename :param use_tokenizer: whether to use a tokenizer """ fprint("coverting {} to {}.atepc".format(fname, fname)) dist_fname = fname.replace("apc_datasets", "atepc_datasets") if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dist_fname)) and not os.path.isfile( dist_fname ): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dist_fname)) dist_fname += ".atepc" lines = [] samples = assemble_aspects(fname, use_tokenizer) for sample in samples: for token_index in range(len(sample[1])): token, label, polarity = ( sample[0].split()[token_index], sample[1][token_index], sample[2][token_index], ) lines.append(token + " " + label + " " + str(polarity)) lines.append("\n") fout = open(dist_fname, "w", encoding="utf8") for line in lines: fout.writelines((line + "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n")) fout.close()
[docs] def convert_apc_set_to_atepc_set(path, use_tokenizer=False): """ Converts APC dataset to ATEPC dataset. :param path: path to the dataset :param use_tokenizer: whether to use a tokenizer """ fprint( 'To ensure your conversion is successful, make sure the dataset name contain "apc" and "dataset" string ' ) if isinstance(path, DatasetItem): path = path.dataset_name if os.path.isfile(path): files = [path] elif os.path.exists(path): files = findfile.find_files( path, ["dataset", pyabsa.TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification], exclude_key=[".inference", "readme"], ) else: files = findfile.find_cwd_files( [path, "dataset", pyabsa.TaskCodeOption.Aspect_Polarity_Classification], exclude_key=[".inference", "readme"], ) fprint("Find datasets files at {}:".format(path)) for target_file in files: if not target_file.endswith(".atepc"): try: convert_atepc(target_file, use_tokenizer) except Exception as e: fprint("failed to process :{}, Exception: {}".format(target_file, e)) else: fprint("Ignore ", target_file) fprint("finished")
[docs] def refactor_chinese_dataset(fname, train_fname, test_fname): """ Refactors the Chinese dataset by splitting it into train and test sets and converting it into the ATEPC format. :param fname: the name of the dataset file :param train_fname: the name of the output train file :param test_fname: the name of the output test file """ lines = [] samples = assemble_aspects(fname) positive = 0 negative = 0 sum_ = 0 # refactor testset for sample in samples[: int(len(samples) / 5)]: for token_index in range(len(sample[1])): token, label, polarty = ( sample[0].split()[token_index], sample[1][token_index], sample[2][token_index], ) lines.append(token + " " + label + " " + str(polarty)) lines.append("\n") if 1 in sample[2]: positive += 1 else: negative += 1 sum_ += 1 fprint(train_fname + f"sum={sum_} positive={positive} negative={negative}") if os.path.exists(test_fname): os.remove(test_fname) fout = open(test_fname, "w", encoding="utf8") for line in lines: fout.writelines((line + "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n")) fout.close() positive = 0 negative = 0 sum_ = 0 # refactor trainset for sample in samples[int(len(samples) / 5) :]: for token_index in range(len(sample[1])): token, label, polarty = ( sample[0].split()[token_index], sample[1][token_index], sample[2][token_index], ) lines.append(token + " " + label + " " + str(polarty)) lines.append("\n") if 1 in sample[2]: positive += 1 else: negative += 1 sum_ += 1 fprint(train_fname + f"sum={sum_} positive={positive} negative={negative}") if os.path.exists(train_fname): os.remove(train_fname) fout = open(train_fname, "w", encoding="utf8") for line in lines: fout.writelines((line + "\n").replace("\n\n", "\n")) fout.close()
[docs] def detect_error_in_dataset(dataset): """ Detects errors in a given dataset by checking if the sentences with similar aspects have different lengths. :param dataset: dataset file name """ f = open(dataset, "r", encoding="utf8") lines = f.readlines() for i in range(0, len(lines), 3): # fprint(lines[i].replace('$T$', lines[i + 1].replace('\n', ''))) if i + 3 < len(lines): if is_similar(lines[i], lines[i + 3]) and len( (lines[i] + " " + lines[i + 1]).split() ) != len((lines[i + 3] + " " + lines[i + 4]).split()): fprint(lines[i].replace("$T$", lines[i + 1].replace("\n", ""))) fprint(lines[i + 3].replace("$T$", lines[i + 4].replace("\n", "")))