Source code for pyabsa.utils.pyabsa_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file:
# time: 2021/5/20 0020
# author: YANG, HENG <> (杨恒)
# github:
# Copyright (C) 2021. All Rights Reserved.
import os
import sys
import time

import torch
from autocuda import auto_cuda, auto_cuda_name
from termcolor import colored

from pyabsa import __version__ as pyabsa_version
from pyabsa.framework.flag_class.flag_template import DeviceTypeOption

[docs] def save_args(config, save_path): """ Save arguments to a file. Args: - config: A Namespace object containing the arguments. - save_path: A string representing the path of the file to be saved. Returns: None """ f = open(os.path.join(save_path), mode="w", encoding="utf8") for arg in config.args: if config.args_call_count[arg]: f.write("{}: {}\n".format(arg, config.args[arg])) f.close()
[docs] def validate_absa_example(text: str, aspect: str, polarity: str, config): """ Validate input text, aspect, and polarity to ensure they meet certain criteria. Args: - text (str): The input text to validate. - aspect (str): The input aspect to validate. - polarity (str): The input polarity to validate. - config: Configuration options. Returns: - warning (bool): Flag indicating whether there are any warnings. """ # Ensure aspect is not longer than text if len(text) < len(aspect): raise ValueError( "AspectLengthExceedTextError -> <aspect: {}> is longer than <text: {}>, <polarity: {}>".format( aspect, text, polarity ) ) # Ensure aspect is in text if aspect.strip().lower() not in text.strip().lower(): raise ValueError( "AspectNotInTextError -> <aspect: {}> is not in <text: {}>>".format( aspect, text ) ) warning = False # Raise a warning if aspect is too long if len(aspect.split(" ")) > 10: config.logger.warning( "AspectTooLongWarning -> <aspect: {}> is too long, <text: {}>, <polarity: {}>".format( aspect, text, polarity ) ) warning = True # Ensure polarity is not too long if len(polarity.split(" ")) > 3: config.logger.warning( "LabelTooLongWarning -> <polarity: {}> is too long, <text: {}>, <aspect: {}>".format( polarity, text, aspect ) ) warning = True # Ensure polarity is not null if not polarity.strip(): raise ValueError( "PolarityIsNullError -> <text: {}>, <aspect: {}>, <polarity: {}>".format( aspect, text, polarity ) ) # Raise a warning if aspect equals text if text.strip() == aspect.strip(): config.logger.warning( "AspectEqualsTextWarning -> <aspect: {}> equals <text: {}>, <polarity: {}>".format( aspect, text, polarity ) ) warning = True # Ensure text is not null if not text.strip(): raise ValueError( "TextIsNullError -> <text: {}>, <aspect: {}>, <polarity: {}>".format( aspect, text, polarity ) ) return warning
[docs] def check_and_fix_labels(label_set: set, label_name, all_data, config): """ Check and fix the labels of the dataset. Args: label_set (set): A set of unique labels in the dataset. label_name (str): Name of the label column in the dataset. all_data (list): List of dictionaries containing the dataset. config (Config): The config object. Returns: None. """ if "-100" in label_set: # Create label_to_index and index_to_label dictionaries for mapping labels to their corresponding indices # If "-100" is in the label_set, then map "-100" to -100 label_to_index = { origin_label: int(idx) - 1 if origin_label != "-100" else -100 for origin_label, idx in zip(sorted(label_set), range(len(label_set))) } index_to_label = { int(idx) - 1 if origin_label != "-100" else -100: origin_label for origin_label, idx in zip(sorted(label_set), range(len(label_set))) } else: # Create label_to_index and index_to_label dictionaries for mapping labels to their corresponding indices label_to_index = { origin_label: int(idx) for origin_label, idx in zip(sorted(label_set), range(len(label_set))) } index_to_label = { int(idx): origin_label for origin_label, idx in zip(sorted(label_set), range(len(label_set))) } # Save label_to_index and index_to_label in the config object if not already saved if "index_to_label" not in config.args: config.index_to_label = index_to_label config.label_to_index = label_to_index # Update the label_to_index and index_to_label dictionaries in the config object if needed if config.index_to_label != index_to_label: config.index_to_label.update(index_to_label) config.label_to_index.update(label_to_index) # Count the number of labels in the dataset num_label = {label: 0 for label in label_set} num_label["Sum"] = len(all_data) for item in all_data: # Map the label to its corresponding index try: num_label[item[label_name]] += 1 item[label_name] = label_to_index[item[label_name]] except Exception as e: num_label[item.polarity] += 1 item.polarity = label_to_index[item.polarity] # Log the label distribution in the dataset"Dataset Label Details: {}".format(num_label))
[docs] def check_and_fix_IOB_labels(label_map, config): """ Check and fix IOB labels. Args: label_map (dict): A dictionary that maps IOB labels to their corresponding indices. config (Config): A configuration object. Returns: None """ index_to_IOB_label = { int(label_map[origin_label]): origin_label for origin_label in label_map } config.index_to_IOB_label = index_to_IOB_label
[docs] def set_device(config, auto_device): """ Sets the device to be used for the PyTorch model. :param config: An instance of ConfigManager class that holds the configuration for the model. :param auto_device: Specifies the device to be used for the model. It can be either a string, a boolean, or None. If it is a string, it can be either "cuda", "cuda:0", "cuda:1", or "cpu". If it is a boolean and True, it automatically selects the available CUDA device. If it is None, it uses the autocuda. :return: device: The device to be used for the PyTorch model. device_name: The name of the device. """ device_name = "Unknown" if isinstance(auto_device, str) and auto_device == DeviceTypeOption.ALL_CUDA: device = "cuda" elif isinstance(auto_device, str): device = auto_device elif isinstance(auto_device, bool): device = auto_cuda() if auto_device else DeviceTypeOption.CPU else: device = auto_cuda() try: torch.device(device) except RuntimeError as e: print( colored("Device assignment error: {}, redirect to CPU".format(e), "red") ) device = DeviceTypeOption.CPU if device != DeviceTypeOption.CPU: device_name = auto_cuda_name() config.device = device config.device_name = device_name fprint("Set Model Device: {}".format(device)) fprint("Device Name: {}".format(device_name)) return device, device_name
[docs] def fprint(*objects, sep=" ", end="\n", file=sys.stdout, flush=False): """ Custom print function that adds a timestamp and the pyabsa version before the printed message. Args: *objects: Any number of objects to be printed sep (str, optional): Separator between objects. Defaults to " ". end (str, optional): Ending character after all objects are printed. Defaults to "\n". file (io.TextIOWrapper, optional): Text file to write printed output to. Defaults to sys.stdout. flush (bool, optional): Whether to flush output buffer after printing. Defaults to False. """ print( time.strftime( "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] ({})".format(pyabsa_version), time.localtime(time.time()), ), *objects, sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush )
[docs] def rprint(*objects, sep=" ", end="\n", file=sys.stdout, flush=False): """ Custom print function that adds a timestamp, the pyabsa version, and a newline character before and after the printed message. Args: *objects: Any number of objects to be printed sep (str, optional): Separator between objects. Defaults to " ". end (str, optional): Ending character after all objects are printed. Defaults to "\n". file (io.TextIOWrapper, optional): Text file to write printed output to. Defaults to sys.stdout. flush (bool, optional): Whether to flush output buffer after printing. Defaults to False. """ print( time.strftime( "\n[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S] ({})\n".format(pyabsa_version), time.localtime(time.time()), ), *objects, sep=sep, end=end, file=file, flush=flush )
[docs] def init_optimizer(optimizer): """ Initialize the optimizer for the PyTorch model. Args: optimizer: str or PyTorch optimizer object. Returns: PyTorch optimizer object. Raises: KeyError: If the optimizer is unsupported. """ optimizers = { "adadelta": torch.optim.Adadelta, # default lr=1.0 "adagrad": torch.optim.Adagrad, # default lr=0.01 "adam": torch.optim.Adam, # default lr=0.001 "adamax": torch.optim.Adamax, # default lr=0.002 "asgd": torch.optim.ASGD, # default lr=0.01 "rmsprop": torch.optim.RMSprop, # default lr=0.01 "sgd": torch.optim.SGD, "adamw": torch.optim.AdamW, torch.optim.Adadelta: torch.optim.Adadelta, # default lr=1.0 torch.optim.Adagrad: torch.optim.Adagrad, # default lr=0.01 torch.optim.Adam: torch.optim.Adam, # default lr=0.001 torch.optim.Adamax: torch.optim.Adamax, # default lr=0.002 torch.optim.ASGD: torch.optim.ASGD, # default lr=0.01 torch.optim.RMSprop: torch.optim.RMSprop, # default lr=0.01 torch.optim.SGD: torch.optim.SGD, torch.optim.AdamW: torch.optim.AdamW, } if optimizer in optimizers: return optimizers[optimizer] elif hasattr(torch.optim, optimizer.__name__): return optimizer else: raise KeyError( "Unsupported optimizer: {}. " "Please use string or the optimizer objects in torch.optim as your optimizer".format( optimizer ) )